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  • Linkowisko #19 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #19 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Mam nadzieję, że miło spędzasz niedzielę - żeby jeszcze bardziej Ci to uprzyjemnić zebrałem trochę linków z których w tym tygodniu czerpałem swoją wiedzę. Miłej lektury i oczekuj mojego kolejnego newslettera w czwartek!

Artur Kurasinski

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 newsletterów jakie otrzymasz ode mnie) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!


Zapraszam na "Wstęp do webinar marketingu" czyli webinar i tworzeniu webinarów.

Wraz z Tomkiem Bołcunem z ClickMeeting będziemy wyjaśniali co i jak zrobić żeby Twój webinar nie tylko przyciągnął jak największą grupę osób, ale żeby również grzał leady, konwertował sprzedaż, wyrabiał KPI'e itd. Udział darmowy! Inwestujesz swój czas, dostaniesz super użyteczną wiedzę!




20 września rusza IV zbiórka obuwia dla osób dotkniętych bezdomnością organizowana przez firmę WoshWosh. Zebrane i odświeżone obuwie trafi do osób najbardziej potrzebujących.

Do tej pory, podczas III edycji zbiórki, WoshWosh pomogło ponad połowie potrzebujących w Polsce. To realna pomoc, która zaczyna się od małego gestu, a kończy na tysiącach zebranych i dostarczonych par butów dla najbardziej potrzebujących.

Do mojej kolejnego komiksu z serii “Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?” szukam partnerów z zakresu e-commerce oraz usług finansowych. Chcę stworzyć kolejne odcinki najpopularniejszego (ponad 15 tys sprzedanych egzemplarzy!) w Polsce edukomiksu z Partnerami. W poprzednich częściach wspierali mnie: Facebook, Mastercard, Mercedes, Amazon i JustJoinIT. Partner otrzymuje możliwość lokowania swojego produktu, pojawia się w komiksie, jego logo widnieje na okładce i jest częścią kampanii reklamowej.

Tutaj możesz zobaczyć jak udało nam się wspólnie z Mastercardem i Amazonem stworzyć fają i wartościową treść.

Chcesz żeby Twoja firma się pojawiła w moim komiksie? Napisz do mnie: [email protected]


A cryptocurrency data network run by some of Wall Street’s biggest players showed a roughly 90% plunge in Bitcoin on Monday, a glitch that didn’t show up on other platforms.

The country's National Cyber Security Centre found security risks in both Xiaomi and Huawei models.

ProPublica identified thousands of Marketplace listings and profiles that broke the company’s rules, revealing how Facebook failed to safeguard users.

The National AI Strategy builds on the UK’s strengths but also represents the start of a step-change for AI in the UK, recognising the power of AI to increase resilience, productivity, growth and innovation across the private and public sectors.

Emojis are the newest battlefield in the war between millennials and Gen Z.

Twenty-five years ago,

anticipated a time that would both romanticize and mistrust the culture of work.

Blockchain-based fantasy soccer game Sorare has raised $680 million in a funding round led by SoftBank , with players including ex-England international Rio Ferdinand and Spain's Gerard Pique also investing, the company said on Tuesday.

AI-powered characters based on real people can star in thousands of videos and say anything, in any language. 

Peter Thiel’s origin story. His ideology dominates Silicon Valley. It began to form when he was an angry young man. Here a book excerpt from “The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power,” by Max Chafkin.

ProPublica identified thousands of Marketplace listings and profiles that broke the company’s rules, revealing how Facebook failed to safeguard users.

A deeper look into how YouTube’s recommendation system works.

New regulations are forcing smaller exchanges to fold, triggering concerns about market monopolies.

Twitter Inc said on Monday it would pay $809.5 million to settle a shareholder class action lawsuit accusingthe social media company of deceiving investors about how often people used its platform.

The once-utopian accommodations site, now headed by a Palantir alum, has gone back on its always-free ethos.

Tesla plans to expand access to its Full Self-Driving system and defends its technology. A safety official says more work is needed and calls the name irresponsible.

There are nearly 40 Impressionist-ish installations across the U.S., thanks to “Emily in Paris.” Do the exhibitions live up to the hype?

The Silicon Valley tech giants had been under pressure to remove the “Smart Voting” tool, which encourages voters to back candidates not aligned with President Vladimir Putin’s party.

GPT-3, OpenAI’s artificial intelligence language model, associates Muslims and Islam with terrorism.

When the United Arab Emirates paid over $1.3 million for a powerful and stealthy iPhone hacking tool in 2016, the monarchy’s spies—and the American mercenary hackers they hired—put it to immediate use. The tool exploited a flaw in Apple’s iMessage app to enable hackers to completely take over a victim’s iPhone. It was used against…

Iran's top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated by an AI-assisted sniper rifle remotely controlled by Israeli operatives.

Will prolonged disruptions shift the pattern of trade? | Finance & economics

The Biden administration is preparing an array of actions, including sanctions, to disrupt the digital finance infrastructure that facilitates ransomware cyberattacks, a national security threat traced to Russia.

“This is not normal. This is not healthy.”

Scientists set initial sights on creating elephant-mammoth hybrid, with first calves expected in six years

InPost wprowadza nową usługę dla e-handlu. Przesyłki w wybranych miastach będą dostarczane do paczkomatu tego samego dnia - W Łodzi i Warszawie rusza nowa usługa InPost – Same Day Delivery, dzięki której dostawa przesyłek do

Decades-old video game consoles such as Atari 2600, Mega Drive and NES are seeing a wave of new games released on old-school cartridges. Who’s making them, and why?

Renate Nyborg is the first female CEO in dating app Tinder's history.

All films set to come out 2021 will be released in cinemas, handing a boost to struggling venues.


Roth IRAs were intended to help average working Americans save, but IRS records show Thiel and other ultrawealthy investors have used them to amass vast untaxed fortunes.

Canva is now one of the world’s most valuable startups after raising $200 million in new funding at a $40 billion valuation. Cofounders Melanie Perkins and Cliff Obrecht promise to donate 30% of the company away.

The role of lidar sensors in self-driving cars is still to be determined. But the technology's role in digital twins is surging.

A new global fintech platform emerges

Travel Interesting

Increasingly, books are something that libraries do not own but borrow from the corporations that do.

The world around us is being disrupted by the acceleration of technology into more industries and more consumer applications. Society is reorienting to a new post-pandemic norm — even before the…

Its own in-depth research shows a significant teen mental-health issue that Facebook plays down in public. Part 2 in a series offering an unparalleled look inside the social-media giant’s failings—and its unwillingness or inability to address them.

An extensive array of research reports, online employee debates and drafts of presentations to senior management, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, offer an unparalleled look inside the social-media giant’s failings—and its unwillingness or inability to address them.

First there was gunpowder. Then nuclear weapons. Next: artificially intelligent weapons.

On Friday, Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers issued a ruling on Epic v. Apple, a precedential antitrust trial over Fortnite and the iOS App Store.

The Grammy-nominated composer BT spoke to WIRED about art as a form of big data—and his new composition that lives on the blockchain.

Constant tracking has compromised Americans’ sense of themselves. But we may be able to regain our freedom.

The long read:

Last year, three cryptocurrency enthusiasts bought a cruise ship. They named it the Satoshi, and dreamed of starting a floating libertarian utopia. It didn’t work out

Billed as the most secure phone on the planet, An0m became a viral sensation in the underworld. There was just one problem for anyone using it for criminal means: it was run by the police

Some critics of the social media industry contend that widespread use of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube has contributed to increased political polarization in the United States. But Facebook, the largest social media platform, has disputed this contention, saying that it is unsupported by social science research. Determining whether social media plays a role in worsening partisan animosity is important because political polarization has pernicious consequences. We conclude that social media platforms are not the main cause of rising partisan hatred, but use of these platforms intensifies divisiveness and thus contributes to its corrosive effects.

In her decision last week on the Epic vs Apple case, Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers wrote this: I am not a lawyer, but I read that to say that apps that use crypto rails for payments cannot be blocked by Apple anymore. If so, that is a decision of enormous consequences for the crypto sector […]