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  • Linkowisko #10 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #10 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Dzień dobry,

Dzisiaj, jak w każdy weekend "linkowisko" - życzę miłej lektury wybranych przeze mnie linków do artykułów, które uważam za ciekawe.

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 wydań) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!



Jeśli nie, to zapraszam do zakupy komiksów z serii “Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?” czyli pierwszego polskiego komiksu edukacyjnego dla dzieci o nauce i technologii (którego jestem pomysłodawcą i współautorem)

Napisałem drugą część wraz ze wspaniałym ekspertami i ekspertami: Kasią Gandor, Olą Stanisławska, Piotrem Stanisławskim, Piotrem Koniecznym, Rafałem Hanem, Alexandrą Przegalińską, Janiną Bąk, Martyną Sztabą, Dorotą Budzyń, Piotrem Łojem, Aleksanderem Naganowskim, Krzysztofem Gonciarzem i Przemkiem Staroniem.

Komiksy, gra edukacyjna oraz zeszyt kreatywny do nabycia tylko na mojej stronie: https://edukomiks.pl/

Na hasło DD20 zniżka 20%!


Już od dziś w EmpikGo znajdziecie wersję audio drugiej części komiksu edukacyjnego "Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?". Zapraszam do zapoznania się z przygodami Róży i Maliny w postaci słuchowiska.

Do usłyszenia!


President Biden’s vision for an empowered, expanded IRS is poised to have a big impact on cryptocurrency trading. According to a new report from the U.S. Treasury Department, the administration wants to put new requirements in place that would make it easier for the government to see how money is moving around, including digital currencies. […]

Bitcoin, Ethereum and a host of Altcoins suffered massive drops Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, erasing months of gains and hundreds of billions in market cap. The overall crypto market shrunk more than 20% over the past 24 hours according to crypto tracker CoinMarketCap. What’s behind the drop? Well, some may say the market was […]

Zhang Yiming, the storied co-founder of ByteDance, is stepping down from his role as the CEO and passing the torch to Liang Rubo, another co-founder of the TikTok parent and one of the world’s most valuable internet juggernauts. In an internal letter to employees, 38-year-old Zhang said he is making the transition to spend more […]

ByteDance put another US$15 million into Chinese gaming platform Reworld, through which users can make and play video games, in another bid against Tencent, which has the rights to rival platform Roblox in China through a joint venture.

Państwa członkowskie Unii Europejskiej i Parlament Europejski osiągnęły porozumienie w sprawie paszportów szczepionkowych, które wejdą w życie 1 lipca - poinformowała w czwartek na Twitterze portugalska prezydencja w Radzie UE. Na stronie Europejskiej Agencji Leków pojawiła się lista szczepionek dopuszczonych do obrotu na terenie UE.

The annual Google IO developer conference kicked off with a two-hour keynote filled with announcements. Here are the highlights.

When films are dubbed in another language, an actor’s facial movements may clash with his lines. Technology related to deepfakes can help smooth things over.

Starting later this year, Spotify will allow Storytel subscribers to link their accounts to Spotify..

In 2011, Chinese spies stole the crown jewels of cybersecurity—stripping protections from firms and government agencies worldwide. Here’s how it happened.

Google is resuming work on reducing the granularity of information presented in user-agent strings on its Chrome browser, it said today — picking up an effort it put on pause last year, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it said it wanted to avoid piling extra migration burden on the web ecosystem […]

The currency, which is aptly named STOPELON, hopes to eventually take over all of Tesla's stock.

Non-fungible tokens were compared dismissively to tulips at the annual RSA Conference.

The tech giant said in June its freeze would last a year to "give Congress enough time to implement appropriate rules." No federal laws have been passed since.

The firm is currently looking to hire a top editor to guide the effort.

Venture capital firm Index Ventures has rated three Baltic nations as the most "startup-friendly" in Europe after new policies on stock options made it easier for startups to attract and retain employees.

ByteDance put another US$15 million into Chinese gaming platform Reworld, through which users can make and play video games, in another bid against Tencent, which has the rights to rival platform Roblox in China through a joint venture.

Zamiary były szczytne. Strona PimEyes miała pomagać osobom, które padły ofiarami stalkerów i przestępców. Okazało się jednak, że wyszukiwarka jest tak dobra, że stała się narzędziem przestępców, którzy śledzą swoje ofiary w sieci. Odnalezienie kogoś w zasobach internetu zajmuje zaledwie kilka sekund.

Negative news over the past week has dampened sentiment for bitcoin.

Michael Burry is long puts against 800,100 shares of Tesla or $534 million by the end of the first quarter.

China has banned financial institutions and payment companies from providing services related to cryptocurrency transactions, and warned investors against speculative crypto trading.

Two smartwatch operating systems are coming together: Google and Samsung have announced they are merging the technologies of Wear OS and Tizen.

We need new tools to ensure visual media travels in secure ways that keep us safer online. Overlays are among these tools.

California's review aims to find out whether Tesla is breaking a state regulation.

Charlie bit my finger is just one in a recent string of early 2000s memes to be sold as an NFT, but there’s a twist: after the auction finishes, the video will be removed from YouTube.

Dublin court rejects Facebook appeal against Irish privacy regulator.

On the business, strategy, and impact of technology.

All pandemic long, scientists brawled over how the virus spreads. Droplets! No, aerosols! At the heart of the fight was a teensy error with huge consequences.

A review of Tesla's claims around its self-driving technology comes after a spate of accidents and videos showing owners 'driving' from the back seat.

Apple built the world’s most valuable business on top of China. Now it has to answer to the Chinese government.

Silicon Valley feels picked on by “woke” journalists “who can’t code.” Reporters feel picked on by petty zillionaires with anger-management problems. Inside the nasty clout battle for how the most important industry in the world gets written about.

Is Discord doing concerts now? When Travis Scott launched his official Discord server in April, more than 100,000 users signed up. Scott's embrace of Discord was just the latest example of the company's efforts to attract labels, bands and other music industry insiders.

Square CEO Jack Dorsey's affinity for cryptocurrency is no secret: His Twitter bio reads just "#bitcoin," he's hired engineers to work on open-source crypto projects and Square's Cash App is making a mint on bitcoin trading. Kirupa Pushparaj helps run an industry group that's defending the nascent industry's crucial intellectual property.

A new form of digital currency for animals, trees, and other wildlife (no, not like Dogecoin) would help protect biodiversity and bend technology back to nature.

In early experiments, a paralyzed man with implants in his premotor cortex typed 90 characters per minute—by envisioning he was writing by hand.

20 years ago Apple seized music, and turned it into a lever for its broader

business. It failed to do the same to TV, and lost control of music, but

won massively in games, where it now makes more money than the entire

global digital music industry. Now, perhaps, it’s looking at advertising.