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  • Linkowisko #2 Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #2 Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego


Spokonie! To tylko kolejna porcja linków na podstawie których mapuję trendy, piszę wstępniaka, inwestuję i odkrywam świat technologii. Jeśli czekasz na mój soczysty wstępniak i rozwinięcie kilku zagadnień to przypominam, że mój "normalny" newsletter wychodzi w każdy czwartek. Tym samym miesięcznie otrzymasz ode mnie aż 8 newsletterów.

Artur Kurasiński

PS Właśnie dlatego warto tutaj kliknąć i wesprzeć mój newslleter. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 wydania) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!


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O tym newsletterze: najpopularniejszy newsletter technologiczny w Polsce. Stworzyłem już 232 wydań przez 5 lata. Obecnie subskrybuje go 6312 osób (głównie menadżerowie, prezesi i osoby odpowiedzialne za zarządzenie w firmach i startupach).

Format reklamy: tytuł, wstęp + grafika z linkiem (tutaj zobacz przykład).

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Tematyka kosmiczna niezmiennie inspiruje - nie tylko pod względem aktywności naukowej, przemysłowej czy instytucjonalnej, ale też na gruncie fantastyki i powiązanej twórczości filmowej, pisarskiej czy gamingowej.

Artur Kurasiński. Fascynat technologii. Przedsięboiorca technologiczny. Bloger. Bazujemy na tym, co wiemy i rozmawiamy o rozwoju tech biznesu

Snarky tweets targeting the senators came after the CEO told company execs they weren’t pushing back hard enough on critics.

What happened at today's Big Tech hearing? CEOs of Facebook, Google and Twitter testified before Congress about the role their platforms played in stoking the violence. Zuckerberg refused to take any blame for Facebook's role in the Capitol riot, and Pichai and Dorsey gave tepid endorsements of Facebook's Section 230 proposal.

A mini-sized model from Chinese brand Wuling, the Hong Guang Mini EV, toppled Tesla's Model 3 as the world's best-selling electric car in January, with deliveries exceeding 36,000 in the month, more than those of the Model 3 and Model Y combined.

Experts are using AI to pick apart classic recordings from the 50s and 60s, isolate the instruments, and stitch them back together in crisp, bold ways.

As you probably know it, 2021 has seen the launch of the extremely US hyped app Clubhouse in France. After several weeks using it, I think it’s time to take a step back on their go-to-market…

Cheryl Hung, VP Ecosystem at CNCF, points out 10 trends to look forward to in cloud native

When I started working in commerce in 2017, there were still a vast number of gaps in the tech stack available for brands. I worked for a brand that had a unique bento box experience for customers…

We are an early-stage venture capital firm investing in transformative companies harnessing information growth and computing power to change the world.

The five-year-old e-commerce company is the first challenger to loosen Alibaba and JD.com’s stranglehold over online consumption in China.

As 3D printing makes it easier to create homemade weapons, attorneys general are pushing to stem the tide of unaccountable firearms.

The CMA has found that Facebook’s completed acquisition of Giphy raises competition concerns in relation to digital advertising and the supply of GIFs.

Instead of keeping a large portion of humanity stuck in the mud, curated data sets could pull us out of the muck and into the sunshine.

Certificates are selling for $200 each, and ads for fake vaccines and negative COVID test results have popped up as well.

H&M was targeted by ‘patriotic’ Chinese netizens for its stance on cotton from Xinjiang, prompting major Chinese tech firms to remove all references to the Swedish clothing giant from their apps.

A 2018 post by the Tesla CEO threatened workers' stock options if they sought a union.

The owner of the Raven bookstore, in Lawrence, wants to tell you about all the ways that the e-commerce giant is hurting American downtowns.

As Coinbase prepares to be the first major cryptocurrency company to go public, it is struggling with basic customer service, users said.

Connect DMs turns the popular workplace tool into a messaging service that operates beyond your company's walls.

How the shape of deep learning—and the fate of the tech industry—went up for sale in Harrah's Room 731, on the shores of Lake Tahoe.

NYT’s Kevin Roose on how robotic process automation, or RPA, will impact our future and how to think about it as you design your career.

AR – The Next Frontier in Immersive Advertising Experiences Since Apple and Google equipped phones with Augmented Reality (AR)-ready software, an increasing number of AR apps are being used by consumers on a daily basis. This year, the number of AR users in the U.S. alone is expected to reach 85 million [1]. Consumers, particularly … Continued

The three tech giants now collect more than half of all ad dollars spent in the U.S. The pandemic economy got them there.

Spotify launched a new website that publicizes how much the company has paid in royalties to music rights holders. Called Loud & Clear, the website attempts to demystify the royalties payment process.

Fleets of them will eavesdrop on every part of Earth’s surface

Honor of Kings developer TiMi Studios, part of Tencent, has partnered with fashion house Burberry on a new character skin.

“They have the internet on computers now”

An experiment by Japanese researchers revealed how just a few distracted walkers really can throw off the movements of a whole crowd.

Brad Smith testified before Congress last week, bashing Google over its control over the news business. Under former CEO Steve Ballmer, Microsoft was an unabashed fighter, regularly using the power of regulation and loud PR to sting its rivals — mainly, Google — and inflate its own importance. That changed under CEO Satya Nadella.

Beijing officials are concerned that the electric-vehicle maker’s cars could be a source of national-security leaks, people familiar with the effort said.

Government agrees to proposal from leftwing party Más País allowing companies to test reduced hours

To date, Gumroad has made it easy by enabling them to sell digital products, online courses, and memberships directly to their audiences. But earning an income isn't the only way to get paid.

A ranking of the largest and fastest-growing consumer-facing marketplace startups and private companies. From food delivery to outdoor travel, the Marketplace 100 reflects the imprint of a year like no other.

Growing sales of the aircraft threaten to spark a global arms race.

The company says the assistants of the future need to be more aware of what's happening around them. But how far should the technology go?

There are over six million third-party sellers on the Amazon marketplace. More than half of them sell on Amazon in North America.

A top executive is leaving the company, which announced plans to shift its focus from its own publications to writers who use its platform.

Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser wants the final day of the working week to be known as “Zoom-Free Fridays.”

The ambitious project aims to preserve humankind – and animal-kind, plant-kind and fungi-kind – in the event of a global crisis.

In August of 2019, I published research from now-defunct clickstream data provider, Jumpshot, showing that 50.33% of all Google searches ended without a

Listen now (81 min) | The Facebook, Spotify, and Shopify CEOs discuss the creator economy and Apple's policies