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  • IDŹ ZAGŁOSOWAĆ! Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

IDŹ ZAGŁOSOWAĆ! Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Prawo, lewo...

Na naszych oczach zmienia się porządek świata. Unia Europejska trzeszczy pod wpływem populistów. Ameryka przestaje być światowym strażnikiem i coraz bardziej wycofuje się z roli światowego lidera. Chiny zdominują gospodarczo USA i staną się supermocarstwem.

My, Polacy świętujemy 100 lecie odzyskania niepodległości i zapewne przeżywamy najlepszy czas od końca II Wojny Światowej. Jesteśmy i powinniśmy być dumni z osiągnięć po 1989 roku niezależnie od tego jakie mamy poglądy polityczne.

W polityce (szczególnie tej samorządowej) zawsze było tak, że nieobecni nie mają racji. Jako społeczeństwo pilnie odrobiliśmy lekcję z kapitalizmu (nawet czasem za bardzo) natomiast z obywatelskości już nie tak bardzo.

21 października po raz kolejny możemy i musimy swoimi głosami zdecydować w jakim kierunku ma podążąć nasze "małe ojczyzny". Głosowanie w Polsce nie są obowiązkowe ale to nie znaczy, że możemy na nie machnąć ręką.

Od tego kto wygra zależy bardzo wiele - ilość żłobków i przedszkoli, dróg rowerowych, walka ze smogiem, programy pomocowe dla najbiedniejszych i osób starszych.

Zapewne wielu twoich znajomych powtarza "nie mam na kogo głosować". To nie do końca jest prawda. Czasami trzeba zablokować wybór innych kandydatów.

Taka jest demokracja. Głosujący mają wpływ. Ci, którzy nie idą głosować narzekają potem na wyniki.

Idź głosować w najbliższą niedzielę. Nie daj sobie wybrać za Ciebie!

Artur Kurasiński





Szukamy przedsiębiorstw, które mogą nie tylko odnieść sukces i przynieść zysk, ale także udowodnić, że ich podstawowym celem jest wywieranie pozytywnego wpływu swoją działalnością na otaczającą nas rzeczywistość. Podczas majowego finału, pomiędzy 5 firm z całego świata, rozdzielonych zostanie 750 tysięcy dolarów – mówi Agnieszka Radziszewska, organizatorka Chivas Venture. Start-upy zainteresowane udziałem w inicjatywie mają czas do końca października.

There’s always been a gap between how much money Apple’s App Store makes when compared with Google Play. But in the third quarter of 2018, that gap widened considerably – possibly to the widest point yet. According to a new report from Sensor Tower, the App Store earned nearly 93% more than Google Play in the quarter, the largest gap since at least 2014 – or, when Sensor Tower began tracking Google Play data.

BI PRIME: The Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Jonas told Business Insider that major tech companies like Alphabet, Apple, and Amazon would have an advantage over Tesla if they decided to operate self-driving taxi services. Each could offer new services at lower prices than their competitors to gain mark


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Drugi największy w Polsce serwis wideo znalazł się na liście 30 serwisów z całego świata, które mają naruszać prawa autorskie. Cda.pl zaprzecza zarzutom, które biją w budowany wizerunek legalnego biznesu, który ma do siebie przekonać m.in. inwestorów giełdowych.

Tech stocks tanked today amid a broader stock market slide as nervous investors worried that the 10-year bull run in public stocks may be coming to an end.

Wypróbuj Microsoft Edge

szybką i bezpieczną przeglądarkę, zaprojektowaną specjalnie dla systemu Windows 10

Nie, dziękuję


Twierdzi, że jest Polką o poglądach narodowo-katolickich, a reklamuje film pomawiający hierarchów katolickich. Chce, żebyśmy oglądali film o tym, że szczepionki zawierają ludzkie DNA, w Gowinie widzi „ruskiego Żyda”, w innych – „chazarskie ścierwa”. Nie cierpi imigrantów muzułmańskich ani Ukraińców. Chcesz zobaczyć, jak działa rosyjski troll? Zapraszam

Twitch streamer Jeremy ‘DisguisedToast’ Wang just gave folks a no-holds-barred look at exactly how much he makes on the streaming platform.

Facebook's new 3D Photos present images that look flat at first, but can be examined from different angles either through Facebook or Oculus VR headsets.

Waymo's self-driving vehicles have now traversed 10 million miles on public roads, up 5 million miles in 8 months.

A look at four decades of music industry sales. After a devastating decline, streaming services like Spotify are helping the industry regain its footing.

According to a new study, it’s not all that difficult to find someone in the U.S. — even if they've never taken a genetic test.c

Baikonur, we've lost a booster

Interviews with triathletes, marathoners, drummers, and more.

Transsion, a China-based smartphone manufacturer, is outpacing Apple and Samsung in Africa. It sells devices that take better selfies of dark skin and have features like a keyboard in Swahili.

Microsoft is announcing that it has made peace with the free world. Specifically, the world of free and open source software (FOSS).

A new update is landing in the Google Maps Android and iOS apps globally, becoming available in the desktop incarnation in the next month. Now when you search for "electric car charging station," or words to that effect, Google Maps will display and direct you to the nearest station.

Hackers have infected three energy and transport companies in Ukraine and Poland with sophisticated new malware and may be planning destructive cyber attacks, a software security firm said on Wednesday.

There is no God -- that's the conclusion of the celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking, whose final book is published Tuesday.

Facebook is pushing its transparency agenda again, this time with the introduction of a tool that reveals information about political ads in the UK. From today,...

“Ghost acting” is helping young actors build careers beyond their 15 minutes of fame

In this hard-fought battle, the line between winners and losers can be thin.

Federal antitrust regulators should keep an eye on Google's travel practices. That summarizes the sentiments of Barry Diller, the chairman and senior Barry Diller is Expedia Group's controlling shareholder and senior executive. In comments Tuesday, he called for regulation of Google.

Who you call and what apps you use could determine what ads you see.

Polska edycja raportu z serii „Global Entertainment and Media Outlook”, kompleksowego opracowania poświęconego sektorowi mediów i rozrywki na całym świecie.

Bill Gates remembers his friend Paul Allen, a brilliant technologist and philanthropist.

Ben Chestnut and Dan Kurzius have built billion-dollar fortunes by helping save small businesses the old-fashioned way: email.

Tencent’s stricter controls over underage gamers come amid Beijing’s call to protect children’s health, with the government blaming the country’s widespread myopia on the playing of video games.

A new tax on tech giants such as Facebook, Amazon and Google could raise £4.4bn a year in Europe.

The Voyage may be dead, but the Kindle line still has some life left in it. This time last year, Amazon upgraded the high-end Oasis model, and now the mid-range Paperwhite is getting a little love.The workhorse of the company’s devoted e-reader line just got a handful of upgrades that will give users a more premium experience, while keeping the device’s starting price at $130.

Alphabet Inc's Google on Monday became the latest company to drop out of a business conference in Saudi Arabia.

He will spend a "little more" than $1 billion annually to support Blue Origin, Bezos said

Forbes, in partnership with TrueBridge Capital Partners, has searched the country for 25 startups that have a strong shot at reaching a valuation of $1 billion or more.

Rzetelna wiedza w dużych dawkach i stały kontakt z najlepszymi ekspertami w kraju. Tak w jednym zdaniu można opisać najnowszy projekt grupy specjalistów, którzy otwierają przestrzeń do merytorycznej dyskusji i wymiany eksperckiego know-how w zakresie influencer marketingu, YouTube i innych social media.

Explore your community with this one-of-a-kind interactive map.

WarnerMedia, a new media entity formed by AT&T following its acquisition of Time Warner, will be launching an as-yet-unnamed streaming service in the fourth quarter of 2019 that will bring together contents from the company’s entertainment brand portfolio, CEO John Stankey announced this week.

The platform has cast itself as the internet’s kindest place. But users argue harassment is rampant, and employees say efforts to stem it aren’t funded well or prioritized.

The vision starts with helping humans stay safe at sea, but could put fully robo-boats into action as ferries in just a few years.

Commenting publicly for the first time about Google’s censored search engine for China, CEO Sundar Pichai said onstage at the WIRED 25 summit in San Francisco that the company is taking “a longer-term view” about the country. Codenamed Project Dragonfly, the controversial development has been public knowledge since a report in August by the Intercept, generating significant backlash, with several employees resigning in protest.

ImPACT タフ・ロボティクス・チャレンジ 第五回フィールド公開評価会にて発表. ヘビ型ロボットによるはしご昇降の実現は世界初. - 京都大学メカトロニクス研究室(松野研究室) http://www.mechatronics.me.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ - 松野研におけるヘビ型ロボットの研究 http:...

Absolwent Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie, na co dzień pisze o wszystkim, co związane z motoryzacją. Zafascynowany nowoczesnymi technologiami, fotografią oraz rynkiem gier komputerowych. W wolnym czasie (którego ma coraz mniej) przechodzi kolejne gry RPG lub nadgania serialowe zaległości.

It’s 8:00 PM on Friday night and you’re home alone and already drunk. Oh, is that just me? Well no matter. Snapchat has made lenses for your cat now. Yes, that’s right. Your cat! This is what the internet is made for, friends. Not all that fake news and trolling. Not having to read tweets where people use words like “woke” unironically. Cat lenses!

Anil Seth, a neuroscientist and director of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at the University of Sussex, researches the biological basis of the otherwise ethereal topic of consciousness.

Finland is the first country in the world to publish its own set of country themed emojis. The Finland emoji collection contains 56 tongue-in-cheek emotions, which were created to explain some hard-to-describe Finnish emotions, Finnish words and customs.https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/15/facebook-breach-searches-locations/

Hacked Facebook users still don’t know which 15 recent searches and 10 latest checkins were exposed in the company’s massive breach it detailed last week. The company merely noted that those were amongst the data sets stolen by the attackers. That creates uncertainty about how sensitive or embarrassing the scraped data is, and whether it could possibly be used to blackmail and stalk them.

A new phone on Verizon is using the Palm brand, but it’s a different kind of phone that’s designed to be a second phone that shares your number so you can be less distracted.

One of the birthplaces of artificial intelligence, MIT, has announced a bold plan to reshape its academic program around the technology.

We’ve been using it to type for 144 years. Here’s why it works, and what it would take for us to give it up.

Bratz dolls quietly disappeared from toy stores almost a decade ago. One

day, the hot-selling dolls were in stores across the country and the next,

they were gone. The fast-growing 40-doll variety, known for their

almond-shaped eyes, glossy lips, and distinctly of-the-moment wardrobes,

were in the spotlight elsewhere: they were at the center of what would

become a years-long and multi-billion dollar legal war between their maker,

MGA Entertainment, and its much-larger rival, Mattel, the American

multi-national toy manufacturer.

The majority of its revenue now comes from outside the U.S.

Sears said that it will close 142 more stores as it announced that it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Monday. Sears has closed hundreds of stores this year in an effort to stay afloat, but it said remaining stores will stay open over the holidays. Edward S. Lampert has stepped down as CEO.

“Today, our world feels divided.” Rony Abovitz, CEO of the infamous mixed reality startup Magic Leap stood awkwardly on a circular stage, surrounded by hundreds of attendees of his company’s first developer conference, and first major public-facing event, eyeing a teleprompter, arms behind his back. “It feels broken,” he said. “Our new medium of spatial computing feels fresh. It doesn’t carry the baggage and negative headlines that are dominating the news today.”

In which we, the 2018 staff of Popular Mechanics, asked the smartest engineers and futurists for their visions of future cities, and built a handbook to navigate this new world.

An algorithm developed by Google AI, Google's artificial intelligence (AI) research division, is 99 percent accurate at detecting metastatic breast cancer.

The software giant, whose former CEO once called Linux a "cancer," will let others use 60,000 patents for Linux-related open source projects.

Walmart’s foray into entertainment comes as the company seeks to expand its business beyond brick and mortar retailing and challenge Amazon.