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  • Bruksela wlepiła 5 mld $ kary Google'owi! Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Bruksela wlepiła 5 mld $ kary Google'owi! Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Googzilla kontra Europa

Google to potęga. Wraz z Facebookiem ma już 25 proc. globalnego rynku reklamy (całego rynku - nie tylko reklam online!). I pewnie ta przewaga nad innymi graczami będzie się powiększała.

Dziś Bruksela tupnęła nogą. Europejskim włodarzom nie podobał się sposób w jaki firma Brina i Page'a promuje swoją wyszukiwarkę i przeglądarkę na urządzeniach z systemem Android.

Komisja Europejska uznała, że Google wykorzystuje swoją pozycję monopolisty i blokuje konkurencję. A to w Europie jest ciężkie oskarżenie. Szczególnie jeśli robi tak amerykański podmiot.

Rok temu Google dostał już podobną karę od Europejczyków. Wtedy zasądzono 2,5 mld $ a chodziło o porównywarkę cen.

Czy bój KE z Google maja dla nas, maluczkich jakieś znaczenie? Większość z was powie, że guzik nas interesują starcia wielkiej firmy z jakimś regulatorem. Chyba, że to co robi Google będzie miało wymierny wpływ na wasze życie i biznesy.

Weźmy na przykład takie mapy. Jak wszyscy wiem jest to bardzo fajna usługa. Wiele podmiotów wykorzystuje komercyjnie usługę Google'a do lepszego funkcjonowania ich biznesów.

Jest sobie taki startup "Gdziepolek.pl" pomagający pacjentom w znalezieniu leku w aptece. Fajnie się rozwija. W swoim biznesie wykorzystuje mapy Google. Aż pewnego dnia Google postanawia podnieść ceny. Właściciele firmy dostają maila z informacją, że od jutra mają zapłacić 14 razy więcej za tę samą usługę.

Cieszmy się, że mieszkamy w Europie. Przynajmniej w niektórych kwestiach możemy walczyć z amerykańskimi gigantami jak równy z równym.

PS Udaję się na krótki wypoczyn. Nie zepsujcie bardziej świata jak mnie nie będzie.

Artur Kurasiński

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Jak przez ostatnie lata ewoluowała InternetBeta? Która edycja i jakie wystąpienie najbardziej zapadły w pamięci jej organizatora? Dlaczego bilety sprzedają się jeszcze zanim oficjalnie znani są prelegenci? Prezentujemy wywiad z twórcą Bety, Mateuszem Tułeckim.

The real estate unicorn Compass, worth $2.2 billion, wants to connect front-lawn signage to the digital world.

As a matter of fact, Walmart isn't new to the streaming space. In 2010, the company purchased Vudu, where viewers can rent and buy films -- similar to Amazon’s non-Prime video offerings.

Potrzebujesz pomocy biznesowej? Who you gonna call?


Google z minimalnym wyprzedzeniem postanowił zrobić z Google Maps miliardowy biznes, podnosząc ceny 14 razy oraz obniżając bezpłatny limit prawie 30 razy. Na szczęście natychmiast pobudziło to do działania konkurencję. Apple Maps, MapBox, TomTom - którą alternatywę wybrać?

Meet the hackers who flip seized Instagram handles and cryptocurrency in a shady, buzzing underground market for stolen accounts and usernames. Their victim’s weakness? Phone numbers.

European officials hit the internet giant with the record penalty for abusing its power in the smartphone market, the region’s latest move to rein in the clout of tech companies.

Florence is a game where two people meet, fall in love and eventually drift apart. In this article Ken Wong shows how it was designed.

Obroty na GPW spadają w dramatycznym tempie. A na CD PROJEKT i innych producentach gier – rosną. Jak GPW mogłaby wykorzystać świetną koniunkturę na spółach gamingowych?

PayPal co-founder and well-known tech investor Peter Thiel was a part of Cayman Islands start-up Block.one’s most recent funding round announced Monday.

Accommodation service told it needs to be clearer on total cost including fees and charges

The future of deep-space exploration? "We can't deal with it without autonomy.”

Communist-run Cuba has started providing internet on the mobile phones of select users as it aims to roll out the service nationwide by year-end, in a further step toward opening one of the Western Hemisphere's least connected countries.

Jiayang Fan on how JD.com is expanding its consumer base with drone delivery and local recruits who can exploit villages’ tight-knit social networks.


Rząd zamierza cenzurować internet. I to na wielką skalę

Rolls-Royce wants to take you for a ride in the skies. The U.K.-based jet engine maker has unveiled a new concept for a propulsion system that would power a flying taxi. This would rival similar offerings from Airbus and Uber, and could make air travel far more common (and affordable) than ever before.

Resort finansów, Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego, Główny Inspektor Sanitarny i Ministerstwo Infrastruktury – wiele wskazuje na to, że te cztery podmioty będą niebawem zarządzać blokowanie niezgodnych z prawem stron internetowych.

Netflix Inc's subscriber growth fell short of Wall Street expectations on Monday, sending shares of the normally high-flying stock down 14 percent on fears that the company's rapid expansion is slowing.

Finding an audience on Twitch is so difficult, some people live stream for weeks, months, and sometimes even years without any viewers. Here’s why they do it.

Researchers have developed a new technique to quickly teach robots novel traversal behaviors with minimal human oversight.

This week, two of the biggest economies in Europe set new records for clean energy. The UK's electrical grid has not burned any coal for about 1,000 hours so far this year. Though it's just a symbolic achievement, the pace at which the UK is reaching such figures shows the pace of the energy transition....

Hacker George Hotz is at the "halfway point" in his quest to provide open source self-driving software to the masses. And make a little money too.

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The term implies that cars are self-driving when they are not, the industry says.

Germany’s highest court ruled Thursday (July 12) that the parents of a teenager who died in 2012 after being hit by a train should be allowed to access her Facebook account, including her private messages. The court argued that digital content should be passed onto heirs like letters, books, or diaries. The girl’s parents wanted...

Not because there aren’t people who actually enjoy working in an open office, there are. Quite a few, actually. But they’re in the distinct minority. The vast majority of people either dislike the…

“Video games are bad for you? That’s what they said about rock and roll.”

— Shigeru Miyamoto, celebrated Nintendo game designer After making dents in the financial industry and seeing world…

The infinitely looped clips of anime set to chill-ass beats have millions of devoted followers. Why?

Mac apps are great. They are beautifully designed, crafted with a bunch of handy features, and they have won over the hearts of their users, willing to pay for every update. Mac App Store was…

General Magic is the most influential tech company you’ve never heard of.

Everybody knows about it, everybody believes in it, everybody wants to implement it. Blockchain is the main hero of the modern tech world, the innovation driving all entrepreneurs crazy and…

You don't even need a pilot's licence.

Parlament Europejski wstrzymał prace nad reformą prawa autorskiego w Unii Europejskiej. O co w tej reformie chodzi? Czy jest to wojna między wydawcami „papieru” i tymi z sieci?

Targeted advertising has become so uncanny, it feels like we’re being surveilled. Two artists want to hear these stories.

As online video creators continue to have issues with platforms like YouTube, they may want to consider porn site Pornhub as an alternative.

+++ Save the date and apply now - 6 & 7th October 2017 +++ http://www.idealab.io/application/tickets Oliver Samwer is founder and CEO of Rocket Internet and ...

The Uber of scooters is going to be Uber.

“Fortnite” is on its way to becoming the most popular — or at least the most addictive — game of all time. Since last September, the last-man-standing battle royale has been played by more than 125 million people.

A behind-the-scenes account of the most important company on the Internet, from grad-school all-nighters, space tethers, and Burning Man to the “eigenvector of a matrix,” humongous wealth, and extraordinary power.

Facebook officials struggled on Wednesday to explain why it permits InfoWars, a media organization that is one of the world's leading purveyors of conspiracy theories, to have a page on its platform.

Google cofounder Larry Page has backed flying car startup Opener, which unveiled its first vehicle BlackFly on Thursday. Page has invested in another flying car startup called Kitty Hawk.

Akcje producenta gier jeszcze nigdy nie były tak drogie. Spółka jest wyceniana wyżej niż KGHM i PGE.

Gotta hear both sides (of the Martian NASA-slavery debate).

Yesterday, Twitter announced that it is changing the way it calculates followers, no longer counting accounts that have been locked due to sudden changes in behavior. Right now, the account that seems to have experienced the biggest drop in followers is Twitter itself.

Microsoft opened up the news floodgates this morning, in the kick off to its annual Inspire event in Vegas. One of the more compelling announcements of the bunch is the addition of a free version of Teams.

Are your houseplants burning up in the heat? You should get a robot-plant hybrid, like this mod from Vincross, which can move itself into the shade when it needs to. It even dances angrily when it’s drying up.

In fact, we’re already seeing signs of a new era dawning.

W jaki sposób w ciągu 11 miesięcy uzyskać ponad milion pobrań aplikacji, zaangażować użytkowników, tak aby tworzyli ponad 60% contentu produktu i...

China has twice as many internet users as the total population of the United States -- and it’s growing fast. This unique collaboration between Abacus, 500 Startups, the South China Morning Post, will break down everything you need to know about China’s thriving tech industry, the big players in each field, and lay out the four overarching trends that have emerged.