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  • Linkowisko #15 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #15 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

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Artur Kurasiński rozmawia z Wojciechem Chmielarzem o tym jak wyglądają jak buduje się relacje z czytelnikami w czasach mediów społecznościowych, jak ocenia pracę nad scenariuszem filmowym "Żmijowiska". Będzie też o graniu w ulubione gry wideo i czy czeka na spotkania z fanami w bibliotekach twarzą w twarz.

Tutaj zapisz się na najlepszy newsletter o wpływie technologii na społeczeństwo.

A tutaj wejdź i przeczytaj najnowszy tekst na blogu Artura.


TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Japan's government plans to encourage firms to let their employees choose to work four days a week instead of five, aiming to improve

The new ‘bitcoin law’ is due to take effect on September 7, the president said.

Rockley Photonics ($SCPE) will revolutionize healthcare technology by enabling the Apple Watch to become a non-invasive laboratory grade spectrometer with "clinic on a wrist" capabilities such as continuous glucose monitor.They utilize a proprietary silicon photonics process technology.

How workers manufacturing products like aloe jelly and gardening gloves also became the influencers selling them.

A software update was issued to address safety risks posed by the vehicles’ cruise-control system, which could be accidentally activated and potentially result in an unexpected speed increase.

Amazon acquires Wickr, the Senate holds up CISA, and more of the week’s top security news.

Contrary to many recent headlines, Ronaldo´s decision to snub Coca-Cola was not responsible for a $4 billion dip in the beverage giant´s stock price. The incident reveals the importance of critical thinking for business leaders, especially now.

BuzzFeed, a 15-year-old digital media company, announced Thursday it plans to go public via a merger with a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company.

Fortnite, PUBG Mobile, Valorant and Honor of Kings are an example of why mobile is the fastest-growing platform since 2018.

Visa said Thursday that it had signed an agreement to acquire Swedish fintech Tink for €1.8bn, a landmark acquisition for European tech.

After the Windows 11 announcement, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella came on video to issue some pointed remarks about platforms. In them, his not-so-subtle shots at Apple were quite strong.

Microsoft announced Windows 11 today, showing off its "next generation" operating system with plenty of visual changes. Here's a look at some of the major ones we got a look at during the presentation.

Are you having fun in the sandbox? I hope so, because it’s going to be awhile. Google‘s plan to deprecate third-party cookies by Q2 2022 will be delayed by almost two years, so publishers, advertisers and web developers have time to test and build feasible alternatives, the company announced in a blog post on Thursday.... Continue reading »

A global Covid recovery plan by the World Economic Forum has inspired false rumours about the creation of a tyrannical world government.

North Korea code signing attacks and general cybercrime model is a major threat actor. Use Venafi Threat Model to stay up to date on the security landscape

The showrunner turned mogul reveals a new record label, podcast venture, book deal and a first-look film pact: "It’s a special time in this industry if you’re Black and you have something to say."

The world’s most important tech-investing group has pulled off a stunning comeback. But some of its flaws remain | Business

The Siri shortcut can be activated when you're pulled over by police, and will send your location to designated contacts and start recording video.

There have been plenty of pop-ups over the years, but tomorrow Google’s first store opens in NYC’s Chelsea neighborhood. The brick-and-mortar model finds the company joining peers like Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and even Amazon, all of whom have a retail presence in Manhattan, including several just around the corner from Google’s new digs. The new […]

Amazon tops Kantar BrandZ's list of the world's 100 most valuable brands for the third year in a row, as a host of global businesses bounce back with a vengeance despite the trials of lockdown. 

A pair of South African brothers have vanished, along with Bitcoin worth $3.6 billion from their cryptocurrency investment platform.

If you’ve applied for a job lately, it’s all but guaranteed that your application was reviewed by software—in most cases, before a human ever laid eyes on it. In this episode, the first in a four-part investigation into automated hiring practices, we speak with the CEOs of ZipRecruiter and CareerBuilder, and one of the architects…

NATO is looking to connect with startups amid fears over China's lead in AI

Massachusetts launched a COVID tracking app, and uh, it was automatically installed?!

Snowflake had a huge IPO in December and Databricks is gearing up for its own. More traditional database providers like MongoDB are still gaining traction with new cloud-based products. And there are still competing efforts by the cloud giants: AWS, Microsoft and Google. Meantime, database startups took $2.3 billion in funding in 2020.

44 proc. polskich internautów przyznało, że w czasie pandemii częściej czerpało informacje z bezpłatnych serwisów informacyjnych, a 39 proc. częściej korzystało z mediów społecznościowych.

Researchers urgently seek better ways to reuse spent cells

A nearly 50-foot-long ship set out on June 15 to sail from England to the United States autonomously. But a mechanical problem has forced its designers to return it to port.

Apple Inc. would be prohibited under antitrust reform legislation introduced last week from giving its own apps an advantage by preventing users from removing them on Apple devices, said Democratic Representative David Cicilline, who is leading a push to pass new regulations for U.S. technology companies.

Airspeeder says its electric "flying" race car, the Alauda Mk3, has had its first successful unpiloted test flights. The craft, an electric vertical takeoff multicopter (eVTOL) was remotely controlled.

Despite record profits, a number of them are worried that the company is suffering from both its size and leadership from its C.E.O., Sundar Pichai.

Amazon systematically attempts to channel 6% of its office employees out of the company each year, a target Amazon calls "unregretted attrition." Critics say the system resembles the controversial "stack...

The watchdogs have given their opinion on a blockbuster proposal for an EU A.I. law.

Germany's Federal Cartel Office, the Bundeskartellamt, today initiated proceedings against Apple on the claims of anti-competitive behavior...

On Jan. 15, a hacker tried to poison a water treatment plant that served parts of the San Francisco Bay Area. It didn't seem hard.

Southwestern Sichuan province has joined other mainland locations in shutting down cryptocurrency mining enterprises.

While the tech industry continues to tout a ârenaissanceâ of artificial intelligence, the number of AI chip startups has begun to plateau.

Amazon took in an estimated $10.4 billion on Prime Day last year, but that's a lot less than other retail holidays.

China's central bank said on Monday it had recently summoned some banks and payment firms, including China Construction Bank (601939.SS) and Alipay, urging them to crack down harder on cryptocurrency trading.