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  • Linkowisko #7 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Linkowisko #7 - Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Większość z Was pewnie weekend spędzi poza domem, ale mam nadzieję, że część z tych, którzy zostaną w domach (jak ja) znajdzie czas na przeczytanie najważniejszych informacji z zakresu technologii z mijającego tygodnia. A w czwartek drugi newslleter!

PS Jeśli spodobało Ci się ten newsletter to tutaj możesz mnie wesprzeć. Wyceniłem koszt miesięcznego wsparcia (8 wydań) na 12 złotych. Jeśli uznasz, że to co pisze i wiedza jaką przekazuję ma dla Ciebie sens to zapraszam do wspierania. Dziękuję!


Jak pewnie wiecie wydałem drugą część komiksu edukacyjnego o technologii i nauce dla dzieci. 206 stron komiksu z 13 lekcjami programowania Scratch i mnóstwem super treści!

Obecnie część druga (jak i pierwsza!) są w sprzedaży w moim sklepie (wybrałem self publishing więc nie szukajcie komiksu nigdzie indziej).

Oprócz samych komiksów możecie kupić zeszyt kreatywny z zadaniami oraz grę edukacyjną dla całej rodziny. Pracowałem ciężko nad stworzeniem i wydaniem tych komiksów. Teraz czas żebyście ocenili czy są tego warte.


Większość rekruterów poświęca 30 sekund na to, by sprawdzić, czy kandydat spełnia przynajmniej wymogi formalne. Często zdarza się, że kandydat poświęci tyle samo na czytanie ogłoszenia rekrutacyjnego, a potem i tak pomyli oferty pracodawców. A to dopiero początek kłopotów. Brzmi znajomo?

W połowie 2020 podjęliśmy eksperyment, tworząc ogłoszenia rekrutacyjne w formie podcastu. Rezultaty okazały się fantastyczne - rekordowa liczba pełnych odsłuchań materiału, tysiące osób sprawdzających szczegóły ogłoszenia i ogromny napływ aplikujących, którzy… doskonale wiedzieli, o co chcą zapytać w trakcie rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej.

Nasza realizacja dla Nokia Solution and Network sp. z o.o. "Nokia Stories" dostała wyróżnienie w konkursie Liderzy Rekrutacji w kategorii "Innowacyjność". W tym plebiscycie nagrodzone zostały najlepsze kampanie rekrutacyjne roku 2020. Seria przygotowana przez nas dla Nokii stała się przykładem na to, że tradycyjne rozwiązania rekrutacyjne wciąż można wykorzystać w nowy sposób, zwiększając drastycznie ich skuteczność. Nie zawsze trzeba decydować się na headhunting.

Jeśli reprezentujesz:

  • dużą firmę, która prowadzi stałą rekrutację

  • firmą rekrutacyjną, która chce włączyć naszą ofertę do swojego portfolio świadczonych usług rekrutacyjnych

  • szkołę wyższą lub Uniwersytet

Odwiedź podcastyrekrutacyjne.pl i wypróbuj rozwiązanie, które przyciągnie najbardziej zainteresowanych kandydatów!


Apple's new rules may restrain Google and Facebook. But for consumers to truly win the privacy wars, they'll need better technology.

Fraudsters are turning to the common SIM swap technique to hack the online accounts of users in order to steal their cryptocurrencies.

With its new “Play Something” shuffle feature, Netflix thinks it’s finally figured out a way to get you to stop scrolling. We take you inside the streaming service and into the inner workings of Netflix’s engineering team.

Google and its staffing firm, Modis Engineering, make data center contractors quit every two years. Google likely requires the six-month leave due to federal employment law, but workers struggle with the forced unemployment, especially during a pandemic that upended lives.

With Covid-19 restrictions lifting, more people are booking trips and hotels online, which is very good for Google’s advertising business. Google’s employees, however, are working from home and not traveling as much on the company dime -- and that’s also good for its business.

Highlights, press releases and speeches

A lot of gig workers in the United States should be classified as "employees" who deserve work benefits, President Biden's labor secretary said on Thursday, suggesting a shift in policy that is likely to raise costs for companies that depend on contractors such as Uber (UBER.N) and Lyft (LYFT.O).

The European Parliament has formally adopted a law mandating that internet companies take down terrorist content one hour after receiving an official notice. Critics worry the law will hinder free speech across the EU.

Even as signs of life after the pandemic have begun to emerge here in the U.S., increases in video game spending continue. There’s no doubt that much of last year’s big numbers were driven by stay-at-home requirements in much of the country and the world. All said, U.S. spending on the industry increased 27% for […]

Advertisers’ zeal to reach newsletter audiences has benefitted publishers and creators.

Insider spoke with 12 Substack newsletter authors to find out how much revenue they make from paid subscriptions and ads.

Mailchimp gets into e-commerce by launching online stores and a new appointment booking service for SMBs.

China is preparing a substantial fine for Tencent Holdings (0700.HK) as part of its sweeping antitrust clampdown on the country's internet giants, but it is likely to be less than the record $2.75 billion penalty imposed on Alibaba earlier this month, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said.

Cryptocurrency will not be classified as currency by US tax body in ruling that marks wider attempt at making bitcoin mainstream

Brennan Williams wrestles as Mace but streams as an animated character named Jibo. It's all kayfabe, and a little bit not.

Apple is expected to report strong services revenue for Q1 2021, its fiscal second quarter.

Spotify’s new subscription podcast offerings embrace the open ecosystem of podcasts in multiple ways.

Deepfakes are usually associated with imagery of AI-generated people, but what about fake satellite imagery? Geographers say such deepfakes could be used to spread misinformation and even mislead the military.

Basecamp, the maker of email app Hey, is banning social and political discussions at the company, its CEO Jason Fried announced today. "Today's social and political waters are especially choppy," Fried wrote in a blog post. "Sensitivities are at 11, and every discussion remotely related to politics,...

The armed forces are facing a challenge of how to protect personnel in an age when highly revealing data are being bought and sold in bulk, and available for purchase by America’s adversaries.

The chief executives of Facebook and Apple have opposing visions for the future of the internet. Their differences are set to escalate this week.

(Bloomberg) -- Elon Musk said Tesla Inc. sold 10% of its Bitcoin holdings to demonstrate the token’s liquidity, while adding that he’s retained his personal investment in the cryptocurrency.

Emily Ratajkowski is selling an NFT at Christie’s, where Beeple made $69 million. Her artwork is a copyright nightmare that trolls Richard Prince, who previously sold a painting of Ratajkowski’s Instagram featuring a photo of her.

The ad-free platform has been a winner of the pandemic economy.

OnlyFans changed its payment policy Friday, limiting tips to $100 and the amount people can charge for subscriptions to $50.

Although basking in Academy Awards glory, Netflix is under pressure after its Q1 2021 earnings showed lower subscriber growth than expected.

A Turkish cryptocurrency exchange is offline and its CEO has reportedly gone missing, leaving thousands of investors worried that their funds have been stolen.

Apple Inc. is increasing its U.S. investments by 20% over the next five years, allocating $430 billion to develop next-generation silicon and spur 5G wireless innovation across nine U.S. states, after outstripping its growth expectations during the pandemic.

Aimed at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, the move sets up a clash over free speech amid a widening political and public health crisis.

Four ways the party may be coming to an end

Explore the next era of manufacturing. This #GTC21 demo showcases BMW Group's factory of the future - designed, simulated, operated, and maintained entirely ...

Dutch parliament members were fooled into holding a video call with a deepfake impostor pretending to be Alexei Navalny's chief of staff..

BitGo will manage potentially tens of millions of dollars in seized cryptocurrencies, according to documents published Wednesday.

It’s bad for learning, it’s expensive — and it sends the wrong message about whether our schools are safe.

We all know these constant video calls are doing something to our brains. How else could we get tired and frazzled from sitting around in our own home all day? Well, now Microsoft has done a little brain science and found out that yeah, constant video calls do increase your stress and brain noise. Tell […]

MySpace co-founder Tom Anderson, aka Myspace Tom, may not be a huge tech leader, but he’s living a far more relaxed life than Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg or Twitter’s Jack Dorsey.

The Department of Justice arrested Roman Sterlingov, a Russian-Swedish national, for his role in running Bitcoin Fog, a site that allowed clients to launder bitcoin transactions to obscure where they came from.

Zoë Roth, now a college senior in North Carolina, plans to use the proceeds from this month’s NFT auction to pay off student loans and donate to charity.

Live audio experiences will be adopted by every major platform just like Stories have been, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek told investors on Wednesday’s earnings call. The streaming service recently acquired a live audio app, Locker Room, whose technology it expects to use to power a range of new live audio conversations centered around sports, culture […]