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Jak szpiegują Chiny 🕵️ - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Najpierw Bloomberg odpalił medialną bombę. Zarzucił 30-tu amerykańskim firmom i rządowi USA, że stali się celem szpiegowskiego działania chińskiego rządu.

Chińczycy w urządzeniach firmy Supermicro (popularny producent serwerów) montowali mikroskopijny (wielkości ziarenka) chip, który służył za tzw sprzętowego backdoora. I zaczęło się.

Wszyscy (a szczególnie Amazon i Apple) bardzo mocno zaprzeczają i sugerują, że albo o wszystkim wiedzieli albo są pewni, że sprzęt od Supermicro nie zawierał felernych dodatków.

Fakt ingerencji w serwery wykryto (zrobiła to firma pracująca dla Amazona) już w 2015 roku i poinformowano odpowiednie władze. Pytanie czy amerykańskie władze powiadomiły wszystkie firmy, które kupowały sprzęt od Supermicro?

Z ustaleń Bloomberga wynika, że chipy zostały umieszczone w serwerach jeszcze na etapie produkcyjnym w fabrykach - oznacza to, że zrobiono to na polecenie chińskiego rządu albo innego państwa (mało prawdopodobne).

Kilka dni po tej aferze dowiadujemy się, że u jednego z dużych amerykańskich telekomów również znaleziono "zainfekowany" sprzęt produkcji Supermicro.

Jedno jest pewne - od 2015 roku w amerykańskich firmach pojawił się sprzęt wykorzystywany do wykradania danych. Kto jest zleceniodawcą, kto wykorzystywał dane i czyj wywiad za tym stoi - jak na razie wszyscy udają, że nie wiedzą.

Ameryka jest obecnie w stanie wojny celnej z Chinami. Czy dzięki wypłynięciu informacji o chińskiej inflitracji Amerykanie mają się przekonać, że Prezydent Trump ma rację i robi dobrze drażniąc chińskiego smoka?

Dlaczego dziennikarze Bloomberga zdecydowali się teraz informować o tej sprawie? Dlaczego Amazon i Apple tak stanowczo (co jest dziwne w wypadku tych firm) zaprzeczają i nazywają informacje dziennikarzy plotkami? Czy to chińskie władze stoją za tym wszystkim a może jeszcze inna organizacja albo rząd?

Pytań jest cała masa tylko, że 75% wszystkich produkowanych na świecie smartfonów i 90% wszystkich produkowanych komputerów wytwarzane jest w Chinach.

Chyba nie mamy wyjścia. Trzeba uznać, że jesteśmy podsłuchiwani przez cały czas.

Artur Kurasiński


Instagramowa społeczność przekroczyła liczbę 1 mld użytkowników

Google's 2018 launch event was a piece of corporate theater, like so many before it, to unveil a new smartphone. I've watched and attended a lot of product laun...

The fifth season of the Emmy-winning anthology series Black Mirror will premiere in December of 2018 and will bring with it an episode that will allow viewers to choose how events in the story play out.

A European Union privacy watchdog could fine Facebook as much as $1.63 billion for a data breach in which hackers compromised the accounts of over 50 million users.

Amazon might make mattress companies sleep uneasy.

BitTorrent usage has bounced back because there's too many streaming services, and too much exclusive content.

Amazon is raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour for all US employees.

Did Rian Johnson's 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' movie ruin the franchise, as some have claimed? Of course not.

Ostatnie fundusze wspierane przez Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy skończyły inwestować w 2017 roku, więc z ich portfeli może już tylko ubywać projektów.

The company didn't act purely out of the goodness of its heart.

Bram Cohen is the founder of Chia, a cryptocurrency, and ledger protocol designed to attract banks.

In 2018, Comparitech searched listings on several illicit marketplaces to find out how much passports are worth on the dark web, both digital and physical.

Making a Crypto Utopia in Puerto Rico. Dozens of entrepreneurs, made newly wealthy by virtual currencies, have moved to the island to avoid taxes on their fortunes — and to build…



Many who rushed to jump on the VR bandwagon and invested heavily in opening VR arcades with the debut of consumer headsets in 2016 have since gone out of business. Some industry insiders, however, remain enthusiastic about Location-Based VR Entertainment for VR and see the market as entering a more sustainable phase.

When her win was announced, a search for Donna Strickland’s name on Wikipedia turned up nothing.

Oculus Quest isn't just going to compete with other VR devices. It'll also have to content with Nintendo Switch, according to John Carmack.

The three social media giants face a critical test in proving they have learned from mistakes in 2016 and can stop foreign actors from spreading fake news.

If the first stage of competition in consumer technology was the race to be the computer users went to (won by Microsoft and the PC), and the second was to be the computer users carried with them (won by Apple in terms of profits, and Google in terms of marketshare), the outlines of the current battle came sharply into focus over the last month: what company will win the race to be the computer within which users live?



Publicly, Google executive Ben Gomes has called the censored search engine “an exploration.” Privately, he wanted it completed “as soon as possible.”

Amazon scrapped a secret AI recruitment tool that showed bias against women.

The discovery shows that China continues to sabotage critical technology components bound for America.



Dobrze, że państwo daje pieniądze na rozruszanie funduszy VC. Jednak w dłuższej perspektywie jest to niebezpieczne.

In 2012, Obsidian Entertainment almost fell apart. The independent game studio had just suffered a major blow—the cancellation of a big-budget role-playing game they were developing with Microsoft—and they were struggling to make ends meet in the midst of an uncertain, transitional gaming industry.

A senior executive from Google's parent company, ex-Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, and famed investor Marc Andreessen are all on the list.

Snap is sliding on Tuesday after MoffettNathanson analyst Michael Nathanson reportedly slashed price target, saying the company is 'quickly...

Justin has been using the same PSN account for 12 years. Then, someone tricked Sony into giving it away. Here's how I tracked it down, and started negotiating for its release.

Sieci handlowe coraz mocniej stawiają na automatyzację. Polska sieć supermarketów ze zdrową żywnością Bio Family, którą stworzył syn założyciela Biedronki, poinformowała, że uruchomi pierwszy bezobsługowy i całodobowy supermarket w naszym kraju.

The 7-inch, voice-controlled display is a home base for the Google Assistant.

Funding is booming for startups in the beauty space, particularly this year. We've taken a look at some of the driving forces behind the spike.

Piotr S., były prezes firmy Fachowcy.pl Ventures z NewConnect, jest podejrzany o udział w gangu m.in. wystawiającym fikcyjne faktury. Siedzi w areszcie, nie przyznaje się do winy

The 26-year-old man spent up to seven hours a day on the video streaming site to cope with stress.

Chinese tech giant Tencent has partnered with a London firm to help Parkinson's patients.

Polska jest pierwszym rynkiem Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, na którym zostanie uruchomiony serwis Paramount Play. W ramach serwisu użytkownicy będą mieli...

Moscow is “better than us” in using social media to shape the strategic landscape, says a former deputy commander of the West’s anti-ISIS coalition.

In Gary Hustwit’s highly anticipated new documentary “Rams,” the legendary industrial designer indicts the world he helped create.

Following a massive data breach first reported on by The Wall Street Journal, Google announced today that it is shutting down its social network Google+ for con...

An effort to generate more positive visions of the future is another solution in search of a problem.

Portal and Portal+ make Facebook Messenger video calls, speak with Amazon's Alexa, and serve up a limited amount of social content from Facebook.

A drone with a thermal imaging camera was used to find a teenage girl who called police saying she had just been raped and was still with her alleged attacker but didn’t know where she was. Lincolnshire Police said the drone was used to trace the 16-year-old and get officers to her “within minutes”.

Historian Yuval Noah Harari and ethicist Tristan Harris discuss the future of artificial intelligence with WIRED editor in chief Nicholas Thompson.

Poznali się lata temu u pewnego polskiego milionera, dziś pomagają firmom technologicznym wyjść z garażu.

On March 16, 2015, I received an email saying that there has been an attempt to break into my Gmail account and that I needed to change my password immediately. The blue "change password" button looked indeed quite tempting on the screen of my phone, but before pressing it, I noticed that the address from which the email was sent was a bit strange: [email protected]

In 2012, U.S. startups captured 71 percent of all global venture capital investment. Last year, they captured just 50 percent.

Jigsaw, the security incubator owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet, has just rolled out a tool that lets users bypass sites that are blocked by repressive governments.

Adults, not teens. Messaging, not Stories. Developing markets, not the U.S. These are how Snapchat will make a comeback, according to CEO Evan Spiegel.

Instagram is adding a QR code feature that will allow users to scan codes to follow other accounts. The platform is also testing new community features for students to organize by school.

BitTorrent's uTorrent Web, a web-based torrent client, has passed 1 million daily active users exactly a month after its stable release.

Complete text.

The European Parliament has voted in favor of a new quota for content on streaming services. Services, such as Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, will have to make sure that at least 30 percent of their catalogs in Europe come from European countries.

Fertility clinics are starting to offer parents new options, including DNA tests that may predict whether a future baby’s eyes are blue or brown.

From Japanese anime characters to Barbie, virtual YouTubers talk and act just like people — and they could change the way we all interact forever.

The attack by Chinese spies reached almost 30 U.S. companies, including Amazon and Apple, by compromising America’s technology supply chain, according to extensive interviews with government and corporate sources.

The chip could have enabled China to view the network of several companies, but Apple, AWS and Super Micro deny the claims, according to a report by Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

Today (Oct. 3), aerospace giant Lockheed Martin revealed its concept for a reusable, single-stage spaceship capable of ferrying four astronauts between lunar orbit and the surface of the moon.

Virgin Atlantic flight from Orlando to Gatwick powered by blend of jet fuel and ethanol

The platform’s entertainment for children is weirder—and more globalized—than adults could have expected.