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  • Linkowisko #4 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #4 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

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Niedziela, czas wolny więc można trochę poczytać. Zapraszam do przeglądu informacji, artykułów i newsów ze świata technologii. A w najbliższy czwartek - regularny newsletter ze wstępniakiem. Miłej niedzieli!

Artur Kurasiński

PS Jeśli spodobał Ci się ten tekst to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 wydań) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!



Matthew Syed napisał pasjonującą, otwierająca oczy książkę z żywą narracją i mnóstwem niesamowitych, a wręcz szokujących historii. Katastrofy lotnicze, zapierające dech zdarzenia z sal operacyjnych, wpadki wymiaru sprawiedliwości, porażające konsekwencje tuszowania błędów, przełomowe idee, pionierskie badania i odkrywcze wnioski – to wszystko i wiele więcej znajdziecie w „Metodzie czarnej skrzynki”!

Na czym polega ta metoda? To podejście stosowane między innymi w branży lotniczej. To coś, co przychodzi z trudem, bo stoi w sprzeczności z instynktem i ułomną naturą człowieka.

To nauka na błędach.

Radę, by uczyć się na błędach, traktujemy dziś jak wyświechtany frazes, tymczasem jest to najskuteczniejsza znana człowiekowi metoda zdobywania wiedzy. Ta książka przedstawia jej niesamowitą historię. Pokazuje, jak wielką szkodę wyrządzamy sobie, nie wyciągając lekcji z porażek. Matthew Syed poprzez przemawiające do wyobraźni przykłady, inspirujące rozmowy i bardzo praktyczne wnioski unaocznia nam, że każdy może się nauczyć skutecznie korzystać ze swojej „czarnej skrzynki”.

#MetodaCzarnekSkrzynki #BlackBoxThinking


Senate Judiciary Committee leaders are calling on Apple to rethink its decision not to provide a witness for an upcoming hearing on digital app markets this month.

Developing ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.

In just over two months, the market capitalization of the cryptocurrency market has doubled, as retail and institutional investors pile into the space.

A student researcher has reverse-engineered the controversial exam software—and discovered a tool infamous for failing to recognize non-white faces.

A few weeks before the publication in early February of This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends, Nicole Perlroth’s disquieting account of the global trade

The company's explanations have been confusing and inconsistent, but there are finally some answers.

The chipmaker helped create Silicon Valley—but cultural complacency and a missed mobile boom have left it far behind competitors.

THE NIXON SEMINAR ON CONSERVATIVE REALISM AND NATIONAL SECURITY BIG TECH AND CHINA: WHAT DO WE NEED FROM SILICON VALLEY? FEATURING SPECIAL GUEST PETER THIEL APRIL 6, 2021 This is a rushed transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. >> Hugh Hewitt: Welcome to The Nixon Seminar. I'm […]

In one of the most advanced explorations undertaken by a major economy, the Riksbank is now bringing in banks to test how the e-krona might work practically.

Nation’s addiction threatens its decarbonization plans and global anti-warming efforts.

A cyber yuan stands to give Beijing power to track spending in real time, plus money unlinked to the global financial system dominated by the dollar. It also could soften the bite of U.S. sanctions.

Schrems's organization Noyb filed an ePrivacy complaint against Google in France.

Primer, the San Francisco A.I. company, is the latest to launch a no-code software system that lets non-experts create and train A.I. algorithms

But the CEO (and world's richest person) didn't say how big a tax hike he'd support.

The carbon emissions associated with mining bitcoin in China alone will soon outstrip the total annual emissions of mid-sized European countries

The online company led by Jack Conte raised $155 million in its latest round, led by a new investor, Tiger Global Management.

Russia said on Monday it would extend a punitive slowdown of Twitter until May 15 though it acknowledged the U.S. social media company had speeded up deletion of banned content.

Will.i.am and Honeywell introduce the first connected mask. Think sneakers meet smartphones.

A year ago, Shopify launched a consumer shopping app called Shop. Many called it a step towards a marketplace. However, despite being downloaded tens of millions of times, Shopify didn't implement any marketplace features.

Here's a snapshot of how we're using AI to make Maps work better for you with a number of updates coming this year.

“There was no history of my ever purchasing it, or ever owning it,” said one confused NFT buyer. “Now there’s nothing. My money’s gone.”

I wouldn’t call what’s happening a meltdown exactly, maybe more of a collective moment of clarity. Right now on Reddit’s r/teslamotors forum there’s an intense and very serious conversation about the now-$10,000 level 2 driver assist package that Tesla calls “Full Self-Driving”...

From the earliest days of Clubhouse, a guiding principle has been to build a platform that puts the creator first. Our aim is to help creators build community, audience, and impact.

A new report published by Forward Partners and Landscape VC reveals that almost half (47%) of all founders consider value-add more important than a VC firm’s brand and portfolio. Of the 500+ pre-seed, seed, and series A founders surveyed across Europe, 65% of them gave the guidance and assistance provided by VC’s as “low value-add” […]

Previous spats have blown over, but the split over Xinjiang is both more intractable and more expansive | Business

Diana Trujillo, a NASA flight director, discusses the future of space travel and the search for signs of life on the red planet.

A new study suggests how machines could exert influence in real-life situations.

The a16z NFT Canon is a curated list of readings and resources on all things NFTs, organized from the big picture, what NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are and why they matter... to how to mint, collect, and do more with them -- including how they play into various applications such as art, music, gaming, social tokens, more.

Despite rising digital sales and the pandemic, retro gaming and tight-knit clienteles are keeping smaller shops alive while other retailers falter.

“Now is the time to start stepping on the gas,” as one prominent VC firm put it to founders.

Tim Cook views privacy as ‘one of the top issues of the 21st century.’ Other tech leaders don’t seem to agree.

Apple CEO Tim Cook hinted at Apple’s augmented reality and car interests in a new interview. Cook talked about the ability for AR to enhance conversations.

The cryptocurrency market capitalization hit an all-time peak of $2 trillion on Monday, according to data and market trackers CoinGecko and Blockfolio, as gains over the last several months attracted demand from both institutional and retail investors.

Consumers spent $22.2 billion on mobile games in 2021's first quarter, according to market analyst Sensor Tower.

In a wide-ranging interview with The New York Times' Kara Swisher, on her podcast "Sway," Apple CEO Tim Cook talks about Apple's feud...

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Monday urged the adoption of a minimum global corporate income tax, an effort to at least partially offset any disadvantages that might...