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  • Algorytmy, które ranią - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Algorytmy, które ranią - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Algorytmy, które ranią

Od jakiegoś czasu zacząłem bacznie się przyglądać playlistom, które oferuje YouTube. W teorii - mają pomagać zestawić kilka klipów. W praktyce może się okazać, że oglądając "Świnkę Peppę" Twoje dziecko obejrzy filmik, którego nigdy w życiu nie powinno zobaczyć (i nie - nie chodzi o porno).

W dużym skrócie: ktoś systematycznie dodaje i promuje chore produkcje w których pojawia się przemoc oraz pokazywane są zachowania, których małe dzieci nie powinny być świadkiem. Dlaczego? Bo zarabia na tym pieniądze. Rodzice sadzają dzieci przed monitorem i włączają "play". Nie są w stanie kontrolować każdego filmu (w końcu przecież po to weszli na YouTube'a i wybrali "bezpieczny" kanał z filmami dla dzieci).

Takich sytuacji będzie coraz więcej - firmy tworzą algorytmy, które zestawiają losowo słowa i promujące szokujące koszulki ("KEEP CALM AND RAPE A LOT"). Sądzę, że nawet kiedy pojawi się naprawdę inteligentna AI ten proceder nie zniknie a nasili się. Po prostu będzie coraz więcej pola do błędów.

W tym cała nadzieja dla ludzi - będziemy do czegoś potrzebni. Chociażby do sprawdzania algorytmów i uczenia AI.

Artur Kurasiński

Doświadcz VR i AR na Aula Polska już 23 listopada!

Doświadcz VR i AR! Już 23 listopada na Campus Warsaw podczas Aula Polska. Oprócz świetnych prelegentów (Paweł Ruszlewski i Łukasz Leśniak z Senfino, Bogumił Jankiewicz z Disco VR, Adam Cegielski z VR VISIO oraz Paweł Surgiel z Bivrost) będzie tez okazja do potestowania technologii za pomocą sześciu stanowisk do VR. Zapisy i wstęp za darmo! https://aula-vr.evenea.pl/

Nadzieja polskiego dziennikarstwa - Outriders

Chcesz nie popełnić tego samego błędu co ja? Czytaj!

Startupie! Zgłoś się do The Ventures i wygraj 1 mln$

Poker machines use a range of design features that leverage psychology to keep people playing. Here, we break them down so you can see exactly how they work, and how it affects people

In Japan, you can pay an actor to impersonate your relative, spouse, coworker, or any kind of acquaintance.

Thanks to a profitable casino, an Indian tribe gives its members sizeable cash payments. It’s called a basic income and might be the solution to job losses brought on by automation and globalization.

According to Forbes, more than $2.3 billion has been raised in token sales, aka “ICO’s” so far in 2017. As an entrepreneur who has raised more than $300 million of venture capital equity financing in…

In an era where startups are mortgaging their futures for capital, a company called CMON stands out for raising $35,943,270M of non-dilutive funding on Kickstarter over the course of 28 campaigns…

The Paradise Papers showed how the rich and powerful hide their money offshore to avoid paying tax.

Alibaba has set another Single's Day record after the e-commerce giant sold over $25 billion of product on the Chinese biggest online shopping date. The..

If you have ever threaded the waters of any crypto service you will have to go through a tedious security on-boarding which includes complex and long phrases and codes to remember or store securely…

Will a meatless food industry featuring lab-grown meat, seafood substitutes, and insect protein be the future of food? Food giants from Tyson to Cargill are working to navigate a future where protein isn't dominated by traditional animal sources.

Launching a podcast can be a dark art. There’s no shortage of rumours, snake oil, and just plain bad information out there about how to launch a new show. At Pacific Content, we worked with the non…

Musical.ly, the maker of a social-media app popular among teens and tweens, has agreed to be acquired by Chinese news and information site Beijing Bytedance Technology for as much as $1 billion.

Cryptographers have researched zero-knowledge proofs for two decades, but the technique is only just now poised to redefine the concept of online privacy.

Disney and Lucasfilm said that 'The Last Jedi' director Rian Johnson will create a brand-new Star Wars trilogy with new characters.

Disney has been at the center of both deal chatter and an investigation that looked into its financial dealings with the California city of Anaheim.

The music was so loud neighbors called police who broke down the front door.

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Bitcoin is a system with many strict rules but without any rulers. This is made possible because the rules are enforced by each and every user of the system. Changing the existing rules is nearly…

A few weeks ago I met with, and interviewed, Alexander Nix, the CEO of Cambridge Analytica. His company has been credited with helping Donald Trump win the..

There has been an explosion of software vendors in the past 10 years. In fact, it has been the fastest-growing segment of the technology industry and a big driver of digital transformation across all 27 industries.

Google and Salesforce said they signed a new partnership deal in which they will make their respective business tools easier to work with.

Israeli company Corephotonics filed a lawsuit against Apple yesterday, just as Apple was awarded $120 million by the Supreme Court after a prolonged battle with Samsung. Corephotonics, a maker of...

Bankers and investors had concerns about nonnegotiable conditions made by Snap ahead of its IPO, plus broader worries about the app-maker’s growth prospects, but didn’t want to risk losing a piece of the potentially blockbuster deal. ​

Snap's losing streak continued with today's Q3 2017 earnings report that saw it miss financial expectations and add just 4.5 million users. Snap earned $207.9..

Influencers have changed their posting habits on Instagram and are moving away from Snapchat according to a new report.

The company sent out an email to drivers asking how much they would want to be paid for tasks like health care, moving or customer services tasks.

The massive calculating power of quantum computers will be able to break Bitcoin security within 10 years, say security experts.

Opposing the bill became difficult for the companies, which have been under harsh scrutiny in recent weeks.

The Guardian is now making more money from reader revenue including paid memberships and subscriptions, than advertising revenue.

Estonia is to block thousands of citizens from accessing online government services from Saturday while it works to fix a security flaw.

We visited two of the leading fusion energy research facilities to see how public and private ventures are bringing the stars down to Earth.

Wpływowa blogerka z USA znana jako Jenna Abrams okazała się fikcyjnym tworem rosyjskich propagandystów. To kolejny dowód na długofalowe i wielopoziomowe oddziaływanie Federacji Rosyjskiej w przestrzeni informacyjnej Stanów Zjednoczonych.

| Autor: a.lelonek

The title of this post pays homage to Marc Andreessen’s epic post in 2012, “Why Software is Eating the World.” Marc made some very interesting observations in that seminal post where he succinctly…

Take the latest installment, from Professor Mohanbir Sawhney at the Kellogg School of Management (one of my former professors, incidentally):

Nielsen released viewership numbers for the second season of Stranger Things and said the show was a hit. But Netflix is disputing them

For better and worse, toys powered by AI are becoming an intimate part of kids’ lives.

Facebook joins Twitter in new transparency rules around ads that will eliminate dark posts and show who paid for posts in response to Russian election meddling.

Tech companies today are facing incredibly complex problems. Wunderkind founders might not be the best people to solve them.

As America has turned away from searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, China has built the world’s largest radio dish for precisely that purpose.

Resonance Audio by Google provides a full-featured spatial audio solution with real-time rendering of virtual sound objects, reflections, reverb, directivity patterns, occlusion effects, and more.

Uber has inked a partnership with Nasa over its flying taxi plans and says now it's aiming to get demo flights up and running in Los Angeles by 2020. 

Apple Inc., seeking a breakthrough product to succeed the iPhone, aims to have technology ready for an augmented-reality headset in 2019 and could ship a product as early as 2020.

Notowania spółki LiveChat spadają w dwucyfrowym tempie po informacji o tym, że Facebook uruchomił nową wersję platformy Messenger, przeznaczoną dla klientów biznesowych.

Waymo's first product will be a driverless taxi service in the Phoenix area.

Apple and the Paradise Papers: The editor-in-chief of the Süddeutsche Zeitung writes an open letter to the CEO of Apple.