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Dziękuję - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

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Jesteś bardzo fajnym czytelnikiem, wiesz? :)

Artur Kurasiński

Google Assistant will soon be able to act as your real-life translator in 27 different languages. Google announced today that the voice assistant is getting a new "interpreter mode" that can translate in real time so you can hold conversations with someone who doesn’t share the same tongue. It works, but it’s not magic.

10 milionów przychodu w 6 lat - gdyby ktoś w 2013 r. zapowiedział takie wyniki mojej firmy, to pomyślałbym, że majaczy. Ale to się dzieje.

Ubisoft and Epic Games team up to bring Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 to the Epic Games Store and Ubi Store on PC. The sequel to 2016’s The Division won’t be released on Steam.

Apple Inc. Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook collected his biggest-ever annual bonus for fiscal 2018 after the iPhone maker posted record revenue and profit, and its market value temporarily eclipsed $1 trillion.

Today, 36% of U.S. adults say they have ever used a ride-hailing service such as Uber or Lyft. Prominent urban-rural gaps in adoption exist.

Their numbers and methodologies differ, but Nielsen's own streaming ratings show a consistently solid audience for the Sandra Bullock film.


Plus: More daily news podcasts are on the way, a union win at WNYC, and Kanye.


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After winning the designation, Lora DiCarlo was apparently told that its product didn’t comply with the rules.

A dozen tantalizing tech projects debuting this year


It's difficult to draw the line between distributing essential, hard-to-find cultural relics and piracy.

A może moderatora panelu dyskusyjnego? Energetycznego prelegenta w tematach technologii i innowacji? Prowadzącego konferencję z zagranicznymi gośćmi? Tematy: innowacje, startupy, trendy w technologii i wiele innych. Zapraszam do kontaktu!


Last year a string of controversies revealed a darker (and dumber) side to artificial intelligence.

Jan, 6 2019. A self-driving Tesla Model S hit and destroyed an autonomous Promobot the robot model v4 in Las Vegas in a car accident. The incident took place...

LG has announced the Signature OLED TV R, a groundbreaking 4K television that can roll down into its base and disappear when not in use. It will go on sale in the spring for a price that’s likely to be very, very expensive.


This is Bell Nexus, the "air taxi" concept from the company formerly known as Bell Helicopter. A hyrbid-electric propulsion aircraft, the Nexus will use six tilting ducted fans to take off and land vertically from a rooftop or launchpad. And more importantly, you may be able to hail one using Uber’s new aerial service in the not-too-distant future.

Szef dręczy i wypytuje o nowe pomysły dotarcia do klientów? Adsy nie dowożą? Konferencje nie konwertują? Excel sprzedażowy się nie spina?Spokojnie - jest sobie taki blog i jego autor ;)

The concept car has wheels on robotic legs which can unfold in rough terrain.


Mastercard is removing its name from its logo in most contexts, leaving the interlocking red and yellow circles to represent the brand on cards, in stores, at events and in advertising.

The fabric of space-time may get its robustness from a network of quantum particles, according to a principle called quantum error correction.

Bitcoin is a prime example of how Silicon Valley touts "democratization" and "decentralization" as righteous motives when wealth is the ultimate goal.

The fabric of space-time may get its robustness from a network of quantum particles, according to a principle called quantum error correction.

The free stock-trading service puts both retirement planning and recreational gambling in your pocket.

In a lawsuit on Thursday, the city attorney said tracking was used not just for local forecasts but also for commercial purposes like targeted marketing.

The visionary director of True Detective explains why he went silent for four years.

Mało znana firma Crossover zajmuje 26. piętro słynnego biurowca Frost Bank Tower w Austin, w amerykańskim stanie Teksas. Crossover rekrutuje programistów na całym świecie, gotowych poświęcić 40 lub 50 godzin tygodniowo.

Mercedes-Benz's is not aiming to be the first manufacturer to develop a self-driving car but it wants to be among the first two players able to scale up the technology, Mercedes-Benz executive Christoph Schroeder told German paper Welt am Sonntag.

First 200 get 20% annual premium membership of Brilliant: https://brilliant.org/Polymatter Patreon: https://patreon.com/polymatter Twitter: https://twitter.c...

Things are changing in Cupertino

Apple's home strategy has been moving at a much slow pace than Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa. What should Apple do to change the narrative in 2019?

With CES just around the corner Apple’s latest banner seems like nothing more than a marketing stunt. Still, it rekindles a discussion about mobile privacy, which perfectly suits the research I’ve…

Samsung’s 2018 and 2019 range of televisions will be able to access and play your iTunes movie and TV show library, the company has announced. The TVs will also include support for AirPlay 2, Apple’s wireless streaming standard.

Inside Finland’s plan to train its population in artificial intelligence.

Kohler has updated its Kohler Konnect smart bathroom range with new synchronized lighting features and the Numi 2.0 Intelligent Toilet. It supports Amazon Alexa, has built in ambient lighting, and can play your favorite music, all using voice commands.

Jeśli masz konto w banku, płacisz w sklepach kartą lub telefonem, regulujesz online comiesięczne rachunki, spędzasz wakacje poza domem, oszczędzasz lub inwestujesz pieniądze, ubezpieczasz siebie i swój majątek, pożyczasz pieniądze... nie ominą cię w tym roku kolejne etapy technologicznej rewolucji

The new regulation will end secret divorces - where men end a marriage without telling their wives.

If you've ever watched porn, you've handed over valuable information to some of the most influential sites on the internet.

I couldn’t figure out why small, straightforward tasks on my to-do list felt so impossible. The answer is both more complex and far simpler than I expected.

Po sprowadzeniu do Katowic imprezy Intel Extreme Masters i stworzeniu jednej z najszybciej rosnących firm w Polsce Krzysztof Pikiewicz mógł wreszcie ściągnąć nogę z gazu.

Tech expert Lance Ulanoff shares his predictions for 2019. A major iPhone shakeup, 5G, and even more bitcoin are on the horizon.

The long read: Sedentary lifestyles are killing us – we need to build activity into our everyday lives, not just leave it for the gym

"Na to zdjęcie czekałem 15 lat. Jego zrobienie trwało siedem godzin, a później jeszcze dwa dni obróbki cyfrowej. Nazwałem je: "Stworzenie kosmosu", bo przypomniało mi fresk Michała Anioła "Stworzenie Adama" - mówi w rozmowie z Business Insider Polska Adam Jesionkiewicz, przedsiębiorca, a z zamiłowania astrofotograf.


In pursuit of clicks, likes, and followers, a growing number of daredevils are risking injury or even death. What can we do about that?

Google moved 19.9 billion euros ($22.7 billion) through a Dutch shell company to Bermuda in 2017, as part of an arrangement that allows it to reduce its foreign tax bill, according to documents filed at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.

Tweets automatically crafted and aimed at you could be the next weapon scammers use to trick you into clicking links to malware

Radar that can spot stealth aircraft and other quantum innovations could give their militaries a strategic edge.

You see, the company had to do something they almost never do. They had to revise their earnings guidance.¹ Downward. The stock was halted. Yikes. Today, the stock is down nearly 10%. Tens of…

God of War creative director Cory Barlog tells game developers that they should find their own way into the story and game that they're making.

A new report finds gaming is now more lucrative in the UK than video and music combined.

The world’s largest cruise company has developed a ship-wide location-tracking platform that provides you with a personalized digital cruise experience.

CD sales slumped to 32m in 2018, as streaming asserts its dominance over the music industry.

I analyzed 522 recommendations from 25 different critics' best-of lists to find the best of the best podcasts of 2018. Plus: the podcasts which got the most reviews this year, and charted on the most global charts.

Alphabet Inc's Google unit won approval from U.S. regulators to deploy a radar-based motion sensing device known as Project Soli.

It was China’s second moon landing, and the first spacecraft to touch down on the side of the moon that always faces away from Earth.

W ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat w jednym amerykańskim mieście doszło do ponad 20 przypadków ataków na samojeżdżące samochody. Jedno z aut stojących na skrzyżowaniu zostało zaatakowane nożem, sprawca przebił mu oponę.

Apple CEO Tim Cook published a letter to investors today warning of weaker than expected first-quarter earnings, citing "fewer iPhone upgrades than we had anticipated." The weakened demand came primarily from China, although Cook notes that "in some developed markets, iPhone upgrades also were not as strong as we thought they would be."

UK start-ups raised $7.9bn in 2018 – but that's down on last year.