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  • Linkowisko #12 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #12 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Dzień dobry! Nie wiem czy pracujesz, czy odpoczywasz, ale ślę porcję linków do newsów i artykułów, które przykuły moją uwagę w tym tygodniu.

Miłej niedzieli!

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 wydań) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!

Jeśli zastanawiasz się co ja tak naprawdę robię....

To zapraszam do obejrzenia tego krótkiego filmu ;)



16 czerwca odbędzie się konferencja 10X Automations, podczas której wraz z User.com i zautomatyzowani.pl udowodnimy potencjał automatyzacji i technologii no-code.

10X w pigułce:

✅ najlepsi specjaliści, praktycy i stratedzy automatyzacji w Polsce

✅ 3 panele eksperckie

✅ 5 warsztatów narzędziowych z konkretnymi case studies

✅ historie “z życia wzięte” w zakresie wdrożenia i wykorzystania automatyzacji

Wydarzenie jest organizowane zdalnie i w pełni darmowe. Zarejestruj się pod tym linkiem: https://10x.zautomatyzowani.pl/

TRANSPORT IDEATHON - Rozwiązania dla Warszawy

Zapraszam do udziału! 11-13 czerwca 2021 / online

Konkurs na najlepsze rozwiązanie, które pomoże przywrócić zaufanie do transportu publicznego po pandemii.

Zgłoś się sam/a lub z zespołem, pracuj pod okiem ekspertów i ekspertek, wygraj atrakcyjne nagrody o wartości ponad 10 000 złotych.


The United States, Britain and other leading nations reached a landmark deal on Saturday to pursue higher global taxation on multinational businesses such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon.

Worldpay finds cash purchases fell to 13% last year as pandemic hastens switch to cards and mobiles

Software that helps non-programmers build applications is spreading quickly, serving as a counterpoint to a shortage of software engineers.

Clive Wilkinson Architects championed open offices for big companies such as Google and Microsoft. Now, as the pandemic has led to a massive overhaul of work life, they envision something completely different.

Gary Haase has amassed the world’s most expensive Pokémon card collection, valued at over $10 million. So why isn’t he cashing in?

The theft of a deeply personal painting by the Belgian artist was a national tragedy. Now an investigation points to a tragedy greater still.

We’re now in the subscriptions era, and the pandemic is accelerating its takeover. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, many digital-based subscription business models fared well due to their promise of convenience and strong business continuity.

YouTube's advertising revenue is skyrocketing, leading more payments for creators. But the competition for creator talent is heating up.

Discover what your favourite startup websites looked like when they launched, and explore their journey through key milestones.

Apple Inc. has lost multiple top managers of its self-driving car team in recent months, a sign of attrition at the division involved in what could become an important future product.

Worldpay finds cash purchases fell to 13% last year as pandemic hastens switch to cards and mobiles

If YouTube were a stand-alone company, it would be the world's fourth largest seller of digital ads. Now it's set to challenge the TV ad market, if it can control misinformation and toxic content on the platform.

Dark Horse Comics has started Dark Horse Games as its new gaming and digital division. Johnny Lee is running the division.

30 tysięcy euro w gotówce i możliwość zaprezentowania swojego pomysłu przed inwestorami z całego świata czeka na startupy, które wezmą udział w Startup Contest – największym w CEE konkursie organizowanym w ramach konferencji Infoshare, zaplanowanej stacjonarnie w Gdańsku. Dotąd wzięło w nim udział 2,5 tysiąca startupów z...

Podatnicy prowadzący działalność badawczo-rozwojową od 1 stycznia 2019 roku mogą skorzystać z tzw. ulgi IP Box. Mowa o preferencyjnym opodatkowaniu dochodów pozyskanych z wytworzonych lub kwalifikowanych praw własności intelektualnej w wysokości 5% podatku PIT lub CIT. O co dokładnie chodzi i jak uzyskać ulgę IP Box?...

UC Browser, one of the biggest web browsing apps in the world thanks to huge user bases in Asia, claims to respect user privacy. But it has been harvesting its users’ website visits via its UC Browser app, even when incognito mode is turned on, researchers warn.

If YouTube were a stand-alone company, it would be the world's fourth largest seller of digital ads. Now it's set to challenge the TV ad market, if it can control misinformation and toxic content on the platform.

Amazon is hoping to use the identity vacuum Google has opened with its deprecation of the third-party cookie to suck up more business for its own DSP.

Securities regulators told Tesla last year that CEO Elon Musk’s use of Twitter had twice violated a court-ordered policy requiring his tweets to be preapproved by company lawyers.

In the new media landscape, everything is up for grabs: Netflix buys stuff from the studios, but makes its own stuff, too, and sells it directly to consumers. That’s one reason older media companies are trying to compete by consolidating. Disney, for example, bought much of 21st Century Fox — though the early success of its Disney+ streaming service looks like a result of the earlier purchases of Lucasfilm, Marvel, and Pixar.

Video games like 'Monster Train,' 'Slay the Spire,' and 'Gordian Quest' use decks, cards, and dice rolls to stake their claim.

It turns out that even Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, and Jamie Dimon couldn't figure out how to fix our broken health care system. What went wrong at Haven?

Snap opens more of its platform to developers, growth of core Snapchat still accelerating

Marketplace Founders commonly overfit their growth strategies to existing playbooks — which dramatically slows their growth.

An increasing percentage of sales on the Amazon marketplace comes from sellers that have been on it for years. More than half, from those who joined in 2017 or earlier. At the same time, new sellers are finding opportunities and bring incremental marketplace growth.

Nvidia’s new flagship GPU is the RTX 3080 Ti. This card ships with 12GB of VRAM instead of the 10GB found on the RTX 3080.

Bitcoin is the biggest of the virtual assets, which unlike the dollar are distributed outside of government control and often operate on a decentralized basis.

Brakuje powiązań między uznanymi naukowymi środowiskami, a ośrodkami badawczymi wielkich korporacji. „Dotyczy to nie tylko transhumanizmu,

By late April 2020, Dru Riley had gone 37 months without income, experimented with dozens of projects, written 13 Trends Reports, and his latest experiment to make money had just failed. Since then he’s earned more than $100,000 on Gumroad. There’s the simple version of his journey as a creator, and

If the dream of space travel involves new horizons and feelings of unbound freedom—to explore, to discover, to spread humanity—a nightmare lurks, too.

As cars become computers with wheels, Apple is joining other tech companies in eyeing the $5 trillion auto market. “Software is eating the world, and cars are next on the menu.”

Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky spoke with The Verge about the company’s latest updates, including its more flexible booking and Super Host support system. He also argued that people aren’t going to be interested in long-term, yearlong leases in the future.

Last week, Apple quietly unveiled one of the more remarkable pieces of technology that has been developed in the past few years. AssistiveTouch allows one to control an Apple Watch without actually touching the device. Instead, a series of hand and finger gestures can be used to control everything f

copyright levies, digitalizacja, nowe technologie, opłata reprograficzna, prawo autorskie, Varia

The game touted its use of the GPT-3 text generator. Then the algorithm started to generate disturbing stories, including sex scenes involving children.

Glauber Contessoto went looking for something that could change his fortunes overnight. He found it in a joke cryptocurrency.

The DarkSide ransomware affiliate program responsible for the six-day outage at Colonial Pipeline this week that led to fuel shortages and price spikes across the country is running for the hills. The crime gang announced it was closing up shop…

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is a big fan of Roblox, and thinks its shows the future for paying redditors

AT&T is merging its media business, WarnerMedia, with Discovery to create a new media giant. Between them, the two companies operate a range of TV channels and media brands, from CNN to HBO to the Warner Bros. movie studio, HGTV, the Food Network, and TLC.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we cannot ignore the warning signs for future catastrophes.

They are working with him to make the cryptocurrency a cheaper, greener alternative to Bitcoin.

On Clubhouse, a black badge was meant to identify trolls. It’s become an emblem of the app’s dysfunctional moderation system.

Is growth an inevitable outcome of the SaaS model? Of course, not. But what does data tell us about companies that are making it so? Read on.

People working in Tech are privileged. We don’t deal with occupational hazards; we are paid well, have access to wonderful perks; and most importantly: we get to build stuff with talented like-minded individuals.