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  • Linkowisko #20 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #20 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Po tygodniu ciężkiej pracy należy się odpoczynek - do czego zachęcam. A najlepiej odpoczywać z dobrą lekturą i kubkiem kawy / herbaty oraz dobrą lekturą. Jak co tydzień zebrałem dla Ciebie garść informacji, które w tym tygodniu uznałem za ważne i wartościowe pod kątem wpływu technologii na nasze życie. Miłej niedzieli!

Artur Kurasinski

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 newsletterów jakie otrzymasz ode mnie) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!


Wraz z Tomkiem Bołcunem z ClickMeeting będziemy wyjaśniali co i jak zrobić żeby Twój webinar nie tylko przyciągnął jak największą grupę osób, ale żeby również grzał leady, konwertował sprzedaż, wyrabiał KPI'e itd. Udział darmowy! Inwestujesz swój czas, dostaniesz super użyteczną wiedzę!


Sponsorzy poszukiwani!

Do mojej kolejnego komiksu z serii “Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?” szukam partnerów z zakresu e-commerce oraz usług finansowych. Chcę stworzyć kolejne odcinki najpopularniejszego (ponad 15 tysięcy sprzedanych egzemplarzy!) w Polsce edukomiksu z Partnerami. W poprzednich częściach wspierali mnie: Facebook, Mastercard, Mercedes, Amazon i JustJoinIT. Partner otrzymuje możliwość lokowania swojego produktu, pojawia się w komiksie, jego logo widnieje na okładce i jest częścią kampanii reklamowej.

Tutaj możesz zobaczyć jak udało nam się wspólnie z Mastercardem i Amazonem stworzyć fają i wartościową treść.

Chcesz żeby Twoja firma się pojawiła w moim komiksie? Napisz do mnie: [email protected]


Inovo Venture Partners is a first choice VC for ambitious founders from Poland and the CEE region. Find us on ► https://inovo.vc/ ► Check out more info about...

Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów postanowił przyjrzeć się zyskującej coraz większe znaczenie części rynku reklamowego, czyli działalności tzw. influencerów. Jak informuje w komunikacie, chce, by internauci dostawali jasny przekaz, co jest reklamą, a co recenzją produktu.

About $90 million went out in error to users of Compound, a decentralized-finance staking protocol. The founder is begging users to return the tokens.

Shopify has reportedly beaten Amazon in online traffic, according to data showing all Shopify-powered sites surpassed Amazon in unique visitors last quarter.

Google is using AI to make its search products offer more complex answers to your questions. At the company’s Search On event, it announced updates to Google Lens, shopping, and more, using AI to explore the queries its users are asking with greater depth. We spoke to Google SVP Prabhakar Raghavan about the changes.

A huge but little-known industry has cropped up around monetizing people’s movements

Featuring Lil Nas X, Bella Poarch, Brittany Broski, Curtis Roach, and more Inspired by the creativity and innovation of the TikTok creator community, we're exploring the world of NFTs as a new creator

Social Media Today

Lionsgate is partnering with the storytelling platform Dorian to create user-generated, interactive games.

First protein folding, now weather forecasting: London-based AI firm DeepMind is continuing its run applying deep learning to hard science problems. Working with the Met Office, the UK’s national weather service, DeepMind has developed a deep-learning tool called DGMR that can accurately predict the likelihood of rain in the next 90 minutes—one of weather forecasting’s toughest…

Social Media Today

IDC examines consumer markets by devices, applications, networks, and services to provide complete solutions for succeeding in these expanding markets.

With 1 billion individuals needing to be reskilled by 2030, traditional education providers are failing to meet the needs of those looking to upskill/reskill and access jobs in the most high-growth…

China's central bank says all cryptocurrency-related transactions are illegal in the country and they must be banned.

Aimi combines AI with human artists to generate endless original music experiences

Bitcoin mining is breathing life into aging fossil fuel power plants, creating a demand environmentalists say discourages investment in renewable energy sources.

The 10-episode scripted podcast will serve as a closely watched experiment for the streaming industry. 

No more Lightning cables?

TikTok says it has crossed a major milestone: The social video app claims it now counts more than 1 billion monthly active users.

Several Apple Inc and Tesla Inc suppliers have suspended production at some Chinese factories for a number of days to comply with tighter energy consumption policies, putting supply chains at risk in the peak season for electronics goods.

A German hamster is beating investors at their own game.

Every so often, a clip of a Tesla running experimental beta driver assistance software goes viral. But who are the people behind the wheel? And why does it matter?

TikTok’s Americancore meme critiques cultural appropriation by exoticizing the familiar. Who has the last laugh?

The live cam site is expanding into Twitch-like video game streaming

Leaked meetings show the robot will heavily rely on facial recognition and user behavior, but sources who worked on Astro say the robot is flawed.

Tech elites’ supposed indifference to fashion is a contempt for the commons

iRobot’s CEO once told me, with a wink, that he didn’t become a truly successful roboticist until he became a vacuum salesman. It’s a good line, and one that betrays some fundamental truths about the industry. Robots are hard, and in a lot of ways home robots are doubly so. That no one has managed […]

Netflix has acquired its first game studio with the acquisition of Oxenfree creator Night School Studio. The purchase price wasn't disclosed.

LinkedIn is testing the idea of letting users charge for virtual events hosted on its platform, potentially creating a new moneymaker for both the social network and its users. 

The suit accused Tesla of falsely advertising that its Autopilot software could execute driving functions better than a human.

After years of buildup, Universal Music Group's IPO is on Tuesday. What can we expect? Analysts and industry experts weigh in ...

Lithuania's Defense Ministry recommended that consumers avoid buying Chinese mobile phones and advised people to throw away the ones they have now after a government report found the devices had built-in censorship capabilities.

Apple is working on technology to help diagnose depression and cognitive decline, aiming for tools that could expand the scope of its burgeoning health portfolio.

A secret experiment in 2007 proved that hackers could devastate power grid equipment beyond repair—with a file no bigger than a GIF.