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  • Faszyzm a technologia - newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Faszyzm a technologia - newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Faszyzm a technologia

W amerykańskim mieście Charlottesville doszło do tragedii - zwolennik białych nacjonalistów (albo po prostu faszystów) wjechał w tłum kontrdemonstrantów. Zginęła 32-letnia Heather Heyer, a rannych zostało 19 innych osób. W kilka dni po tym wydarzeniu czołowe firmy technologiczne (Apple, Google, Facebook) zaczęły blokować profile, systemy płatności, usuwać profile kojarzone z nacjonalistami. Przez jednych zostało to odczytane jako opowiedzenie się po stronie antyfaszystów - przez drugich jako zaburzenie równowagi i cenzurę.

Jakby tego było mało okazuje się, że czarnoskórzy użytkownicy Ubera i Lyfta są narażeni na częstsze odmowy przejazdu, cyfrowi asystenci nie potrafią rozróżnić wypowiadanych przez nich komend a automat dozujący mydło "nie widzi" czarnoskórej ręki i przestaje działać.

Z jednej strony posiadamy coraz lepszą technologię a z drugiej okazuje się, że wyeliminowanie faszyzmu czy poglądów niezgodnych z prawem jest właściwie niemożliwe. Do walki z daną technologią można stworzyć kontr technologię. Usunięcie profili faszystowskich z Facebooka nie spowoduje, że znikną ludzie, którzy maszerują z hitlerowską swastyką. Cenzura internetu nie sprawi, że ludzi wygłaszający haniebne komunikaty pod kątem uchodźców zmienię swoje zdanie.

Co zatem trzeba zrobić - wbrew pozorom nie odcinać, wymuszać zejście do podziemia i ukrywanie się. Rozmawiać, badać i kontrolować oraz edukować - wbrew pozorom żadna technologia nie zastąpi starej, dobrej rozmowy twarz w twarz i rzeczowej dyskusji. 

Utopia? Nic chyba nam nie pozostaje innego.

Artur Kurasiński

Psst! Czytelniku to ważne!

Część z Was pewnie nawet nie zdaje sobie sprawy, że newsletter, który ląduje na waszych skrzynkach jest naprawdę długaśny i przycinany przez to przez różne programy do odbioru maili (szczególnie Gmail!). Jeśli zatem na końcu tego newsletter traficie na takie komunikat:

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Najlepszy przewodnik za pomocą którego łatwo zrozumiesz czym jest blockchain!

A hack that manipulated the location of 20 ships in the Black Sea may be the first use of GPS spoofing, a form of cyberwarfare capable of widespread disruption

The Walt Disney Company announced today that it has agreed to acquire majority ownership of BAMTech, LLC and will launch its ESPN-branded multi-sport video streaming service in early 2018, followed by a new Disney-branded direct-to-consumer streaming service in 2019.

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With a 1-2 gut punch of streaming video on demand services for Disney and ESPN content, Disney looked straight into Netflix’s eyes and pronounced, “Game..

Hankering to become a social media "celebrity"?. Read more at straitstimes.com.

It was the fall of 1999, and I was in a dormitory room on the top floor of Boston University’s French House - the building where I lived during most of university except during a later summer journalism internship in London in 2001.

[This started as a very long Facebook reply I wrote to the inexhaustibly excellent Eva Hoerth, who asked: This is not a tutorial or a comprehensive, thorough technical guide — many of those already…

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Digital Intelligence

The facility in the north of Norway will take advantage of cheap energy and the cool air.

A CEO's quest to make Instagram a really nice place to be. Luckily, he's got a little help from artificial intelligence.

The BBC is developing a new version of the iPlayer that harnesses artificial intelligence, with the potential for your television to 'spy' on the household and tell who is in a room.

Once a year, kids from around the world gather to compete in high-speed spreadsheets

By H.B. Duran | August 17, 2017 | 3 days ago


A “racist” soap dispenser caught on camera reveals the not-so-funny repercussions of a lack of diversity in technology.

As Linden Lab opens the long-anticipated Sansar Beta, there’s already a whole multiverse to explore, and create. What now feels like a very long time ago (it was in fact only April 2016, but VR has…

Voice interfaces, chatbots, and other systems are discriminating against certain minority dialects.

Travelers with African-American-sounding names suffer longer waits and more cancellations than their white-sounding counterparts.

Immersv has raised $10.5 million to strengthen its position as a provider of advertising for virtual reality and mobile 360-degree apps and games.

Product graveyard is a collection of deceased products. We honor the dead while helping you choose the right alternatives to fill their shoes.

Custom playlists on the streaming site can bring unknown artists to millions. But are they altering how songs get written?

Paradromics is one of several Silicon Valley companies developing brain-machine interfaces to replace senses and abilities lost to disease and injury.

As she neared 24 straight hours of playing Dead Space, Kaitlyn Richelle watched in shock as a $250 donation flashed across her screen. "That’s the goal," she shouted. "That’s the tuition." She...

In 2007, an L.A. family's unvarnished docuseries launched on E!, and reality television, female body image, social media and, above all, the economy of celebrity were forever changed. Now the stars and producers of the megafranchise (nine TV spinoffs, hundreds of millions of dollars earned) reveal the secrets of its improbable explosion into the zeitgeist.

Professional video gaming is the next big thing. How big that is, though, is hard to say. Some estimates pegged it as a $493 million industry in 2016, others said it was nearly twice as big. As for the audience, some say it’s 85 percent male, others say it’s 56 percent male. No one really knows.

Adweek's May 2017 survey of roughly 600 creators returned a strong outlook for Instagram and a grim forecast for Snapchat.

The vast majority of its spend is still licensed content, says chief content officer Ted Sarandos, though originals are slowly taking precedence.

Jedyna zgrywalizowana konferencja dla marketerów, ponad 1600 osób, 2 dni, 34 prelegentów, 20 minutowe wystąpienia!

Amazon shares dropped initially after Trump blasts the e-commerce giant again on Twitter.

By Manouk Akopyan | August 10, 2017 | 1 week ago


Prominent neo-Nazi news site the Daily Stormer has apparently moved to the dark web after being denied domain registration from Google and GoDaddy. The site’s status page tweeted a link to the new...

Apple Inc. has set a budget of roughly $1 billion to procure and produce original content over the next year, as the iPhone maker shows how serious it is about making a splash in Hollywood.

Last year, Japanese company FOVE released the world’s first VR headset with built-in eye tracking — the technology showed a lot of promise, and in the months that followed, Facebook, Apple & Google…

Amazon's latest physical retail foray is called "Instant Pickup," and it works as the name implies: Amazon shoppers can pick up orders for certain items..