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  • Do broni! - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Do broni! - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

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W Las Vegas biały mężczyzna otworzył ogień do tłumu zgromadzonego na koncercie. Zabił 59 osób a kilkaset ranił. To najkrwawszy atak pojedynczego napastnika w historii USA. Czy to powstrzyma wyznawców prawa do noszenia i używania broni w Ameryce? Nie. Czy na nowo rozgorzeje spór o to czy Amerykanie są za słabo uzbrojeni (polecam lekturę mitu  o "good guy with a gun") czy może za bardzo? Z pewnością. 

Broń w Ameryce można nabyć pod kilkoma warunkami - niestety jak dowodzi rzeczywistość dostęp do niej jest bardzo mało restrykcyjny.

Co więcej - dzięki nowym technologiom (Ghost Gunner) można stworzyć w domu z kawałka aluminium w pełni działający karabin oraz pistolet. Bez numerów seryjnych, w dowolnej ilości. A propos numerów seryjnych - w Ameryce dzięki ustawie przepchniętej przez lobbystów z NRA nie umożliwiono stworzenia narodowej bazy danych numerów seryjnych broni. Polecam poczytać jak takie sprawdzanie wygląda w rzeczywistości. Oglądamy za dużo seriali o policjantach i ufamy filmowemu wizerunkowi ich pracy.

Dlaczego o tym piszę? Ponieważ w Polsce członkowie partii Kukiz '15 wnieśli projekt zmiany prawa i spowodowania, że dostęp do broni palnej w Polsce ma być łatwiejszy. Społeczeństwo ma się uzbroić. Przeciwko komu? 

Od kilku lat Policja w kolejnych raportach pokazuje, że Polacy coraz bardziej ufają wymiarowi sprawiedliwości i popełniają coraz mniej przestępstw (tych z użyciem broni palnej również). Spada liczba przestępstw. Po co zatem broń? Może do obrony przeciwko uzbrojonym napastnikom, którzy dostęp do broni uzyskują z pominięciem prawa?

Kto i czym nas obroni przed strachem jaki sami tworzymy?

Artur Kurasiński

Smog is back! Już wiesz jaki wybrać oczyszczacz?

Już w najbliższą środę w Warszawie będę miał przyjemność wystąpić z prelekcją podczas in Digital Marketing. Zapraszam! http://www.indm.pl/

Polscy VC o polskich startupach - szczerze i do bólu!

Venture Capital w Polsce – problemy i wyzwania

Narzekając na specyfikę polskiej giełdy Piotr Surmacki wskazuje, że już od kilu lat mógł mieszkać w San Francisco i tam rozwijać biznes.

Odbierz zniżkę 10% na bilety na Filmteractive!

Jak to zrobić? 

1) rozpocznij rejestrację po kliknięciu tutaj: http://bit.ly/2wJImF5 

2) w polu uwagi wpisz “Rabat Kurasińskiego” 

3) dokończ rejestrację :)

Business thinking creative solutions!

Świat biegnie, esport pędzi! Badania i raporty pokazują, że dobrze wie dokąd zmierza. Nad losami graczy pochylił się już Parlament Europejski, a fenomen esportu zadziwił parlamentarzystów ponoć bardziej od Brexitu. Co dalej: Coca-Cola w FIFA18, stylowi zawodnicy, finał Mistrzostw Polski ESL i więcej. Zapraszamy na esportowe podsumowanie września:

Under Armour used to be known primarily for its moisture-wicking t-shirts. In the 21 years since the company was established in founder and CEO Kevin Plank’s grandmother’s basement, the company has expanded its product line extensively to include hats, pants, shoes, gloves, bags, and the like.

Fairfax has been dabbling in online video since 2009, and today it is a massive income generator for the company. One former employee has taken this success to the next level with his own start-up.

Ford is expanding testing of Microsoft HoloLens after a successful pilot the past year in their Design Center.

Not every consumer startup needs to be an e-commerce brand. In fact, most shouldn’t be. E-commerce has catapulted a number of consumer businesses, from Warby Parker to Casper.

Japan's central bank is backing a scheme that could see the the cash-dependent country move toward a digital currency built on blockchain technology.

“Right now, I just want to make quick money.”

If Apple buys Tesla, Apple could attract the kind of talent they need to regain their place at the forefront of new technologies, and Tesla gets stability.

Gospodarka - felietony związane z gospodarką w WirtualneMedia.pl

Creating beautiful hardware products that people rely on every single day is a journey, and we are investing for the long run.

Chris Doran of ARM—the company that designed the chip in your smartphone—explains why security is the biggest obstacle for the Internet of things.

Fundusz Łukasza Wejcherta stawia na kolejny etap ekspansji i rywalizacji z mytaxi czy Uberem. Stawką jest rynek wart ponad 4 mld zł

The Swedish home goods giant is looking for some digital help from the contract labor marketplace.

The European Commission published a set of guidelines today outlining how online service providers should tackle illegal content, including piracy. The recommendation follows the notice-and-stay-down principle, proposing proactive automated filters and measures against repeat infringers.

The dating app knows me better than I do, but these reams of intimate information are just the tip of the iceberg. What if my data is hacked – or sold?

Startups rise and startups fall. 2017 has seen some prominent startups go under. What follows are 10 of the best-funded companies to close in the first nine..

The top 25 public companies by game revenues generated $41.4 Bn in the first half of 2017, a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2016. Learn more.

The History of Sears Predicts Nearly Everything Amazon Is Doing. One hundred years ago, a retail giant that shipped millions of products by mail moved swiftly into the brick-and-mortar business, changing…

Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies have been given an ultimatum by the European Union: rid your platforms of hate speech or face legal consequences. European regulators have been…

We are expecting major announcements related to VR from Microsoft, Google and Facebook. Here is what you can expect.

Oculus co-founder Palmer Luckey discussed his experiments with brain-computer interfaces at an adult VR event.

I was recently asked by a German journalist what happened that Poland has suddenly become such a hot startup hub. Like all overnight successes, it took us nearly 20 years, but I believe it can be…

After a warning period, U.S. regulation of blockchain securities has begun

Like a futuristic postal service... that delivers blood

Serwis do przechowywania plików ma nie tylko monitorować sieć i likwidować nielegalne kopie filmów, ale również kasować konta użytkowników, którzy je zamieścili.

Thanks to CRISPR, scientists are studying animal evolution in ways that were previously thought to be impossible.

The long read: How technology is making our minds redundant

Over the last couple of years I have had the privilege of working with several international marketplace companies that operate — what I call — a “hyper-local multi-country” model (1) and I was able…

Historia Mateusza Chłodnickiego, twórcy start-upu Shuttout, to nie jest wesoła opowieść o przedsiębiorcy technologicznym. Wręcz przeciwnie. To opowieść o przepychankach z inwestorami, ciułaniu środków na biznes i popełnianiu błędów. Ale też o wyciąganiu wniosków. I o biznesowej determinacji

Miliard złotych — taką wartość medialną wygenerował w zeszłym roku Robert Lewandowski, na co złożyło się niemal 130 tys. publikacji. Jeśli dołożymy do tego zagraniczne media i aktywność Anny Lewandowskiej, to okaże się, że najsłynniejsze polskie małżeństwo w świecie marketingu nie ma sobie równych nad Wisłą.

In 1998, during the rise of the dot-com boom, I traveled the world regularly on consulting gigs. Every time I walked through an airport I stopped at the newstand for a stack of magazines so heavy…

Apple’s use of high-tech vehicles to collect data in locales around the world — for some sort of improvement to Apple Maps — has come to the streets of…

An audacious Chinese entrepreneur wants to test your body for everything. But are computers really smart enough to make sense of all that data?

Apple stock is up 33% this year, but weak sales of the iPhone 8 are just confirming investors' worst fears about the company.

In the opening episode of our six-part series on The Witcher, we talk to Marcin Iwiński about life in socialist Poland, the business of games distribution an...

That's the argument of the BBC's Trushar Barot, who believes voice AI is the biggest technology revolution that the news industry is missing — and that it's not too late to do something about it.

The mind behind Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin, is matter-of-fact about the crypto. In short, he believes what interviewer Naval Ravikant called "brain virus" is..

Wireless charging isn’t new. But wireless charging is still limited, particularly in terms of where your device can be while pulling a charge. For the most..

Back in the old days, you needed to buy or lease a server if you needed access to compute power. When we launched EC2 back in 2006, the ability to use an instance for an hour, and to pay only for that hour, was big news.

Fortune offers a closer look at this month's bitcoin crash and four other major price shocks—as well as likely explanations for all of them.

Released in 2011, Justin Timberlake’s film In Time was mediocre at best. Set in 2169, it painted a grim future, where the rich are virtually immortal, as time became money, literally. In the best…

Właściciele nowych samochodów płacą za nie wysokie ceny. W zamian dostają ładny wygląd, dużo nowej technologii i inteligentnych systemów, ale niestety nie zawsze odpowiednio wiele bezpieczeństwa.

YouTube Gaming has announced that its sponsorships feature is now available to all "eligible" creators, with some non-gamers also receiving access.

Auto video playback will only be allowed if sound isn’t played or if the user has shown interest in the clip

China's quantum satellite just facilitated the first intercontinental video call secured using quantum encryption.

From Shakespeare holograms to mental health, how artificial intelligence could transform our schools.

Second amendment provocateur Cody Wilson is upgrading his gun-making machine to make concealable Colt 45s and Glocks.

Let me just rip this band-aid off...

Distributed ledgers could help public health workers respond faster to a crisis.

AS DEVICES go, smartphones and tractors are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. And an owner of a chain of mobile-device repair shops and a farmer of corn and soyabeans do not usually have much in common. But Jason DeWater and Guy Mills are upset for the same reason.

One casualty of the closing: flavored syrups. Some customers reacted with alarm to the news. A fan of toffee nut syrup tweeted, “I need that!”

Elon Musk is giving us a sneak peak of what he'll be talking about in just a few hours at the International Astronautical Congress in Australia. The SpaceX..

Weeks after Beijing banned fundraising through token launches and ordered some bitcoin exchanges to shut, casting a chill over the cryptocurrency industry, traders say that the market is far from dead.

Just about every AI advance you’ve heard of depends on a breakthrough that’s three decades old. Keeping up the pace of progress will require confronting AI’s serious limitations.

Ownership used to be about as straightforward as writing a cheque. If you bought something, you owned it. If it broke, you fixed it. If you no longer wanted it, you sold it or chucked it away. Some…

Entrepreneur Elon Musk, who has long dreamed of creating a human colony on Mars, is planning to build a new rocket ship code named “BFR” capable of traveling anywhere on Earth in under an hour.

China will force auto makers to accelerate production of electric vehicles by 2019, a move that will ripple around the globe as the industry bends to the will of the world’s largest car market.

Publishers like Mic, Fox Sports and Vocativ, which recently laid off editorial staffers in their shifts to video, have seen their website traffic tank, according to multiple measurement firms.

When young people started mobilising online against Togo’s president, the state switched off the internet. In the week that followed, people talked more, worked harder and had less sex – all of which proved bad news for the government

Like many cities, Moscow has an enormous network of CCTV cameras, but unlike many cities, thousands of those cameras are now hooked up to a powerful facial..

Elon Musk, who heads up Tesla and SpaceX, provided a lesson in customer service in his response to an angry customer.