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Nie kupuj nic w "Black Friday" - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter


Jeśli nie dostał(a)eś na swoją skrzynkę dzisiaj takich maili to gratuluję - masz albo bardzo dobry filtr antyspamowy albo żyjesz gdzieś, daleko poza cywilizacją.

Jeśli jednak twój mailbox został zalany takimi wiadomościami to znak, że dopadł Cię wirus konsumpcjonizmu stworzony w połowie XX wieku.

Święto Dziękczynienia jest jednym z najpopularniejszych świąt obchodzonych w USA. Cwani sprzedawcy wykorzystując gorączkę zakupów i przygotowań Święta Dziękczynienia w większości zaczęli organizować przyciągające tłumy ciekawskich lokalne wydarzenia jak i parady.

Większość z nich była zorganizowana przez lokalne lub ogólnokrajowe sklepy (w tym przede wszystkimi duże domy towarowe posiadające odpowiednie budżety na reklamę).

Była to świetny sposób na zareklamowanie się przed nadciągającym okresem zakupów świątecznych. Szybko jednak same parady organizowane w Święto Dziękczynienia zaczęto uznawać za nieoficjalny start sezonu zakupów.

W Polsce "Czarny Piątek" funkcjonuje od kilku lat skutecznie napędzany przez amerykańskie firmy działające globalnie.

No dobrze ale w czym problem?

Przede wszystkim tego dnia zostaniesz "poczęstowany" masą "super okazji". Wydawca u którego wykupiłeś roczny abonament (pozdrawiam Agorę!) za 99 zł właśnie obniży cenę o 50% i radośnie Cię o tym poinformuje. Lojalność? Phi. Liczy się "dopięcie" słupków sprzedażowych w tym kwartale.

Pewnie dostaniesz też kilka ofert od firm z oprogramowania których korzystasz (pozdrawiam Adobe!) udowadniając Ci, że czasami jednak januszowanie na trailach nie jest takie do końca głupie.

W czasach gdy celebryci (a wraz z nimi my) płaczą nad tym, że zwierzątka umierają bo zjadają plastikowe słomki w "Czarny Piątek" radośnie kupujemy kolejne kompletnie nam niepotrzebne rzeczy generując hałdy wszelakich śmieci.

W czasach gdy panicznie szerujemy na swoich socjalach wzrost zatrucia powietrza zapieprzamy samochodami po mieście od jednej galerii handlowej do drugiej generując kolejne kilogramy zanieczyszczeń.

W czasach gdy panikujemy nad każdym formularzem RODO i wszędzie wietrzymy spisek hakerów bez skrupułów oddajemy numer naszej karty jakiemuś chińskiemu dostawcy na GearBest, gdzieś za siódmą górą i siódmą rzeką.

I co najlepsze - autentycznie cieszymy się, że wielkie korpo czyszczą swoje magazyny przed prawdziwymi żniwami czyli Gwiazdką.

"Last Christmas I gave you my heart..." 🎵

Artur Kurasiński

Michał Korba (User.com) - Chcemy być jak Hubspot

User.com - po startup kupuje domenę za 150 tys $?

Jury wyłoniło finalistów czwartej edycji konkursu dla startupów zaangażowanych społecznie, Chivas Venture. Jedenaście przedsiębiorstw już wkrótce powalczy o miejsce w finale. Wielki finał polskiej edycji już 17 stycznia 2019 r. w Warszawie.

That's not a huge surprise, given how close Waymo is to launching its public service.


A może moderatora panelu dyskusyjnego? Prelegenta w tematach technologii i innowacji? Prowadzącego konferencję z zagranicznymi gośćmi? Tematy: innowacje, startupy, trendy w technologii i wiele innych.


Italy is to introduce a law requiring films to show in cinemas before streaming on Netflix and other online platforms in a move the government says will protect the Italian film industry.

Apollo Fusion plans to use mercury in its propulsion systems, according to industry insiders.

In his now annual state-of-innovation talk at the a16z Summit in November 2018, Andreessen Horowitz’ Benedict Evans walks through where we are now in softwar...

The billionaire is drilling for futuristic transit under Los Angeles. He didn’t have to ask the neighbors first.

Amazon has embarked on a major hiring push for a secretive new device, in a move that will increase speculation the company plans to release a robot for the home.

Crime investigators are gleaning a host of personal information from a recovered drone, such as where its owner lives, credit card numbers, and email addresses.

The industry’s fall from grace may feel unprecedented, but we have a model for what happens when a beloved industry fails us.

Dzisiaj na całym świecie toczy się walka o przyciągnięcie uwagi. W ostatnich latach specjaliści odkryli, że nic tak jej nie przyciąga jak nienawiść, strach i chciwość. Jedyne, co trzeba zrobić, to zidentyfikować lęki takiej osoby, a później je karmić.

Self-regulation has failed. It’s time for Congress to step in. “It’s Time to Start Regulating Facebook” is published by Washington Post in The Washington Post

Local organizers in Toronto have united to push Google out of their government.

A totally reassuring statement a Japan’s cyber minister Yoshitaka Sakurada.

Venezuela is rolling out a new, smart-card ID manufactured by China's ZTE Corp that will help the government track, reward, and punish citizens.

An embarrassment of riches for one of the richest companies in the world.

Companies like Google and Facebook don’t look like traditional monopolies-the service they provide is free. But as power has become more concentrated, wages have frozen and inequality has risen.

Initial coin offering (ICO) funding was already undergoing a significant pullback, per data from Crunchbase and CoinSpeaker, in the summer. Now there’s increased evidence this trend has indeed…

He says he hopes his declaration of love to a computer character will inspire others to find marital bliss, in whatever form it may take.

Eternime is beta testing an app that will allow users to create a digital 'avatar' of themselves after they die.

The long read: Prosthetics have made amazing advances in the last decade – and are slowly changing people’s attitudes to disability

Stan Lee, who died on November 12th aged 95, was the embodiment of an old-fashioned American archetype: the likeable, industrious hustler, whose enthusiasm for self-advancement was…

The long read: Millions are robbed of the power of speech by illness, injury or lifelong conditions. Can the creation of bespoke digital voices transform their ability to communicate?

Attackers no longer need your actual fingerprint to unlock your phone.

Można w Polsce prowadzić płatną agitację wyborczą, także negatywną, w mediach społecznościowych bez żadnych ograniczeń. PKW nie ma jak tego kontrolować.

A bipartisan group of senators is sounding the alarm over Facebook’s questionable use of an opposition-research firm

At an all-hands meeting, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos was asked what he's learned from the failures of big retailers. Bezos told employees that "Amazon is not too big to fail," and that the company must stay hungry.

Usually using other Landing pages as reference without proper context is purely useless! But...In this article I compiled the best SaaS Landing pages I've seen and broke down their secrets into actionable insights you can apply to your own website.

Many people choose Medium lately as their go-to platform to blog. Kind of like Blogger a while back, it just seems what everybody has been doing (unless you are really nit-picky and care enough to…

Jeff Bezos told Amazon employees that 'one day Amazon will fail,' according to a recording heard by CNBC of an all-hands meeting.

Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of ecommerce giant Amazon, is the wealthiest person alive and the first person in modern history to accumulate a fortune of over $100 billion. Here's how he spends his money.

The Federal Communications Commission has approved SpaceX’s request to launch a constellation of 7,518 satellites into orbit, a major regulatory hurdle the company needed to clear in its plans to provide internet coverage from space. The approval is in addition to one that SpaceX received from the FCC in March for a constellation of 4,425 satellites.

Uber's losses have ticked up and growth has slowed from last quarter, according to the company's self-reported financials. Meanwhile the company broke out its Uber Eats business for the first time for investors, showing that the food delivery business has more than doubled its gross bookings over the past year.

Instagram is launching three new Shopping product features today that’ll make it easier for users to shop everything they see on stories and in their feed.

More than 1,000 NYC public school employees will lose their offices to accommodate Amazon’s new secondary headquarters

A sensor that can spot the wind direction from miles away will let DARPA’s surveillance balloons hover at the very edge of space in one spot indefinitely.

Felix Kjellberg may be the king of YouTube, but another channel threatens the crown. To stop the onslaught, fans are taking to the real world and launching advertising campaigns to raise awareness of the PewDiePie channel.

Blender Conference 2018 - Thursday 25 October at the Theater. Support Blender by joining the Development Fund https://fund.blender.org/ Follow Andrew Price: ...

Bitcoin prices tumbled on Wednesday, crashing through the psychological $6,000 level and making a new low for 2018.

Russian meddling, data sharing, hate speech — the social network faced one scandal after another. This is how Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg responded.

Netflix is testing a cheaper mobile-only subscription tier as mobile usage on smartphones and tablets increases worldwide. The tests will roll out in international territories before coming to the United States.

Millions of sleep apnea patients rely on CPAP breathing machines to get a good night’s rest. Health insurers use a variety of tactics, including surveillance

High fees and low interest rates have provided an opening for a new generation of finance start-ups to compete with the big banks.

Cash is disappearing in the country faster than anyone thought it would. Now, officials are trying to slow its demise as they determine the societal costs.

Two new reports show an uptick in sophisticated phishing attacks originating from—where else—Russia.

A team of Italian researchers successfully ran a perceptron algorithm on a real, working quantum computer using IBM's cloud-access Q Experience system.

We tested 59 VPNs in 30 countries with Netflix in a desktop web browser and the Netflix iOS and Android apps. Learn how to unblock Netflix in any country!

How many facts can a tech critic get wrong in one article? Let us count the ways.

Bitcoin slumped on Tuesday to its lowest this year, tumbling as much as 10 percent to breach $4,300 and taking losses in the world's best-known digital coin to 25 percent within a week.

Shares of Apple (AAPL), Netflix (NFLX), Amazon (AMZN), Alphabet (GOOG, GOOGL) and Facebook (FB) declined Monday, pushing all five into bear markets.

W obliczu mnożących się pytań luksemburski minister gospodarki Etienne Schneider przyznał, że państwo straciło 12 mln euro na inwestycji w amerykańską firmę Planetary Resources. To przedsiębiorstwo z USA miało w przyszłości realizować projekty związane z kosmicznym górnictwem. Zostało tymczasem niedawno wchłonięte przez ConsenSys Inc., firmę pracującą nad wykorzystaniem technologii blockchain i kryptowaluty Ethereum.

Diary of an African Cryptocurrency Miner. A young Kenyan goes from doing odd jobs on the farm to growing virtual coins, as cryptocurrencies spread across the continent.

Nvidia’s stock plummeted by as much as 19% when the chipmaker reported disappointing earnings and forward guidance but its cryptocurrency outlook was especially bleak. Crypto mining isn’t what it…

Palantir — a high-profile Silicon Valley data analytics company — is trying to cut down on its spending as it strives for profitability.

A heart surgeon turned down the chance to train on a pioneering robot he used in an operation in which the patient later died, an inquest has heard.

Recently, we've seen accounts use third-party apps to artificially grow their audience.Every day people come to Instagram to have real experiences, including genuine interactions. It is our responsibility to ensure these experiences aren't disrupted by inauthentic activity. Starting today, we will begin removing inauthentic likes, follows and comments from accounts that use third-party apps to…