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  • Dekada iPhone'a - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Dekada iPhone'a - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

...One more thing!

10 lat temu Steve Jobs pokazał światu nowy produkt swojej firmy - iPhone. Media nie wiedziały jak prześciagać się w komplemenach. Konkurencja - jak wyśmiać ten telefon. Po 10 latach wiadomo jedno - to co rozpoczął Jobs jeszcze nie zakończyło się. Mobilna rewolucja przybiera na prędkości i połyka kolejne branże. Już nie software ale mobile pożera świat. Dzięki szybkim procesorom w smartfonach w naszych kieszeniach możliwe jest mobilne korzystanie z VR. Z Internetu Rzeczy. Ze Sztucznej Inteligencji.

Kiedy 10 lat temu Jobs pokazał nowy telefon Nokia, Microsoft, Sony, RIM patrzyli na Apple jak na niesfornego ucznia, który wygłupia się w klasie. Od tego czasu zmienił się rynek na którym z Apple walczy Samsung i kilka chińskich firm.

Czy ktoś postawi chociaż 1$ na to co będzie za kolejne 10 lat? Są tacy szaleńcy?

Artur Kurasiński

Apple szykuje rewolucję związaną z AR

For a company as prone to secrecy as Apple, Tim Cook over the past few months has been uncharacteristically effusive when discussing Augmented Reality.

Premiera pierwszego iPhone'a - jak to było?

The 10th anniversary of Steve Jobs unveiling the iPhone offers business strategy lessons for many industries.

VR w kinie czyli IMAX wchodzi do gry

IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond talks to Fortune about Virtual Reality IMAX's new virtual reality arcades.

blog o mediach elektronicznych, nowych technologiach, biznesie i kulturze masowej. na ostro.

Przyszłością jest posiadanie kawałka swojej sieci

In a world with many blockchains and hundreds of tradable tokens built on top of them, entire industries are automated through software, venture capital and..

Facebook zaczyna monetyzować wideo. Będzie bolało.

Mark Zuckerberg has been building a video empire. Time to turn it into a business.

Nowy rodzaj pracownika potrzebny!

Nearly two years after I left Google, I’m starting to understand what’s going on in the professional sphere. The conventional seams between disciplines are fraying, and the set of skills necessary to…

Złota trzydziestka.

These are the up-and-coming startups in tech.

A Snap kombinuje i pręży muskuły.

In October Recode reported that Snapchat is changing it’s payment model with publishers who create content on the platform: In short, Snapchat is moving away from revenue split deals with publishers…

Taktyka spalonej ziemi w wykonaniu Ubera

The ride-hailing company may be prioritizing growth over profits the way Amazon did 20 years ago.

Co po sobie pozostawi Obama?

The past eight years saw some wins, and more than a few failures.

Atlassian kupuje Trello za 425$ mln

Atlassian Corp. said it agreed to buy privately held Trello Inc. for $425 million, adding a collaboration service to its portfolio of workplace software tools for teams.

Do widzenia Yahoo. Witaj Altaba!

Yahoo said its Chief Executive Marissa Mayer and co-founder David Filo will step down from the board after the sale of its core business is completed, and the company will change its name to Altaba Inc.

Drony to największa rewolucja od czasów a-bomby

Autonomous drones are being called the biggest thing in military technology since the nuclear bomb - 60 Minutes

Jak spółki SaaSowe wykorzystują content do promocji?

Content’s true role in product marketing elicits quizzical looks. Here’s a deep dive into the work of its best practitioners. Hop in.

Dziki wzrost MailChimpa - historia prawdziwa

Learn how a lovable brand and freemium sales model helped make MailChimp one of the world's leading email marketing platforms.

Jak rozwalić biznes poplecznikom alt-right?

Many companies don’t know that their ads are appearing next to abhorrent content. Tell them.

Uber dzieli się danymi z miastami

Big data geeks, you'll get access soon.

10 lat iPhone'a z punktu widzenia Apple

January 9 marks the tenth anniversary of iPhone’s debut. Since its introduction, iPhone has enriched the lives of people around the world.

Postęp oznacza niższe koszta technologii

Alphabet Inc.’s self-driving car unit, Waymo, has slashed the cost of a key technology required to bring self-driving cars to the masses and rolled it out Sunday in an autonomous Chrysler Pacifica minivan.

Super lekkie okulary AR (konkurent HoloLens)

Augmented reality (AR) was one of the important themes at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. There were more than two dozens of companies presenting their new and innovative products…

- Dziewczyna, która ze mną studiowała, zaczęła projektować i sprzedawać hidżaby przez Instagram.

"Zwykła appka do medytacji"

A Buddhist monk, ad exec and financier built Headspace, a $250-million business, to bring meditation to the masses. Now the trio wants to make the app the world’s most comprehensive guide to health and wellness.

Dlaczego Twitter nie może być zbawiony?

Social media is broken. When will we realize that we're the problem?

Problem z oceną działań WikiLeaks

Because hacktivism shouldn't mean doxing, anti-Semitism, or (maybe, possibly, probably not) colluding with Vladimir Putin.

Mija właśnie 20 miesięcy odkąd nasza agencja - Clipatize - rozpoczęła działalność w Zjednoczonych Emiratach Arabskich. Ten artykuł prezentuje nasze...

Dlaczego Amazon robi wszystko inaczej niż Apple?

Google and Apple each thrive in one market. Amazon innovates in everything from cloud computing to retail stores.

82 founderów firm, których warto obserwować

From Fred Wilson and Jack Dorsey to Kathryn Minshew and Dan Primack, these are some of the best tech follows on Twitter.

Internet dla samochodów?

AT&T has teamed up with Delphi and Ford on an initiative to develop a communication network that will allow vehicles to converse with their surrounding environment. With this “vehicle-to-anything” (V2X) framework, the idea is to improve safety, security, traffic congestion, and more.

Samsung sprzedał 5 mln sztuk Gear VR

Samsung Electronics America president Tim Baxter announced that the company has sold 5 million Gear VR virtual reality headsets for mobile devices to date.

Jak będzie rósł rynek VR?

According to Consumer Technology Association (CTA), virtual reality headset unit sales are projected to reach 2.5 million units this year, 79% up from 2016, to drive $660 million in revenues with 43…

Samsung inwestuje 150 mln$ w technologiczne startupy

Samsung on Wednesday announced its intentions to support early-stage startups focused on emerging technologies. The company, through its global innovation group, has established a $150 million fund targeting businesses specializing in virtual reality, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and “other new frontier technologies.”

Wyniki finansowe Samsung zaskakują na plus.

Samsung Electronics Co. underscored the resilience of its business when it reported its best operating profit in three years, weathering the death of its fire-prone Galaxy Note 7 with the help of its workmanlike chip and display divisions and cheaper smartphones.

Dlaczeo musisz mieć w zespole speca od AI?

Andrew Ng, chief scientist at Baidu, explains why at the 2017 Fortune Brainstorm Tech dinner in Las Vegas.

Nvidia jeszcze mocnie wchodzi w branżę gier

Nvidia will debut in March its Netflix-like service for video gamers who play on older, cheaper personal computers.

Medium idzie do piachu?

If advertising isn't going to work as a means of subsidizing the media business, what will Medium replace it with?

Bitcoinie pozwól żyć...

A dramatic rally in digital currency bitcoin came to a spectacular end on Thursday with a plunge of up to 20 percent as China's yuan rose sharply - further evidence of an intriguing inverse relationship between the pair.

Star Trek

Technologia rodem ze Star Trek w twoich rękach

To be honest, I didn't know we could do this yet. Welcome to the future, Paul. SCiO is a miniaturized near-infrared spectrometer, which detects the molecular signature of things. It was Kickstarted...

Co VC przewidują, że wydarzy się w 2017 roku?

Happy New Year Everyone. Yesterday we focused on the past, today we are going to focus on the future, specifically this year we are now in. Here’s what I expect to happen this year:

30 najbardziej viralowych filmów na Facebooku.

See how these top Facebook live streaming videos captured 2016's biggest & most popular moments. Which ones have you seen & are your favorites?

Które narzędzie wybrać do transmisji live?

The battle for best live streaming platform is on. See which social media app wins between veteran Facebook Live vs. Musical.ly's newcomer, Live.ly here:


A lot of car makers are building Alexa skills for their vehicles, but these tend to be about making it possible for car owners to do things like turn on their..

Historia prawdziwa, która nadal się nie skończyła

Hulk Hogan's multimillion-dollar lawsuit against Gawker.com, funded by Trump confidant Peter Thiel, captivated Silicon Valley, New York, the media, and Hollywood. In the end, the suit killed the site and left the First Amendment vulnerable.

Kogo warto obserwować w social mediach? Przedstawiamy listę 42 marketerów, których zdecydowanie warto śledzić!

Kamera w lodówce i cały rynek jest Twój!

Why replace an entire fridge when you can stick a camera inside the one you have?

Dwie AI się kłócą

If you ever wanted to watch two virtual assistants argue with each other for hours on end, well, you’re in luck. Some maniac is live streaming two Google Homes arguing with each other, so of course thousands of people are watching it.

I Snap też kłamał w statystykach.

According to a lawsuit, Snapchat faked its growth metrics in order to boost its value in advance of an IPO.

Pierwsza poważna konkurencja Tesli? Nie.

At a very big event in Las Vegas ahead of CES, Faraday Future showed off the FF 91 — its first production car — and show off a few of its features...

Jak się ma muzyka w USA?

Remember in early 2013 when Apple hit 25 billion iTune song downloads? And Tim Cook said it took Sony 30 years to sell 220,000 Walkmans? Well, fast-forward just...

Jak słuchające nas urządzenia zaczną nas śledzić

Useful voice recognition, combined with AI capable of parsing specific phrases and sentences, is finally here. However, the safeguards are lagging behind the capabilities.

Co VC myślą o rynku transportu w przyszłości?

Everything that moves, says a16z partner Frank Chen, will go autonomous. But what does that really mean? In this presentation from the a16z Summit, Chen goes..

Poświęć swoje 30 min na tę wiedzę!

Everything that moves, says a16z partner Frank Chen, will go autonomous. But what does that really mean? In this presentation from our a16z Summit, Chen goes over…