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  • Linkowisko #37 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #37 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Dzień dobry,

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Artur Kurasiński

Jak działa największa platforma streamingowa? Jakie są zasady wypłacania artystom pieniędzy za odsłuchy piosenek? Kto zarabia najwięcej? Na te i inne pytania odpowiem w tym podkaście.

W siódmym odcinku podcastu "Metagame" Joanna "Frota" Kurkowska i Artur Kurasiński rozprawiają o DAO (zdecentralizowanej autonomicznej organizacji) - problemami i wyzwaniami stojącymi za implementacją takiego sposobu zarządzania społecznością.

Multiple sources, including several VPN providers and app data service Sensor Tower, tell iMore that VPN reliance has increased massively in Russia in recent days.

Cutting off access to the world's biggest social network is the Russian government's latest effort to censor information about its invasion of Ukraine.

As Russia’s invasion of Ukraine plays out online, the platform’s design and algorithm prove ideal for the messiness of war—but a nightmare for the truth.

Rosja prowadzi walkę informacyjną, w której celem jest także Polska. Na co powinniśmy być gotowi? Jak zweryfikować prawdę? O zagrożeniach, którym musimy stawić czoło rozmawiamy z doktorem Łukaszem Olejnikiem, niezależnym badaczem i konsultantem ds. cyberbezpieczeństwa i cyberwojny

Google, Apple and others were warned that they must comply with a new law, which would make them more vulnerable to the Kremlin’s censorship demands.

There was a significant spike in unauthorized downloads earlier this year after TV series 'Friends' left Netflix in the Netherlands.

When did everybody start calling themselves content creators?

In the early days of the company, MindGeek (the parent of Pornhub) struggled to effectively moderate its content. Nathan Munn, a former employee in charge of take-down requests, reveals the origins of the issues that would eventually plague the fast-rising porn site.

Apple has halted all sales of its products in Russia due to the country’s invasion of Ukraine, a company spokesperson said Tuesday.

Google has just announced that YouTube will geoblock the Kremlin-affiliated media outlets Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik in Europe, following pressure from regional lawmakers to choke off Russian war propaganda.

Disney, Sony and Warner Bros. have halted future theatrical film releases in Russia following the country's attack on Ukraine.

Social Media Today

When Russia invaded Ukraine last week, some of social media's youngest users experienced the conflict from the front lines on TikTok.

By 2026, South Korea’s government wants to create the fifth-largest metaverse market in the world.

What is Bandcamp? An online music platform. Bandcamp has a sterling reputation among musicians for treating creators fairly in a way that could benefit Fortnite and Epic's plans for the metaverse.

Netflix has entered an agreement to acquire Next Games, a developer and publisher of mobile games based in Helsinki, Finland.  

Investors give money to pseudonymous developers. Venture capitalists back founders without learning their real names. What happens when they need to know?

Customers won't be able to use Apple Pay, while sportswear firm Nike is no longer taking online orders.

Tech companies seem eager to support Ukraine, but how best to do that isn’t as clear.

The measures also raise questions about why tech companies have not taken initiatives or weighed in on other international conflicts before