Linkowisko #59 | TECHNOFOBIA

Świeża dawka najważniejszych newsów i artykułów wokół technologii z tego tygodnia. Przyjemnej lektury i widzimy się już we czwartek!

Maciej & Artur


14 grudnia 2022 w warszawskim Kampusie Google wręczone zostaną Aulery, najstarsze i najbardziej rozpoznawalne wyróżnienia dla czołowych polskich startupów z globalnym potencjałem. Liderów wyłoni komisja złożona z praktyków biznesowych, inwestorów i przedstawicieli mediów technologicznych. Zgłoszenia do konkursu przyjmowane są do końca października.

A sell-live show, attribution companies, and the tech stuff

Tomorrow's stores will have cameras everywhere — but no cashiers.

Walmart Global Chief Technology Officer and Chief Development Officer Suresh Kumar joins Yahoo Finance's All Markets Summit to discuss the role of crypto in Walmart's future.

Over a third of the startups on Otta’s Rocket list of the best startups to work for are fintechs, followed by HR and legal.

In an interview with Radio Classique, the billionaire Bernard Arnault said he'd started renting private planes instead.

Xi Jinping, Qinglang, idol culture, and the stans

The project, assigned to a Beijing-led team, would have involved accessing location data from some U.S. users’ devices without their knowledge or consent.

Most big tech firms have already slowed or frozen hiring.

What I've learned in the year since posting my salary history publicly.

Apple devices and services continue to be the most popular options among teenagers in the United States, according to new data shared today by...

Tech industry workers rack up millions of views on TikToks and YouTube videos documenting their work days. Tech companies don’t always like it — and creators run the risk of getting in trouble.

Adobe's "Future of Creativity" study sheds new light on the creator economy.

6 questions about China’s week-long Party Congress and Xi’s unprecedented third term.

The social media company gets one step closer to reading your mind.

WIRED spoke with Skype cofounder Niklas Zennström about why the burgeoning European startup scene is poised to lead the technological revolution.

The big global venture capital pullback we all expected is truly here. Venture funding for the third quarter of 2022 fell by 33% quarter over quarter.

IS your ex still using your Netflix account? The streaming service now allows its subscribers to transfer individual profiles to new accounts. The new profile portability feature launches ahead of a crackdown on password sharing Netflix plans to begin in 2023.