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  • Linkowisko #34 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #34 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

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The investment app's Silicon Valley ethos was initially an advantage—but the GameStop debacle proved its dangers.

On Jan. 12, an image of a computer-generated pixelated person was sold for about $50.6 million worth of cryptocurrency on a new online marketplace that caters for non-fungible tokens.

Out of 23 monkeys implanted with Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chips at the University of California Davis between 2017 and 2020, at least 15 reportedly died.

Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage

Tesla called the lawsuit, filed by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, "misguided."

Over $500 million worth of real estate was sold on the top four metaverse platforms in 2021, data shows. Traditional real estate companies are amongst the many investors flocking to stake their claim on plots of land in virtual worlds like Decentraland and Sandbox. Although important questions remain about which platforms and use cases will […]

The governor of the Hungarian National Bank said he agreed with the Russian central bank’s earlier proposal to ban crypto activities.

As the experience of virtual worlds grows richer, virtual crimes such as assault and theft may become as serious as their counterparts in the physical world.

Czy jeśli spłonie ostatni egzemplarz "Anny Kareniny" to dzieło przestanie istnieć? Notatki o JPEGach, scarcity i statusie bytowym dzieła.

Apple’s first shot at spatial computing in AR may not capture every magical possibility of the tech—and that might be OK.

Some NFT assets held their value during January's crypto crash, but not the video game monsters in Axie Infinity.

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing filed a lawsuit against Tesla on Wednesday alleging racial discrimination and harassment. The complaint, which was filed in state court, calls out issues at Tesla’s Fremont, California manufacturing plant. The California agency had received “hundreds of complaints from workers” and found evidence that the Fremont factory is […]

The Assange fundraiser is just the latest example of a DAO, or leaderless collective, raising huge amounts of money.

A solar storm knocked 40 out of 49 recently launched SpaceX satellites out of orbit and back into Earth's atmosphere.

Disney+ ran its first-ever test of livestreaming capabilities this morning in the U.S., hinting at future changes to come for its on-demand subscription video service. For the test, the company didn’t try to tackle a massive event, but instead ran a livestream of the 94th Oscar nominations, hosted by actor-comedian Leslie Jordan and actor-producer Tracee […]

A very detailed article with my predictions about the trends of augmented reality in 2022.A re you ready for one of the best AR years?

If you're tempted by the news about people paying big bucks for NFT and want to sell an NFT too, here's the step-by-step guide!

Take-Two Interactive Software has made billions of dollars in microtransactions on its Grand Theft Auto video games, but CEO Strauss Zelnick is approaching NFTs with caution.

After a series of recent crypto hacks, companies are stepping in and bailing out protocols and users.

The NFT art heists, digital wallet hacks, and token scams will continue until morale improves.

Shi Zhengli has spent years at the Wuhan Institute of Virology researching coronaviruses that live in bats. Her work has come under fire as the world tries to understand where covid-19 came from.

Brussels wants to quadruple semiconductor production in Europe by 2030, luring Intel, TSMC, and their “megafabs.”

The value of the bitcoin at the time it was seized last week marks the department’s largest-ever financial seizure, officials said.

It has nothing to do with art. It’s a gimmick, plain and simple.

Hundreds of millions of users. No algorithm. No ads. Courage in the face of autocracy. Sound like a dream? Careful what you wish for.

As Russia continues to amass troops at the border, resistance groups have seen a surge in crypto donations.

Arm owner SoftBank will instead spin the business off via an IPO.

The trademark applications are for a range of "virtual and digital goods," including art, sporting goods, avatars, toys, trading cards and NFTs.

The achievement reinforces the Times' position as the world's largest subscription news company.