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  • Latające samochody w Genewie - Wydanie #88

Latające samochody w Genewie - Wydanie #88

"I've seen things you wouldn't believe..."

Tylko takim cytatem można zacząć jeśli dotykało się tych cholernie drogich (kilka milionów euro) pojazdów robionych na zamówienie (osiągających 300 MPH) oraz latający samochodzie (a właściwie dronie) wyprodukowanym przez Airbusa i Italdesign. A takich atrakcji w Szwajcarii była cała masa.

Targi motoryzacyjne w Genewie (byłem na nich po raz pierwszy na zaproszenie Mercedes-Benz Polska) to miejsce o którym słyszałem od dekady i dopiero teraz zobaczyłem na własne oczy. Wspierany przez kilku kolegów dziennikarzy spędziliśmy trzy dni na oglądaniu, fotografowaniu tych cudownych pojazdów i rozmowach z wystawcami. Poniżej garść refleksji.

Po pierwsze targi w Genewie zaczynają przypominać imprezy "techowe" - bardzo często hasła "elektryczny, autonomiczny" są wpisywane w slogany reklamowe marek. Stacje ładowania, kosmiczne kształty pojazdów, AI, dbanie o ekologię i zrównoważony rozwój - nie, to nie jest zlot startupów ale nadal impreza branży samochodowej.

Po drugie widać coraz większa obecność przemysłu i biznesu z Chin. Jako dostawcy, producenci ale również współwłaściciele (Chińczycy niedawno kupili udziały w Mercedesie). Jeśli ktoś wierzy, że rozwój samochodów elektrycznych może następować z pominięciem przemysłu chińskiego to zapraszam do Genewy.

Po trzecie bardzo szkoda, że "dobra zmiana" mając takie zasoby i możliwości prawne nic w zasadzie nie zrobiła z projektem polskiego samochodu elektrycznego. Budowa takiego pojazdu to konieczność stworzenia zaplecza badawczo rozwojowego, zatrudnienie specjalistów, danie im wyzwań i odpowiednich środków. Dostosowanie dróg, postawienie ładowarek, zmiany przepisów.

Po co? Po to żeby Polacy mieli swój, rodzimy "tech" a naukowcy i inżynierowie nie wyjeżdżali pracować za granicą. W końcu wstajemy z kolan i nie chcemy już wkręcać śrubek. A surowców ani ciepłego morza nie mamy.

Artur Kurasiński

Pomagamy wydawcom zwiększać przychody z reklam

Latające samochody są już tutaj - relacja z Genewy

Polskie Nightly pomaga walczyć z koszmarami sennymi

Wybierz się na PRODUCT CAMP!

  • Kiedy? 7-9 Czerwca

  • Gdzie? Gdynia

  • Co? Największy (700+ osób) event UXowo-Produktowy w tej części Europy

  • Warsztaty + konferencja + barcamp

  • Tematyka: UX, Product Design i management, Research & service design

Zjeżdzają się goście i w bardzo dynamiczny sposób, rano przed rozpoczęciem, budują agendę. Jest to super wariacki dzień. Bardzo niekonferencyjny i poszarpany, ale czerpiesz wiedzę od samych praktyków z największych polskich i europejskich startupów, saasów, e-commerców. Nie ma lania wody, sama esencja pracy i praktyka.

Będzie kilka na prawdę wyjątkowych osób:

- Peter Morville - twórca dziedziny architektura informacji

- Steve Portigal - guru user research pracujący na codzień z największymi startupami z krzemowej

- Josh Clark - słynny UX designer, dziś projektujący AI

- Tobias Ahlin - UX Director z Minecrafta

- +UXowcy, którzy pracują/pracowali dla Dropboxa, Adobe, Frog, Apple, Spotify, Github + praktycznie wszystkie firmy z PL, które na poważnie zajmują się UX.

There is worldwide concern over false news and the possibility that it can influence political, economic, and social well-being. To understand how false news spreads, Vosoughi et al. used a data set of rumor cascades on Twitter from 2006 to 2017.

Polski rząd wesprze koreańską firmę LG Chem najwyższym grantem w historii. Na budowę fabryki pod Wrocławiem, w której będzie produkować baterie do elektrycznych samochodów, firma otrzyma 242,6 mln zł.

President Nicolas Maduro said Tuesday that Venezuela had received $735 million in the first day of a pre-sale of the country's “petro” cryptocurrency, aimed at pulling the country out of an economic tailspin.

Cyfrowy magazyn o ecommerce, technologii i marketingu

A guy who says he doesn't really like business now counts hundreds of executives as devotees, in Silicon Valley and beyond.

Snap Inc.’s flagship platform has lost some luster, at least according to one social-media influencer in the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

Czterdzieści pięć startupów, cztery ścieżki rozwoju, blisko 200 mentorów i ponad 250 godzin warsztatów - ale brak inwestycji ze strony korporacji. MIT Enterprise Forum Poland zaprezentował wyniki dwóch pilotażowych edycji instrumentu Scale Up. Polegał on na łączeniu startupów z dużymi korporacjami i rozwijaniu ich pomysłów wewnątrz firm. Sam Scale Up to element rządowego programu wsparcia startupów o nazwie Start In Poland.

What if instead of blasting cargo into space on a rocket, we could fling it into space using a catapult? That’s the big, possibly crazy, possibly genius idea behind SpinLaunch. It was secretly founded in 2014 by Jonathan Yaney, who worked on solar-powered drone startup Titan Aerospace and sold it to Google. Now TechCrunch has learned from three sources that SpinLaunch is raising a massive $30 million Series A to develop its catapult technology. And we’ve scored an interview with the founder after four years in stealth.

The apps that currently dominate the charts are great at serving up content to kill time — you can watch a stream of your favorite gamer on Twitch, scroll through pictures on Instagram, or struggle…

“Don’t tell anyone, but the Wi-Fi password is ‘martians,’” Musk says.

For six years, the New Orleans Police Department has partnered with data-mining firm Palantir Technologies on what amounts to a predictive policing program. Predictive policing technology has proven highly controversial wherever it is implemented, and the secrecy surrounding the NOPD program raises questions about legality, transparency, and privacy.

The voice shopping market is expected to grow from $2 billion today to $40 billion by 2022, according to a new survey of 1,500 owners of smart speaker like Google Home and Amazon Echo in the United States. The survey was conducted by OC&C Strategy Consultants in December 2017 and released today.

The app gap is over! Well, kind of! (The Story Behind - Episode 8) [MORE TECHALTAR]: youtube.com/TechAltar facebook.com/TechAltar plus.google.com/+TechAltar ...

"I am like a vaudevillian. I'm the last guy dancing on the stage, by myself, and everyone else has moved on to movies and television."

Robbinsville, NJ When Dave Alperson got his first job at an Amazon warehouse in 1997, as a temporary hourly employee, it involved walking around the warehouse with a list of where to find products—mostly books—that customers had ordered. Twenty years later, as a regional director of operations for Amazon in Indiana, he oversees 18 warehouses...

Your poorly-secured smart devices can be hijacked by criminals for crypto mining purposes, Avast demonstrated at the Mobile World Congress.

Proponents are calling it "The YouTube Purge"

The Securities and Exchange Commission has issued scores of subpoenas and information requests to technology companies and advisers involved in the red-hot market for digital tokens.

Eastern Washington had cheap power and tons of space. Then the suitcases of cash started arriving.

How phone-locking service Yondr is looking to put concertgoers' focus back on the music

The Light Phone 2 is a new minimalist cellphone that is designed "to be used as little as possible". It’s the successor to the original Light Phone, and adds a few new features like messaging and 4G data to become a more functional full-time replacement for a smartphone.

You might have a million subscribers online, but the trade-off is spending most of your time alone, in front of a computer – as WillNE knows all too well.

W wyniku rocznej rewizji indeksów przeprowadzonej przez Giełdę Papierów Wartościowych akcje CD PROJEKT S.A. wejdą do WIG20, indeksu skupiającego dwadzieścia największych i najbardziej płynnych spółek notowanych na warszawskim parkiecie.

Gdzie leży granica przepustowości złośliwych ataków odmowy usługi? Na jakie ataki muszą przygotować się usługodawcy? Wraz z ewolucją nowych metod ataków przesuwa się granica – i obecnie wynosi 1,3 terabita na sekundę.

Amazon pledged to tackle counterfeiting in 2017, but its lax policies are still hurting inventors and small companies, one supplier says. In a blog post, Elevat...

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said he wants to find ways to measure the "health" of Twitter and its online messages, and it needs people to help.

Tasty has amassed 92 million Facebook fans and 73 billion lifetime video views, and BuzzFeed says that 67% of these viewers have tried their hand at a recipe.

Dueling neural networks. Artificial embryos. AI in the cloud. Welcome to our annual list of the 10 technology advances we think will shape the way we work and live now and for years to come.

Rovio only opened the studio a year ago.

Last week, three-year-old social network Vero had fewer than 150,000 downloads. As of today, it has nearly 3 million, driven by frustration with Instagram and a feature set that its founder says enables a more authentic form of self-expression

Amazon won't sell Nest's connected cameras and security products. Meanwhile, it bought the smart home company Ring for $1 billion to compete with Google.

On Thursday, March 1, at a courtroom in Beijing's No. 1 Intermediate People's Court, a man surnamed Dong became the first person in China using virtual reality technology to revisit a crime scene from last September, where he was the only witness at the scene. SupChina is your premier source for China news

Google has published research on the application of Europe's "right to be forgotten," showing what sorts of links people want removed.

I had some free time over the holidays and wrote this article to showcase, on the basis of a personal story, many highly actionable, science-based, approaches and tools that can be used to…

This year’s Mobile World Congress revealed an impressive set of up-and-coming Android mobile devices that will dictate the pace for application developers for the next couple of years. We are used to…

About a dozen venture capitalists recently took a bus tour through the Midwest, and a funny thing happened: They caught the heartland bug.

Academic Stephen Zoepf has taken on board criticism from Uber over the methodology that led to a claim that Uber drivers earn $3.37 an hour.

Amazon is aggressively entering India, Australia, and Singapore. Alibaba is also going after Australia and making large strategic bets in India and Southeast Asia.

Ściągnij PDF z tym tekstem (43 strony, 11.5 Mb) Zamiast wstępu iTaxi to polski startup oferujący przejazdy licencjonowanymi taksówkami dzięki aplikacji

Bitcoin fell Wednesday after the Securities and Exchange Commission said it will require digital asset exchanges to register with the agency.

Falsehoods almost always beat out the truth on Twitter, penetrating further, faster, and deeper into the social network than accurate information.

The videos it recommends seem to get more and more extreme.

Aim is for players to build a fake news empire, which researchers hope will expose propaganda tactics

Best known for its speakers and headphones, the company has created a $50 million development fund to back a new AR platform that's all about audio.

Just weeks after signing a large licensing deal with leading indy label representative ICE, Facebook has continued its march into the world of music with the news that it has now added Warner Music Group into the mix, the last major label that was not yet working with the social network.

This is a one: Miroskii is a shady cryptocurrency startup that has a fake Ryan Gosling as a designer – and it has raised over $800,000 in an ICO.

Billionaire investor Peter Thiel got a fresh victory in Washington. His data-mining startup, Palantir Technologies Inc., won a much-contested contract to provide software to the U.S. Army.

Some of the channel's videos have millions of views, but its explanations appear completely fabricated.

Elon Musk has shifted the focus of his Boring Company tunnels from Teslas to pedestrians, cyclists, and public transportation.

The Tesla and SpaceX CEO says his futuristic tunnel-based system will now prioritize people who don't travel by car.

Common, a new housing startup, offers to “remove the annoyances” of city life—that is, any sense of obligation to a shared community. It will also order your toilet paper.

Assessing the wisdom of an increasingly popular Silicon Valley dinner-party parlor game.

Twitter's CEO Jack Dorsey said the company intends to find a way to allow all users to verify.

Most sign-ups happen on phones or laptops.

Talking to Know Your Meme editor Brad Kim about 10 years of cataloguing the culture of the internet

Former President Barack Obama does not intend to use the shows to respond to President Trump or conservative critics. He and Michelle Obama have talked about shows that highlight inspirational stories.

My daughter is ten. She wants me to download the Musical.ly app on my phone so she can make funny lip-sync videos. Everyone has it, she whines, even the kid whose mom is an FBI agent/social…

In early 2017, a colleague and I were discussing an upcoming podcast launch, debating which of Apple’s categories was the best fit: Business? Technology? Society & Culture? Which of Apple’s…

Genetic testing powerhouse 23andMe announced today that it's officially received the FDA go-ahead to launch a direct-to-consumer testing kit for genes linked..

The company aims to patent virtual reality technology that lets you jack in while on the road.

Someone at Oculus screwed up pretty badly today: An expired certificate appears to have soft-bricked all of the company's Rift VR headsets, with users still..

You probably don’t need a 4,000-word review to tell you that the Galaxy S9+ is a good phone. Now that everyone’s got all of the Note 7 jokes mostly out of..

Dowiedz się, jak dzięki kilku prostym narzędziom już teraz bez problemu stworzyć post 3D na Facebooku. Zacznij angażować tym formatem, zanim zrobią to inni!

Travis Kalanick, the controversial co-founder and one-time chief executive of Uber, is launching a new investment fund called the 10100 Fund.