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- Jeff Bezos królem świata. Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego
Jeff Bezos królem świata. Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego
Jeff Bezos Superstar!
Co to był za tydzień! Kalanick czasowo opuszcza Ubera i prezesurę, Amazon kupuje Whole Foods a Apple oficjalnie przyznaje się, że pracuje nad technologią dla samochodów autonomicznych. To nawet jak na standardy Doliny Krzemowej super jazda bez trzymanki.
Amazon właśnie znacząco rozwiązał problem "ostatniej mili" czy dostawy produktów do klientów. Prawdopodobnie w oparciu o infrastrukturę Whole Foods będzie można odbierać swoje zamówienia (np. wracając z pracy). Tym samym Jeff Bezos nie tyle pokazał konkurencji gdzie jest jej miejsce (sprawdźcie giełdowe wykresy notowań Amazona - piękny hockey stick od 2009 roku) ale w zasadzie zamknął konkurencji opcję na doskoczenie do jego biznesu. Amazon jest wielki, wycina konkurencję w pień, ma ogromną część biznesu światowego e-commerce i nie wydaje się żeby Bezos miał zwolnić tempo.
Czeka nas świat w którym nie kupowanie w Amazonie będzie niemożliwe?
Artur Kurasiński
Roboty Google'a sprzedane do Japończyków
SoftBank Group Corp. (“SoftBank”) today announced a subsidiary of SoftBank has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire robotics pio
Sony oficjalnie potwierdziło, że sprzedało 1 mln VR
Sales of the VR headset have exceeded expectation, says Sony.
Potęga selfpublishingu
They sell millions of books, but you rarely see them in bookshops – three successful novelists on working under the radar of the book charts
Będziemy drukować dzieci na Marsie?
Right now, it prints proteins. In the far future, it could print human babies on Mars.
Raport o stanie branży gier w USA
For the eighth year in a row, Nielsen has conductive extensive research into how Americans feel about—and consume—gaming. This report is the result of our latest study.
Ups. Facebook ujawnił dane swoich moderatorów...
Facebook inadvertently leaked the identities of a number of its content moderators to suspected terrorist users on the social network
Amazon zamierza sprzedawać samochody w Europie.
Amazon plans to run the business out of Luxembourg and is looking at Britain as a possible pilot market.
2 mln samochód elektrycznych jest obecnie na świecie
According to an IEA report, Norway and China have been pulling the weight when it comes to EV sales.
Blockchain i kryptowaluty - próba zmapowania trendu
The Media is going crazy about Bitcoin, Ethereum and the rise of crypto markets. Entrepreneurs from the sector have kind of a Rockstar status raising millions of USD in seconds through ICOs. However…
Jakie plany ma Electronic Arts?
Games are set to change more in the next five years than they have in the last 45, he says
100 największych firm - ich przychody i zyski
Ściągawka dla ludzi zajmujących się Machine Learning
Learning machine learning and deep learning is difficult for newbies. As well as deep learning libraries are difficult to understand. I am creating a repository on Github(cheatsheets-ai) with cheat…
Snap ma w planach kolejną wersję swoich okularów
Snap is developing a second version of Spectacles which may include augmented reality — techcrunch.com
Snap extended the sale of its Spectacles into Europe this month, but already the company is working on a second version of the video-recording glasses which..
232 historie jak to startupom nie wyszło i umarły.
A compilation of startup failure post-mortems by founders and investors. No survivorship bias here.
Zegarek, którego design możesz zmienić od ręki
柄が変わる腕時計 FES Watch に待望のニューモデル「FES Watch U」が登場。 専用のスマートフォンアプリで好みのデザインを追加、ひろがる着せ替えのバリエーション。 https://first-flight.sony.com/pj/feswatch-u
Facebookowe zasoby związane z projektowaniem VR
Stories and resources from the VR and Immersive Media design team at Facebook.
Point Nine Capital ma m.in. biało-czerwone korzenie i gruby portfel wypchany niemieckimi euro. Teraz poszuka czempionów także nad Wisłą.
To kolejna umowa Samsunga odnośnie contentu 360
Samsung has announced to team up with BuzzFeed and NewThis to produce 360 degree video content using the Samsung Gear 360 camera. As a result of Samsung’s new venture, both BuzzFeed and NowThis will…
VR może uśmierzyć ból podczas operacji dentystycznej
The waves are lapping on the shore, rabbits are scurrying in the undergrowth, and the bells of the local church are mingling with the calls of the seagulls. Then, as you turn to continue along the…
Węgiel podda się szybciej niż sądzimy?
Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s outlook shows renewables will be cheaper almost everywhere in just a few years.
Jeff Bezos kupił Whol Foods za 13.8 mld $
This is about a lot more than quinoa dominance.
Wypożyczanie rowerów w Chinach to murowany hit
Mobike, one of two fast-emerging on-demand bike rental services, has landed $600 million in new funding as it seeks to expand its business outside of China...
Jak twórczość SF pomaga tworzyć lepszą przyszłosć
Consuming dystopian science fiction has quickly become a popular coping mechanism for Americans trying to adapt to (or resist) the sometimes-dark reali ...
Prezydent Francji chce tworzyć super startupy
France launched a technology visa on Thursday to help attract international talent.
A former Australian plumber just invented a $US179 earpiece that can translate 8 languages in real-time using IBM Watson — www.businessinsider.com.au
Podobno są oferty na zakup Slacka za ponad 9 mld $
Slack is raising another $500 million — and has attracted interest from a range of big buyers like Amazon - Recode — www.recode.net
The business communications company has gotten acquisition offers in the past from Microsoft and others.
6 firm zajmujących się latającymi samochodami
These half-dozen companies have secured investor funding to pursue a variety of flying car concepts.
Jak binzes naftowy edukuje dzieci w szkołach
Documents show how tightly woven group of pro-industry organizations target impressionable schoolchildren and teachers desperate for resources
Słabo na początku tygodnia, najlepiej po wypłacie i wciąż przez telefon — tak działa rynek jedzenia z dowozem. Wszyscy chcą na nim być
Po zamknięciu Silk Road powstało wiele innych giełd...
Anonymous online sales are surging, and people are dying. Despite dozens of arrests, new merchants — many based in Asia — quickly pop up.
Travis Kalanick chwilowo opuszcza firmę...
Uber Technologies Inc's [UBER.UL] board will discuss Chief Executive Travis Kalanick temporarily stepping away from the embattled ride-hailing firm and consider sweeping changes to the company's management practices at a meeting on Sunday, according to a person familiar with the situation.
The fotogenerator is composed by De Kennis van Nu en Nieuws en Co / NPO https://www.dekennisvannu.nl/site/artikel/Help-ons-kunstmatige-intelligentie-testen/9163
Kwantowe sieci coraz bliżej
Record distance for quantum entanglement set at more than 1,200 km
Udało się przesłać foton na odległość 1200 km!
Science research is available free with registration one year after initial publication. To get your free access please visit our registration form.
Facebook zamierza walczyć technologią z terroryzmem
Za 100$ każdy może teraz być na Steamie. Szkoda :(
Steam Direct, Valve's replacement for the late, largely-unlamented Steam Greenlight, is now live. The company announced the activation of the new feature with a blog post that, while primarily of interest to developers, also provides some insights into what Valve has planned for the future.
Sklep przyszłości - sam jeździ i obsługuje go AI
Can the Moby store bring locally controlled convenience stores to places that lack a simple place to buy essentials?
Google Drive zrobi backup całego twojego komputera
Google announced a new Backup and Sync tool for Google Drive, which will allow users to save and manage all the files on their computer on the cloud.
Ciekawy cykl dotyczący sportów przyszłości
From the changing face of live sport to its collision with the virtual world, our series looks at what the future holds
Facebookowe AI + boty będą negocjować za nas?
Facebook is offering artificial intelligence technology that could enable bots to negotiate for people.
Sekwencjonowanie genomu w Chinach...hmm...
Chinese parents can now decode the genomes of their healthy newborns, revealing disease risks as well as the likelihood of physical traits like male-pattern baldness.
Po E3 - gaming nie jest gotowy na VR
A year ago virtual reality was the hot thing at the E3 video game conference. This year, things are a bit different.
Do 2021 w Chinach będzie 86 headsetów do VR!
VR content revenue forecast to be worth US$3.6 billion in China by 2021, says PwC.
Appka zamienia samoloty w smoki. Poważnie.
VarDragons' new app lets you fight dragons in augmented reality while helping track airplanes — www.cnbc.com
VarDragons wants to create a network of plane-watching antennas with the help of an augmented reality app that turns passing planes into dragons.
Kolejna historia "jak to z pierwszym iPhonem było"
Slide to Unlock
Grają na "short" na akcjach Apple, Tesli i Alibaby...
Tech stocks may be rebounding, but Wall Street is shorting—or betting against—Tesla and Alibaba stocks at record levels.
Under Armour umie w omnichannel. Dobrze to robią.
A retail wreck ensued earlier this month when over a thousand stores from brands like Radio Shack and Michael Kors closed their doors for good.
10 najbardziej obiecujących startupów biotech'owych
Cancer Cures, Gene Therapy, Pig Transplants, And More: 10 Early-Stage Biotech Startups To Watch — www.cbinsights.com
Startups are applying innovative techniques to cure the common cold, re-engineer the human microbiome, and fight against cancer.
Podstawy projektowania. Fajne nawet dla developera.
Yesterday I was listening to a podcast and heard someone who was about to ask a question saying something along the lines of "..long time fan, first time caller…" and for some reason that got me…
I jest nowy Xbox. I jakoś cicho o tym. A szkoda.
The smallest Xbox ever
Restauracje zaczynają czuć problem z technolgią.
Online and mobile ordering are a bright spot in a stagnant market—but it's tricky and and expensive.
NYT będzie walczył ze spamem za pomocą AI
The New York Times launched Moderator, which will rely on machine learning developed by Jigsaw to expand online comment forums
Jak Google projektował swój śmieszny samochodzik
Back in 2013, our prototype vehicle was nothing more than post-it note origami. This miniature paper car was the product of countless hours dreaming up what a fully self-driving vehicle could look…
Jak będą wyglądały social media w 2020 roku?
Our use of the Internet not only affects our politics, but it’s soon to likely become a subject of policy debates itself. The question is whether we can slow down long enough to figure out what to do.
Potwierdzone - Rosja zhakowała wybory w USA
Russian Cyber Hacks on U.S. Electoral System Far Wider Than Previously Known - Bloomberg — www.bloomberg.com