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Apple wart bilion? To kpina! Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Don't be evil

Facebook, który wziął się za usuwanie botów i firm, które z fake news zrobiły biznes stracił 120 mld w wycenie giełdowej. To jest największa strata spółki giełdowej prawdopodobnie w historii amerykańskiej giełdy.

Twitter, który usunął miliony fake kont stracił 21% swojej wyceny. Inwestorzy nie nagradzają za bycie fair i próbę wejścia Facebooka i Twittera na "białą stronę mocy".

Tymczasem ewaluacja Apple przekroczyła bilion dolarów. Spółka, która produkuje bardzo drogie telefony, na konferencjach chwali się animacjami kupy i nie chce współpracować z organami ścigania nawet w przypadku podejrzeń o terroryzm. Do tego dziesiątki afer wywołanych wadliwym sprzętem i oprogramowaniem.

Rynek nagradza firmy, które wykazują wzrost i przynoszą zyski. Facebook i Twitter pod presją mediów, amerykańskiego Senatu i Brukseli wybrały drogę pokuty. W zamian za to dostały kopa w tyłek a ich biznesy zanurkowały.

Jaki to jest sygnał dla kolejnego technokratycznego libertarianina z Doliny Krzemowej?

Nie przejmuj się wpływem swojej firmy na demokrację, politykę czy życie społeczne. Rób wszystko żeby zarabiać na swoich usługach i produktach.

To bardzo głupie i złe ale tak działa wolny rynek.

PS Największe upały szczęśliwie spędziłem nad polskim morzem a potem na spływie kajakowym. Bałtyk miał temperaturę 25 stopni. W rzekach widziałem martwe ryby, które zginęły z powodu temperatur. I pomyśleć, że naprawdę nadal są ludzie, którzy nie wierzą w globalne ocieplenie. Oby do zimy.

Artur Kurasiński

Some numbers published in a report from The Information reveal that very few owners of Alexa-powered devices use them for shopping. Of about 50 million Alexa users, only about 100,000 reportedly bought something via voice interface more than once. It’s not exactly surprising, but it may still harm the narrative of conversational commerce that Amazon and others are trying to advance.

How to take back your mind, according to these former tech addicts.

Krzysztof Pikiewicz objął stanowisko Chief Operating Officera w globalnych strukturach ESL. Oznacza to, że w tej superfirmie esportowej będzie raportował jedynie do Co-CEO Davida Neichela i Ralfa Reicharta, Co-CEO i jej założyciela.

A UK program offers young cybercriminals an alternative to detention and hopes to turn them into legit tech professionals.

Growing up, my brother and I couldn’t get enough of Space: 1999, a mid-’70s series that hypnotized us with cool special effects, the crush-worthy Barbara Bain, who acted alongside her real-life…

Backlash swelled this morning after Facebook’s aspirations in financial services were blown out of proportion by a Wall Street Journal report that neglected how the social network already works with banks.

Wynagrodzenie dla kontrowersyjnego Youtubera, który wziął udział w akcji Polskiej Organizacji Turystycznej, wynosiło tyle, co jedna trzecia budżetu całej kampanii.

Jones got booted from another major platform Monday.

Spin cycling and media streaming company Peloton is on the road to becoming “the Netflix of fitness,” according to an investor who bought in at the company’s latest funding round, which caps at $550 million, CNBC reported.

Adverse selection will bite you if you’re not careful.

How CEO Daniel Ek plans to beat Apple, Amazon, and Google at the music game.

The space agency announced the nine men and women who will be the first to fly on new spacecraft operated by Boeing and SpaceX.

We spent last week in Philadelphia at Podcast Movement, the largest annual conference for the podcast industry. We’re big fans of podcasting, and it’s been exciting to see the conference grow from a…

Retail industry news, voices and jobs. Optimized for your mobile phone.

The West Coast is a growing target of foreign espionage. And it’s not ready to fight back.

How the anti-government tech-libertarianism of John Perry Barlow gave way to enthusiasm for wealth redistribution and a Berniecrat named Ro Khanna.

The latest news, updates, and announcements from Uber.

In his new book, 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, the bestselling author of Sapiens and Homo Deus turns his attention to the problems we face today

While I was mostly unplugged on my vacation last week, with the news of Facebook’s disappointing earnings report and subsequent stock decline — the largest one-day loss by any company in U.S. stock market history — I couldn’t resist chiming in on Twitter:https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/01/tesla-earnings-q2-2018.html

Model 3 sales fueled revenues, but the company still spent heavily during the quarter.

Gene-editing tool CRISPR is changing the ways we develop new medical treatments, power our vehicles, and even brew our beer. Here are the industries this cutting-edge technology could disrupt.https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/exclusive-walmart-unveils-grocery-picking-robots-test-store-064113990.html

There could be a future where robots will do most of your grocery shopping for you. And for some Walmart shoppers, that future is getting even closer.

There's still no good defense against drones attacks like the one that allegedly targeted Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro Saturday.

For being the richest company ever with $243 billion in cash, Apple sure cuts corners in the stingiest ways. The hardware giant became the first trillion-dollar company this week.

In an excerpt from her memoir, Small Fry, the author reflects on Jobs’s privacy, his temper, and watching a legend grow before her eyes.

Cyfrowy magazyn o ecommerce, technologii i marketingu

Dzieci używające technologii aktywowanej głosem są znacznie młodsze od malców wykorzystujących inne urządzenia. Niektórzy rodzice martwią się, że w ten sposób ich pociechy wyrabiają w sobie złe nawyki.

To już trzeci z kolei artykuł pt. Ile zarabia pozycjoner? Poprzednie artykuły miały miejsce w 2012 i 2016 roku i doszły mnie słuchy, że wydanie z 2016 roku było bardzo przydatne w działach HR wielu firm, podczas stosowania podwyżek czy procesu rekrutacji – zatem czas na aktualizację danych!

Existing Musical.ly users have been migrated over to their new Tik Tok accounts.

The iPhone maker's stock continues to hit new milestones. Apple is the first US company to top a market valuation of $1 trillion. But it could soon have company. Amazon, Google owner Alphabet and Microsoft aren't too far behind.

Produkt Brastera się nie przyjął, a notowania spółki wciąż nie mogą znaleźć dna. W środę firma poinformowała, że II kwartale 2018 roku nabywców znalazło ledwie 8 urządzeń przez nią wyprodukowanych.

Learn about the development prospects of the car sharing market and the future of transportation.

Google’s search service could be poised to make a dramatic return to China next year, according to an explosive report from The Intercept.

Apple is inching closer and closer to becoming a $1 trillion company today after posting third-quarter results that beat what analysts were expecting and bumping the stock another few percentage points — which, by Apple standards, is tens of billions of dollars.

The future you're worried about has already been here.

Chinese government agencies and state-controlled media have initiated a new campaign to block “prohibited content” from Apple devices. If Apple refuses to cooperate, authorities could shut down services that are violating Chinese laws, the report says.

In Silicon Valley, home prices are out of control and are unaffordable even for tech workers, according to a survey by Team Blind, which operates an anonymous online community for workplaces. The survey found that 59 percent of tech workers — including many at 13 major tech companies — said they c…

Mark Zuckerberg is imperfect, naive, and sometimes overly defensive. He can be robotic, unrelatable, and frustrating. He could also be a whole lot worse.

Kto rozdaje karty w światowej produkcji elektroniki? Nie, nie szef Apple’a, czy Samsunga ale Dan Gertler. Tajemniczy biznesmen z listy najbogatszych Forbesa, który dzięki przyjaźni z kongijskim prezydentem zaopatrywał w cenne surowce pół świata

But opponents are already massing against his most ambitious plan — to change Europe’s approach to internet liability.

Choć międzynarodowe koncerny informatyczne sprzedają w Polsce usługi i sprzęt za ogromne kwoty, to w rankingach płacenia CIT już tak nie brylują

Investors pummeled Twitter Inc.’s stock in Friday trading as the company reported that user growth had turned negative, even as its quarterly results beat Wall Street expectations on the top and bottom lines.

It’s been over a year since we last revisited the “startups of yesteryear”. In this series, we look at the private, independent UK companies which raised equity investment in 2011, and plot their successes and failures in the following years.

Cyfrowy magazyn o ecommerce, technologii i marketingu

Taxify walczy z Uberem o pasażerów i kierowców. Za ich wojnę płacą giganci rynku finansowego, technologii i branży motoryzacyjnej. Taksówkarze mogą najwyżej przyglądać się jej z boku.

We’re a full year and a half into cryptocurrency mania and while the craze has mostly died down, celebrities and companies alike are still coming out with partnerships with initial coin offerings and digital coins. Some celebrities have even made it their sole mission on tour, social media, and in panel discussions to promote digital coins.

Most founders dream of building a product that eventually becomes a household name and sells for a billion dollars, but chasing that goal comes with some downsides. We chose a different path.https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/19/17591218/microsoft-q4-2018-earnings-cloud-services-surface-gaming

It’s a “great shame,” says Silicon Valley insider Jaron Lanier, that so much of big tech’s AI has been aimed at manipulating you.

Tesla's stock is dropping nearly 3% after an analyst warned of a problems.

Apple, Inc. is a major player in tech and digital media—learn 12 impressive Apple statistics about iPhones, iOS, Siri, and other company news. 

Alphabet Inc's Loon said on Thursday it would deploy its system of balloons to beam high-speed Internet access with Telkom Kenya from next year to cover rural and suburban populations, marking its first commercial deal in Africa.

Jak dowiedział się Business Insider Polska, Zoe Adamovicz, Polka, która w Niemczech założyła platformę Neufund wraz z maltańską giełdą papierów wartościowych oraz Binance, światowym gigantem w wymianie kryptowalut założy na Malcie pierwszą na świecie regulowaną giełdę opartą o blockchain.

Zuckerberg talks about everything from China to Infowars to whether he should be fired over the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Booksy, polski startup, który chwilę temu chwalił się pozyskaniem od inwestorów prawie 50 mln zł, właśnie poinformował, że łączy się z największym w kraju serwisem do umawiania wizyt - Lavito.pl. Po połączeniu Booksy stanie się największą platformą do umawiania wizyt u fryzjerów, kosmetyczek, barberów czy fizjoterapeutów. Zespół Lavito.pl i jego założyciele do niego dołączą.

Netflix CEO Reed Hastings will team up with a business writer to write a book about his company, which will be published by Penguin Press.

The meat substitute burger company’s diverse R&D team of tech, health, and chem experts want to make Beyond Meat products taste like the real thing.

If big tech companies are going to use Wikipedia as a resource, they should better support its important work, says the executive director of the Wikimedia Foundation

A new study based on Facebook data provides a picture of who is placing political ads on the social network ahead of the midterm elections. President Trump tops the list.

Partnerships between cities and electric-car startups are springing up all over China, spurred by Beijing’s call for the country to become a world power in electric-vehicle technology and by local governments eager to jump on the bandwagon.

CallPage założony przez Rossa Knapa, Sergeya Butko i Andrewa Tkachiva wchodzi na nowy poziom. Runda inwestycyjna pomoże im w walce o runek zagraniczny.

An investigation reveals that the fake news sites that flourished in Macedonia in 2016 weren’t just the work of local teens — and that security agencies are probing possible connections to Russia.

To understand how Google ended up with a €4.3 billion fine and a 90-day deadline to change its business practices around Android, it is critical to keep one date in mind: July 2005.1 That was when Google acquired a still in-development mobile operating system called Android, and to put the acquisition in context, Steve Jobs was, at least publicly, “not convinced people want to watch movies on a tiny little screen”.

In a podcast interview, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recommitted to providing a platform for misinformation. Facebook will continue to offer a platform to Holocaust deniers, Infowars, and other publishers of hoaxes on the assumption that they are sincere in their beliefs, Zuckerberg said.

Twitter is working to remove more so-called fake accounts, but what this means for the company's bottom line remains to be seen.