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To nie jest kraj dla przedsiębiorców - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Jesteś młody, masz dużo pomysłów i energii do ich realizacji. Usiądź proszę teraz i pomyśl przez chwilę: czy w kraju w którym prezes KNF (czyli regulatora rynku finansowego) składa Ci "propozycję nie do odrzucenia" (w zamian za biznesowy spokój) czy w tym kraju zbudujesz kolejny globalny fintechowy startup?

Czy będziesz czuł się bezpiecznie jeśli Twoja spółka naprawdę urośnie i stanie się na przykład smakowitym, giełdowym kąskiem?

Albo czy chcesz robić biznes z firmą państwową (na przykład paliwową) tak jak to miało miejsce JustDrive i Orlenu?

Albo kiedy zakładasz fundusz inwestycyjny i już, już masz podpisać wniosek z NCBiR a tu się okazuje, że państwo zmienia fundamentalnie prawo?

Nie wystarczą wymuskane prezentacje, ogłaszanie coraz to i nowych strategii oraz odmienianie przedsiębiorczości przez różne przypadki. Nie wystarczą obietnice rozdawnictwa kolejnych funduszy z Unii.

Coraz częściej się zastanawiam polskie państwo jak w dobie tanich biletów lotniczych i otwartych granic chce walczyć o młodych, zdolnych ludzi, którzy mogą pracować wszędzie i nie koniecznie to musi być Polska?

Co im chce zaoferować? Jak skusić do pozostania i rozwijania spółki nad Wisłą? I wiecie co?

Coraz częściej dochodzą do wniosku, że nijak. Oprócz rychłej wyprowadzki z Polski setek tysięcy Ukraińców zaczniemy obserwować też przenosiny najlepszych polskich firm technologicznych do krajów ze stabilniejszym prawem i cywilizowaną kadrą urzędników.

Na własne życzenie skażemy na emigrację najwartościowsze jednostki.


Czy naprawdę nie umiemy się uczyć na własnych błędach?

PS Pamiętacie jak prosiłem Was o pomoc w głosowaniu na polską firmę Ifinity? Udało się! Dziękuję - to również wasza zasługa!

Artur Kurasiński

New York Media announced on Monday it's starting a digital subscription that will cost $5 per month.

Netflix is testing a cheaper mobile-only subscription tier as mobile usage on smartphones and tablets increases worldwide. The tests will roll out in international territories before coming to the United States.

Records show police agencies tap license-plate readers hundreds of thousands of times a year.


A może moderatora panelu dyskusyjnego? Prelegenta w tematach technologii i innowacji? Prowadzącego konferencję z zagranicznymi gośćmi? Tematy: innowacje, startupy, trendy w technologii i wiele innych.


A freelance videographer has filed a class action lawsuit against Adobe on behalf of mortified users that watched their files vanish due to a bug in video-editing software Premiere Pro. Even if this nightmare scenario hasn’t come up yet, all Premiere users should take note.

Russian meddling, data sharing, hate speech — the social network faced one scandal after another. This is how Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg responded.

Wywiad: Grzegorz Czapski o zmianach w Allegro Smart!

Biologists working with snails were able to us RNA to transfer memories of being shocked in what may be the first step in human memory transfer.

Here’s something I didn’t expect to read today. The U.S. Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission has subpoenaed Snap for details on its IPO apparently in connection with a lawsuit from disgruntled shareholders who claim the company played down its rivalry with Instagram.

Combining education and technology is great—until it's not.

Critics have derided WeWork as overvalued and vulnerable to the next downturn. But the company holds so many leases in so many cities, it might hold more power than its landlords.



Wirtualna Polska

Internet companies used to grow big and die—fast. But now a few of them are huge and entrenched, because regulators didn't foresee their dominance.

The avuncular, controversial longtime writer and publisher of Marvel Comics dies in Los Angeles.

Grzegorz Zyzik z Uniwersytetu Opolskiego miał 13 listopada wykład dla pracowników Biura RPO. Pokazywał, jak można wartości istotne z punktu widzenia ochrony praw jednostki przedstawiać w formie gier.

Human resistance against ineffective chatbots is on the way and a groundswell of jaded customers will crowdsource tips for end-runs around chatty chatbots.

Companies are dropping the buzzwords less and less

Anchor makes it easy for anyone to start a podcast, no matter who or where you are, how many subscribers you have, or how much money you have (it’s free). As a result, the flood of shows people have…

Just a month after announcing that the Vine sequel was back on -- the first update since its development went on indefinite hiatus due to legal and financial issues in May -- project leader Dom Hofmann has unveiled the upcoming app’s name: Byte.

Western web-users lap up misinformation online - these are the shady "merchants" who push it on Facebook.

Facebook is denying a report that the Oculus founder Palmer Luckey was fired for his right-wing views.

Influencers are so 2014. And microinfluencers are so last week. Now advertisers see value in people with as few as 1,000 followers: the nanoinfluencers.

Gone are the days of the 30-second clip. Today’s most viewed YouTube videos last 20 minutes or longer, a trend cemented by the platform's algorithms.

Alibaba's Singles Day has already surpassed Amazon's biggest shopping day of the year, just a few minutes into the 24-hour shopping event.

Only 52 percent of the state’s homicides result in an arrest when the victim is black.

As car and tech companies continue to make inroads on vehicles and services to build autonomous driving systems, a startup that is creating high-definition maps to help these vehicles move around has quietly picked up a significant round of funding.

1/ The EV sales growth take-off point is now arriving and everyone is going to have to revise their projections (again). IEA and EIA are of course the farthest behind. But even BNEF may have to revise. China is of course leading the way, but edge-economy California also roaring.

Real-time smartphone data from millions of actual journeys traveled by Deliveroo food couriers shows what bicycle advocates have long said: cycling is the swiftest way to get through town.

Między Warszawą pod dwoma kilometrami lodu, Warszawą z bulwarami nad Wisłą i Warszawą bez wody, prądu, klimatyzacji jest cztery, pięć stopni różnicy. Rozmowa z prof. Szymonem Malinowskim

A thread on Reddit has hundreds of comments from users complaining about Apple's prices for iCloud storage, dongles, and other examples of added costs.

While there’s been a few rumored names (it was misreported, at one point, to be “Disney Play”), word of this name comes straight from the Mouse

Let me just say that I love the idea of a folding phone/tablet device. I was a Courier fanboy when Microsoft floated that intriguing but abortive concept device, and I’m all for unique form factors and things that bend. But Samsung’s first real shot at a folding device is inexplicable and probably dead on arrival. I’d like to congratulate the company for trying something new, but this one needed a little more time in the oven.

Humm's headset stimulates your brain waves and makes you more alert for tasks such as playing games.

Elon Musk has revealed little about his plans to provide internet from space, but a new simulation shows how it could work and who will be able to afford it

… if you’re not the average YouTube user

Volkswagen intends to sell electric cars for less than 20,000 euros ($22,836) and protect German jobs by converting three factories to make Tesla rivals, a source familiar with the plans said.

So much for Chinese tech not being able to become popular in the U.S. While millions leave Facebook flagship app, they aren’t all going to Instagram.

It’s the Indiepocalypse!! At least according to an ever-persistent hysteria that’s been buzzing around the sphere of independent videogames for the past handful of years. The market for independent…

Cyfrowy magazyn o ecommerce, technologii i marketingu

Mam wrażenie, że hasło „robię startupy”, to w większości wypadków taki wykręt żeby nikt nie wymagał od nas dojrzałości biznesowej i odpowiedzialności. Trzeba z tym skończyć – mówi Artur Kurasiński.

Bezpłatny kurs video na temat wykorzystania Social Sellingu w sprzedaży B2B. Zobacz narzędzia Social Selling zintegrowane z systemem CRM w akcji. Ponad 20 lekcji czołowych ekspertów sprzedaży, marketingu i zarządzania.

Xinhua News Agency, a state-run media outlet in China, has unveiled two new "AI anchors" made from composite images and video.

Writers and filmmakers are imagining the future in weird and wonderful new ways.

Vice Media plans to shrink its workforce by as much as 15% and cut its selection of digital sites by at least half, according to people familiar with the matter, the result of stalling growth at the onetime new-media darling.

Liczba zamówień obsłużonych przez Pyszne.pl w październiku przekroczyła symboliczną granicę miliona. W serwisie do zamawiania jedzenia online  największy ruch nadal przypada na dni weekendowe, jednak coraz więcej klientów korzys

Downloadable games are the format of the future, but they’re not a modern invention. Eager computer users were downloading wirelessly over 30 years ago.

A gamer in Melbourne has had his assets frozen in connection with a popular video game cheat. He’s one of many being sued by game companies worldwide, raising questions about copyright law and the policing of online civility.

The U.S. is looking with fresh eyes at Europe's antitrust rules, according to the EU's competition commissioner.

You’re bound to get tons of shopping catalogs this holiday season, and soon, one of them may come from Amazon. Following the demise of Toys R Us’ presence in the US and UK back in March, the e-commerce giant confirmed it will mail out millions of toy catalogs called "A Holiday of Play."

The steadily rising young singer-songwriter has reached a flashpoint of fame: Her generation knows all about her. Everyone else is next. Here’s why.

Our 2018 "How Google Fights Piracy" report explains the programs, policies, and technology we put in place to combat piracy online