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  • Linkowisko #25 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #25 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Wrzucam porcję linków - mam nadzieję, że znajdziecie czas żeby z częścią z nich się zapoznać w ten ostatni dzień weekendu. Do zobaczenia / przeczytania w czwartek!

Artur Kurasinski

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 newsletterów jakie otrzymasz ode mnie) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!


Wiele osób pyta się o możliwość zareklamowania swojego biznesu czy usługi w tym newsletterze albo na blogu. Więc jeśli chcesz zamieścić reklamę w tym newsletterze i dotrzeć do bardzo wartościowej grupy odbiorców to zapraszam! Cena: 850 zł netto (4 edycje, jeden pełen miesiąc).

O tym newsletterze: najpopularniejszy newsletter technologiczny w Polsce. Stworzyłem już 209 wydań przez 4 lata. Obecnie subskrybuje go 5883 osób (głównie menadżerowie, prezesi i osoby odpowiedzialne za zarządzenie w firmach i startupach).

Format reklamy: tytuł, wstęp + grafika z linkiem (tutaj zobacz przykład).

Blog - zapraszam po szczegóły tutaj. Polecam ofertę zamieszczenia artykułu w cyklu “Biznes Hackers” (zobacz przykład tutaj) za 2000 zł netto

Napisz do mnie i ustalimy szczegóły: [email protected]



Posłuchaj historii doświadczonych inwestorów, którzy tworzą swoje biznesy w oparciu o rynki zagraniczne:

  • Filip Felician Dames (Partner at Cherry Ventures, co-founder of Zalando)

  • Alan Poensgen (Partner at Antler, co-founder at Westwing, ex Rocket Internet)

  • Borys Musielak (Founding Partner at SMOK Ventures, founder of Filmaster)


"We want to be one of the key players," Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said in a recent earnings call.

The food delivery service Eleme, owned by Alibaba, built a Bluetooth tracking system to make “instant delivery” a reality.

The world watched when the container ship Ever Given blocked the Suez Canal this March. Some people made sites, many people made memes; I made a children’s book. It seemed almost comical: A patch of bad weather drove the 1312-foot long, 200000 tonnes-heavy container ship Ever Given askew, wedging her into the narrow canal at... Read More

Rising internal concerns about young users were largely invisible to outsiders, forming the basis of a whistle-blower’s SEC complaint

What does a mailbox with 351 thousand unread emails say about Bauhaus, the

Arts and Crafts movement, and the Metaverse?

Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage

Brain-computer connections used by paralyzed patients to type and control robotic limbs shows such devices could be the next great interface.

Legal arguments started Monday in a trial that could (possibly) establish who was the true creator of Bitcoin—and who has rights to Satoshi Nakamoto’s 1.1 million BTC wallet.

The Silicon Valley firm Andreessen Horowitz, whose founders played big roles in the development of the internet, aims to own a huge part of the digital currency world — and set the rules for it, too.

On the front lines of the $SQUID “rug pull” that left investors in the lurch.

Controversial facial recognition firm Clearview AI has been ordered to destroy all images and facial templates belonging to individuals living in Australia by the country’s national privacy regulator. Clearview is appealing the decision.

While they wrestle with the immediate danger posed by hackers today, US government officials are preparing for another, longer-term threat: attackers who are collecting sensitive, encrypted data now in the hope that they’ll be able to unlock it at some point in the future. The threat comes from quantum computers, which work very differently from…

Nike's recent patents include plans for everything from avatars to "cryptokicks." The company recently created a Metaverse Studio and is hiring.

Apple’s head of software engineering Craig Federighi took his time onstage at the Web Summit 2021 conference to air a laundry list of grievances against proposed requirements for sideloading apps onto iPhones, describing the practice as “gold rush for the malware industry.” It’s a matter for discussion not simply because there is lively debate on […]

Mythical Games has raised $150 million at a $1.25 billion valuation for Blankos Block Party title and other NFT games.

The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has released a final rule adding four foreign companies to the Entity List for engaging in activities that are contrary to the national security or foreign

We bring you the future as it happens. From the latest in science and technology to the big stories in business and culture, we've got you covered.

Our reporter tests out a “video booth” to glimpse the future of telepresence.

Special thanks to Mr Silly and Tina Zhen for early feedback on the post, and to a big long list of people for discussion of the ideas.

New game studio Core Loop has raised $12 million to develop a sandbox massively multiplayer online game using blockchain technology.

A Gen-Z whodunnit to channel your inner Agatha Christie.