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  • Linkowisko #26 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #26 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Dzień dobry! Dziś jak co weekend - porcja linków do newsów i artykułów, które przeczytałem i uważam za bardzo interesujące oraz godne rekomendacji. Zapraszam do lektury!

Artur Kurasinski

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 newsletterów jakie otrzymasz ode mnie) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!


Wiele osób pyta się o możliwość zareklamowania swojego biznesu czy usługi w tym newsletterze albo na blogu. Więc jeśli chcesz zamieścić reklamę w tym newsletterze i dotrzeć do bardzo wartościowej grupy odbiorców to zapraszam! Cena: 2000 zł netto (4 edycje, jeden pełen miesiąc).

Newsletter - najpopularniejszy newsletter technologiczny w Polsce. Stworzyłem już 209 wydań przez 4 lata. Obecnie subskrybuje go 6495 osób (głównie menadżerowie, prezesi i osoby odpowiedzialne za zarządzenie w firmach i startupach).

Format reklamy: tytuł, wstęp + grafika z linkiem (tutaj zobacz przykład).

Blog - zapraszam po szczegóły tutaj. Polecam ofertę zamieszczenia artykułu w cyklu “Biznes Hackers” (zobacz przykład tutaj).

  • Wywiad, materiał sponsorowany – od 6000 zł netto

  • Materiał sponsorowany + reklama w newsletterze – 8000 zł netto

Napisz do mnie i ustalimy szczegóły: [email protected]



Zapraszam na serię wywiadów przeprowadzonych przeze mnie dotycząca branży internetowej - startupów, VC, sprzedaży, rynku twórców, PR, tworzenia nowoczesnych produktów i wielu innych tematów, które powinien poznać przedsiębiorca działający online.

W tym odcinku Panoptykon 4.0 Katarzyna Szymielewicz rozmawia z Arturem Kurasińskim o społecznej odpowiedzialności Big Techów, kryzysie zaufania i nieuchronnej zmianie, którą już widać w rynkowych trendach. To pierwszy z serii trzech podcastów traktujących o zmianie paradygmatu w świecie technologii. Tej zimy przyglądamy się przyczynom kryzysu zaufania do największych firm

Out-of-home SSP Place Exchange is partnering with Quotient to make audio ad inventory programmatically available in grocery and drug stores.

As the crypto market continues to push toward new heights, investors are finding heightened LP appetite for exposure to the space, leading to new venture funds that are huge — even by 2021 standards. Paradigm, a crypto VC firm founded in 2018 by Coinbase co-founder Fred Ehrsam and former Sequoia Capital partner Matt Huang, has […]

Meta, formerly Facebook, Research Labs has unveiled a new haptic glove prototype that uses soft robotics and microfluidics to produce the illusion of touch.

Unity’s acquisition of Weta digital makes sense for both sides, and positions Unity to be an essential platform for tech’s future.

In a major shift in policy, Apple says it will sell the parts and tools necessary for DIY iPhone repair.

After years of paying for the Gemini cryptocurrency growth out of pocket, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss have finally accepted outside capital to help build new financial ecosystems, and an entirely new digital world.

The newsletter platform’s top 10 writers generated over $20 million from subscriptions.

There’s a reason why Netflix works so well. Open Connect, Netflix’s in-house content distribution network, was built to deliver its TV shows and movies. The program involves Netflix giving internet service providers physical appliances that allow them to localize traffic so streams don’t crash and burn.

She gets $1.7 million. Sam Lessin’s venture firm gets 5% of her creator earnings for 30 years. “it's def not indentured servitude,” he says.

‘Big tech’ buys hundreds of startups, but what are they, what does that

mean for competition, and how does this fit into the broader market? How

many more Instagrams are there, and how many DAOs?

Every day, millions of viewers come to YouTube to research the latest gadgets and beauty products that the site’s creators promote. Most of them then leave to make a purchase — often on Amazon.com. YouTube wants in on the action.

Sen. Cynthia Lummis and others are now attempting to narrow the scope of the law’s crypto broker clause with a separate bill.

The new quantum processor shows the company is making progress on its roadmap to practical quantum computing, but performance metrics for new Eagle processor unknown.

When the CEO of the gaming-focused chat platform teased crypto integration this week, the response was swift and brutal.


GPT-3 was by far the largest AI model of its kind last year. Now? Not so much.

Motorized bicycles are outselling all-electric cars and have the potential to transform urban transit.

Global automakers are planning to spend more than half a trillion dollars on electric vehicles and batteries through 2030, according to a Reuters analysis, amping up investments aimed at weaning car buyers away from fossil fuels and meeting increasingly tough decarbonization targets.

Forte will use the funding, which brings its total capital raised this year to more than $900 million, to expand its products and services.

Spotify says it’s planning to acquire Findaway, an audiobook distribution and services company. The purchase will allow Spotify to take a more direct role in the creation, distribution, and selling of audiobooks.

Cook dismissed suggestions that Apple might take cryptocurrency in exchange for products or buy it with corporate funds.

Unity has just announced its intent to acquire Weta Digital, the legendary visual effects company co-founded by Peter Jackson, for a massive $1.625 billion. Whether or not you recognize the name, you’ve seen Weta Digital’s work. From “Lord of the Rings” to “Avatar” to “Shang-Chi,” if its the kind of movie where people say “you […]

Properly gauging the significance of the digital world, why current internet architecture makes us unhappy and what we can do about it, how Chris stays healthy post-covid, and more!

The global crypto market cap has grown five-fold since last November, when it stood at $578 billion.

We’re shutting down the Face Recognition system on Facebook, so people who’ve opted in will no longer be automatically be recognized in photos and videos.

The maker of Pokémon Go wants to power future AR glasses and how they understand the world.

Nike's recent patents include plans for everything from avatars to "cryptokicks." The company recently created a Metaverse Studio and is hiring.

The social media site is the bane of non-users’ lives, hijacking image search results with a pushy sign-up screen. It needs to stop.

Genetically engineered bacteria, rigged up as a distributed computing system, might help realize synthetic biology’s loftier goals.

Nvidia launched the enterprise version of its Omniverse platform at its annual graphics technology conference.