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  • Google skradło show Apple - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Google skradło show Apple - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Google zawstydza Apple

Tak chyba można podsumować konferencję Google i wnioski z niej. Ekosystem zaprezentowany przez Google jest spójny, wygląda obiecująco i ma szansę na zdobycie serca (i portfela) masowego użytkownika. Apple mając podobne "klocki" i możliwości (pod kątem finansowym nawet większe) pokazuje nowe telefony w "słitaśnych" kolorach. Coś poszło źle. Microsoft, Amazon i Google zaczynają naprawdę poważnie odjeżdżać firmie Tima Cooka pod wieloma względami.

PS Lewandowski strzelił gola w 94 minucie i dzięki temu wygraliśmy mecz. Cholera jasna, moje serce!!

Wasz walczący do końca,

Artur Kurasiński

VR w służbie doznań - symulator płci przeciwnej

Gender Swap is an experiment that uses http://www.themachinetobeanother.org/ system as a platform for embodiment experience (a neuroscience technique in which users…

Wyczekiwany zabójca Slacka. Zuckerberg sam używa?

Workplace by Facebook | Collaborate and get more done.

Jak by wyglądały banknoty z miliarderami?

Georgian illustrator Tatiana Trikoz was commissioned by Swissquote to create this cool series featuring currency illustrated with some of the world

Apple ma długie uszy ale Brytyjczycy o tym wiedzą

Ministers have been barred from wearing Apple Watches during Cabinet meetings amid concerns that they could be hacked by Russian spies, The Telegraph has learned.

O bosze. Co za PR'owe ble ble ble :)

One balmy May evening, thirty of Silicon Valley’s top entrepreneurs gathered in a private room at the Berlinetta Lounge, in San Francisco.

Chiny spotykają Hollywood i robią wspólnie filmy

Steven Spielberg’s production company Amblin Partners accepted an investment from Jack Ma’s Alibaba Pictures. They celebrated in Beijing.

Tajne przez poufne. Jak pracuje się w Snapie?

Jak wycenić i kupić małą spółkę technologiczną?

What's it like buying a small SaaS software business? Learn about our experience negotiating, doing due diligence, and ultimately buying Codetree here.

Niesamowity tekst o AI udającej martego przyjaciela

Warto wziąć udział!

3-weeks long, intensive pre-acceleration programme, based in Poland

Polacy będą kupowali "elektryki"? od sąsiadów?

Germany isn't content with relying on financial incentives to usher in an era of pollution-free cars. The country's Bundesrat (federal council) has passed a res...

Naprawdę nie ma się czym chwalić. Serio, serio.

The $11 billion tech company has hired away vice president of finance at Twitter, Todd Morgenfeld, to as Pinterest's CFO.

Co czytają największe umysły Doliny Krzemowej?

Browse our incredible book collections for makers and founders including books about startups, design and much more.

Czas stać się kamerą czyli dlaczego obecnie obraz rulez?

Wearable cameras will be ubiquitous. We’ll barely notice.

Kto będzie królem AI?

Nearly half of the AI companies acquired since 2011 have had VC backing.

Wywalamy pracowników, zatrudniamy algorytmy

European banks are desperately trying to find ways to save money in these straitened times. ING, a major Dutch lender, announced this week that it plans to save €900 million ($1 billion) a year by cutting 5,800 jobs as part of a “digital transformation.”

Miasta, które zainicjują rewolucję z e-samochodami

Będzie sequel "Blade Runnera". Cieszyć się czy nie?

Blade Runner 2049 to be released in virtual reality on Oculus as well as in cinemas.


A big challenge in sharing digital information around the world is “tofu”—the blank boxes that appear when a computer or website isn’t able to display text: ⯐. Tofu can create confusion, a breakdown in communication, and a poor user experience.

Piękna historia - bez kasy od VC też można żyć

No venture capital, no Bay Area presence, no crazy burn rate: MailChimp’s founders built the company slowly by anticipating customers’ needs and following their instincts.

VR standalone

During the keynote presentation at Oculus' annual Connect developer conference, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg showed off a demo of a new virtual reality device that's supposed to sit between mobile...

Marc opowiada jak AI zmieni świat (będzie ok)

Get ready for "a whole generation of new, very important AI companies."

Dlaczego postęp przyśpiesza?

Silicon Valley gurus think software can disrupt any industry. Here's what they're missing.

Szef Boeing rzuca wyzwanie Elonowi Muskowi

Competition breeds progress, so it's a bit thrilling to hear Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg say that he's going to beat SpaceX to Mars in terms of delivering..

Jak AI wpłynie na na startupy?

The shift in the startup world from apps to A.I. is, in essence, moving from making tools to making people. An app enabled a user to perform a function; at its heart it is DIY. Therefore, apps can be judged by their utility. Does the app help the user solve their problem? If so, then it is a good app.

Oglądanie sportu będzie jeszcze bardziej immersyjne

In a three-day span in September, Swedish syndicate Ericsson swiftly scored two deals with a pair of major sports broadcast networks on separate continents with its Piero technology.

Wyczekiwany ekosystem od Google.

Ucieczka ze świata "jestem platformą socjalową"

There was a point four years ago when marketing agencies—that sprouted up thanks to the explosion of social media—didn't want to be identified any longer as purely "social" practitioners. They contended: We have grown to be so much more.

Co decyduje o sukcesie kampanii wideo?

It's time to be thinking globally when it comes to digital video.