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Net Neutrality - koniec internetu jaki znamy?

"Net Neutrality"

Przepraszam ale dziś będzie krótko. W USA wrze. Obejrzyjcie ten odcinek Johna Oliviera i zastanówcie się co byście zrobili gdyby taki problem wystąpił w Polsce. Jak na razie to problem czystko hipotetyczny. Na razie.

Artur Kurasiński


7 grudnia (czwartek) od godziny 19.00 w Campus Warsaw dowiesz się jak twórcy zarabiają w internecie? Kim jest influencer? Jak się tworzy kampanie i ile można na tym zarobić? Kim sa i jak zyskują popularność czołowi influencerzy w Polsce?

Wszystko o influence marketingu oczami praktyków - technologia, biznes, marketing, rynki i potencjalne zyski. Przyjdź, posłuchaj, dowiedz się jak możesz wykorzystać tę wiedzę w praktyce. Wstęp darmowy - zapisz się już teraz klikając tutaj!

11 pewnych sposobów ochrony przed smogiem

#BezSmogu - eurobank włącza się do walki ze smogiem

Netguru - co to jest full stackowa firma usługowa?

Konkurs dla polskich startupów z nagrodą 1 mln $!

The twin brothers who sued Mark Zuckerberg claiming he stole the idea for Facebook are worth more than $1bn after capitalising on the astonishing rise in Bitcoin.

Ingress Prime will feature a new look, new story, and new tech

Virtual reality headset shipments are showing no signs of slowing, as the quarterly total exceeded 1 million units for the first time in Q3 2017. Sony took the lead, shipping more than 490,000 PlayStation VR (PS VR) sets in Q3. It was followed by Oculus, which shipped 210,000 of its Rift headsets.

Przeszli drogę od start-upu do dojrzałego e-biznesu. Razem powołali Market One Capital. Zebrali 150 mln zł, z czego połowę od Europejskiego Funduszu Inwestycyjnego

INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of…

Inspired by the recent HN thread, I’ve decided to share a collection of my favorite audiobooks and podcasts that I think HN readers will love. This is the best stuff I have discovered over the past 3…

It only takes 50 milliseconds for people to make a first impression. What kind of impression are your marketing materials making? Using images in your blog posts, on social media and in other…

As Verizon's digital media business Oath rolls on with its merging of Yahoo and Aol (which includes TechCrunch), today comes news of a significant departure...

A major vulnerability in Apple computers running MacOS High Sierra lets anyone bypass the login using the root user account with no password

Developing strong, pragmatic and principled national security and defense policies.

A memo from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau says the firm’s commercial products may be sending sensitive information about U.S. infrastructure back to China, raising security concerns.

YouTube MCN's can be used to leverage YouTube's most influential stars. See the pros & cons of working with a multi-channel network here:

E-COMMERCE, HANDEL, PRAWO | Odpowiedź na pytanie o rozwój polskiego e-handlu może być tylko jedno: wypatrujemy zwiększenia prędkości. Zakaz obudzi nie tylko kreatywność marketerów, al

Last week, the EUVR, the nonprofit organization dedicated to maturing the VR industry in Europe, officially backed the Gaze-At-Ratio (GAR) as the standardized ad tracking metric for the European VR community. 

"Buying and selling virtual currencies is not compatible with religion at this time," the country's religious ministry said.

Joon is the group's second attempt at cutting costs after the first was dropped when it caused protests that saw managers attacked by staff.

Most digital currencies exist in a sort of twilight state just beyond the grasp of federal regulators, but the U.S. tax authority is starting to get savvy to..

The pilots union says 15,000 flights at the end of the year don't have anyone to fly them, because of a glitch in the system pilots use to bid for time off.

Hello again, guys! Today I want to speak to you about modern VR/AR prototyping. We will talk about Framer.js, A-Frame and AR.js particularly. This article is mostly for those, who are familiar with…

Eric Leuthardt believes that in the near future we will allow doctors to insert electrodes into our brains so we can communicate directly with computers and each other.

The State of European Tech 2017 is the deepest, data-led investigation into the European tech ecosystem.

Algorithms based on your your interests, and real media companies preventing "fake news"

As YouTube offers its community tab to anyone with at least 10,000 subscribers, it has launched a format called Reels that resembles Snapchat's Stories.

AI programs that imagine new games show how the creative arts may evolve.

Five years ago, its CEO said he’d never open a store. It turns out people like stores.

It's cheaper than ever to launch a tech startup, thanks to cloud computing, ubiquitous smartphones, and open-source codebases, or so the truism goes.

Game market researcher Newzoo reported that the global game market will hit $116 billion in revenues on, up from 10.7 percent from a year earlier. The latest numbers are up $7.1 billion from Newzoo’s previous estimate.

Meet the guy who sells your phone number to telemarketers.

An analyst from Loup Ventures has projected that, by 2022, Apple will spend $4.2 billion on its lineup of original video content for Apple Music.

Confectionery maker Mondelez, Lidl, Mars and other consumer goods producers have pulled advertising from YouTube after Britain's Times newspaper found the video-sharing site was showing clips of scantily clad children alongside the ads of major brands.

WeWork is buying Meetup, it was announced today. That's an incredibly smart move, writes Jessi Hempel.

A SoftBank Group-led team of investors has made an offer to buy Uber's shares in a tender offer that would value the company at about a 30% discount to Uber's..

The marketplace for makers had created a distinctive work culture. Then Wall Street showed up.

Studies have found that students who use laptops to take notes perform worse and are more distracted.