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  • Linkowisko #38 Newsletter Premium Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #38 Newsletter Premium Artura Kurasińskiego

Dzień dobry,

Weekendowa porcja newsów i artykułów, które uważam za ważne. Poniżej też wrzucam linki do trzech podcastów - szczególnie polecam ten o kryzysie migracyjnym.

Artur Kurasinski

Dlaczego tak uwielbiamy robić zakupy w IKEA? Jak projektowane są sklepy? Dlaczego są tak daleko od centrum miast? Jak ważną rolę w procesie sprzedaży odgrywają klopsiki (także wegetariańskie) oraz ile na sprzedaży mebli i usług zarabia szwedzki koncern? Zapraszam do wysłuchania kolejnego odcinka mojego podcastu.

W siódmym odcinku podcastu "Metagame" Joanna "Frota" Kurkowska i Artur Kurasiński rozprawiają o DAO (zdecentralizowanej autonomicznej organizacji) - problemami i wyzwaniami stojącymi za implementacją takiego sposobu zarządzania społecznością. Jeśli Cię to zainteresowało to zapoznaj się też z innymi odcinkami a tutaj znajdziesz bazę linków i informacji o zagadnieniach o których mówimy w naszych podcastach.

Dlaczego masowo pomagamy uchodźcom z Ukrainy a daliśmy się przekonać propagandzie rządowej do byciu obojętnym wobec Syryjczyków, Afgańczyków czy Kurdów? Co się działo na granicy z Białorusią i kto był tam prawdziwym zagrożeniem? Dlaczego polskie społeczeństwo jest rasistowskie i boi się inności?

All cryptocurrency ATMs in the UK are illegal, the Financial Conduct Authority said..

How one man came to rule political speech on Facebook, command one of the largest lobbies in DC, and guide Zuck through disaster—and straight into it.

The European Union and the U.K. are ramping up their parallel crackdowns on big tech companies, opening formal antitrust investigations into whether Google and Meta Platforms sought to illegally fix prices in digital advertising.

Users in Ukraine and elsewhere can now call for violence against Russia and some Russians.

Russian prosecutors have asked a court to ban Meta Platforms Inc.’s Facebook and Instagram as “extremist,” Interfax reported, the latest move in a growing crackdown on social networks.

The Biden administration is looking into a government-issued digital currency. The implications would be profound.

It takes five minutes to put a name to a soldier's face using little more than a screenshot, but there's a catch.

The Magic Leap 2 headset will premiere during the third quarter of 2022.

Films such as The Heartbreak Kid and I Shot Andy Warhol remain unavailable on any platform but a new initiative is aiming to change that

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed an executive order on government oversight of cryptocurrency that urges the Federal Reserve to explore whether the central bank should jump in and create its own digital currency.

Apple Inc says it is removing virtual private network (VPN) services from its app store in China, drawing criticism from VPN service providers, who accuse the U.S. tech giant of bowing to pressure from Beijing cyber regulators.

YouTube is reportedly paying podcasters to create video versions of their shows. While individual shows are getting $50,000, podcast networks get up to $300,000.

Ukraine has led a public campaign, mostly through social media, appealing powerful tech institutions to end relationships with Russia.

Cryptocurrency trading platform Coinbase Global Inc. said it blocked over 25,000 wallet addresses related to Russian individuals or entities that it believes to be engaging in illicit activity.

Google will open its offices in Poland as a resource for Ukrainian refugees

A new advocacy group is launching a $1 million campaign to counter Democratic efforts to reclassify gig workers as employees, which would let many of them unionize.

E-commerce has boomed over the past two years, supercharging businesses with the ability to take advantage. The latest report from Shopify has captured where the industry growth is. The Drum has pulled out the best bits for marketers.

By 2026, South Korea’s government wants to create the fifth-largest metaverse market in the world.

Why does Russia want Ukraine? With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent state. Now, as Russia invades Ukraine, companies are extending relief to Ukrainian workers, platforms are blocking Russian ads and state-run media, and governments are taking aim at Russia with sanctions.

A year ago, she managed more than $60bn. Now she faces the toughest battle of her career