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  • Pokolenie Z też przegrało - newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Pokolenie Z też przegrało - newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Dlaczego przegrali?

"Zeci". Pokolenie cyfrowe, posiadające ogromną łatwość w korzystaniu z technologii. Rodzili się z komórkami w ręku. Internet, mobile, social media - to ich naturalne miejsca gdzie czują się bezpiecznie i naturalnie. I dokładnie te same narzędzia i usługi spowodowały, że już dzisiaj możemy mówić o "straconym pokoleniu" nie z powodu traumatycznych przeżyć wojennych ale dyktatu technologii.

Telefon komórkowy z aplikacjami jest oknem na świat, miernikiem "normalności" i wyrocznią. Czy jestem fajny? Czy ludzie mnie lubią? Czy ubieram się odpowiednio cool?

Po 2011 roku amerykańscy badacze zaobserwowali falę depresji jaka pojawiła się wśród młodzieży. Oprócz tego zjawiska badacze obserwują zmniejszoną aktywność seksualną i spotykanie się na randkach. Powodów możemy się domyśleć - internet i komunikatory.

"Przyjaciele" pączkują w mediach społecznościowych oceniając i wpływając na zachowanie młodych osób. Co prawda dla Millenialsów (deklaratywnie) liczą się prawdziwe relacje, rodzina i głęboka więź ale to nie musi być realizowane w tradycyjny sposób - tweety, skype i snap też pozwalają na wymianę informacji.

Efektem ubocznym jest "ekonomia lajków" czyli przekładania każdego działania na tani poklask oraz wytworzenie potrzeby szybkiego wynagradzania. Cele takie jak odłożenie na mieszkanie za 20 lat czy zainwestowanie 5 lat w studia są równie realne jak niezrozumiale odległe. Każda następna moda trwa tygodnie a nie lata. Seriale, gwiazdy popkultury, wydarzenia - to wszystko zlewa się w jeden ciąg statusów. Liczy się tylko tu i teraz i moja grupa rówieśników cały czas pozostająca w trybie "always on".

Wieczna rywalizacja, brak poczucia realizowania czegoś potrzebnego, uczucie nieszczęścia i brak umiejętności wchodzenia w dojrzałe i głębokie relacje. To wszystko 24h na dobę, online, dostęp przez aplikację na telefonie z którym zasypiają i budzą się.

A za rogiem powoli dojrzewa Pokolenie C.

Artur Kurasiński

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Venture Capital w Polsce – problemy i wyzwania z inwestowaniem w naszym kraju

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Maciej Żakowski i Paweł Światczyński zwierzają się, że udowodniliśmy, że wiemy jak połączyć biznes gastronomiczny z technologią

Joanna zaczynała jako "szafiarka". Dziś prowadzi firmę produkującą piżamy dla kobiet, wydała dwie książki i nadal prowadzi popularnego bloga.

Alphabet wins FCC approval to deploy Project Loon balloons to restore telecom service on storm-battered island.

As a former entrepreneur — I often thought about the “how” and “why” of venture capitalists. I also wondered if their job was really that hard or if they were just riding the money train. Now that I…

This study of esports fans in the U.S., U.K., France and Germany provides a deep dive into the esports audience.

Yahoo on Tuesday said that all 3 billion of its accounts were hacked in a 2013 data theft, tripling its earlier estimate of the size of the largest breach in history, in a disclosure that attorneys said sharply increased the legal exposure of its new owner, Verizon Communications Inc (VZ.N).

The Museum of Ice Cream’s Maryellis Bunn has a plan for all the empty storefronts: Fill them with fantasy play spaces that look great on Instagram.

Wsparcie przedsiębiorczości, wszystko co potrzebujesz wiedzieć o działalności gospodarczej w tym inkubatory i szkolenia w Warszawie

Google held a press conference today in San Francisco, where the company announced everything from new phones to crazy machine learning-powered wearable..

By Steven Wong | October 4, 2017 | 5 days ago   @steven_plays  

Nearly half of all plug-in vehicles are sold in China, driven by multiple subsidies and regulations, creating a giant test bed for local design and technology. Global vehicle makers are accelerating their battery-powered efforts to keep up.

TechCrunch has learned that Amazon has acquired Body Labs, a company with a stated aim of creating true-to-life 3D body models to support various b2b software..

The world’s most powerful information gatekeepers neglected their duties in Las Vegas. Again.

If you want to understand the threat that Silicon Valley poses to culture at large, consider Apple’s $5 billion headquarters. The Cupertino, California, building may seem like paradise to some, with striking architecture—a donut-shaped building featuring the world’s largest piece of curved glass—and lavish details like iPhone-inspired elevator buttons and patented pizza boxes that prevent...

Samsung unveils Windows Mixed Reality headset, AltSpaceVR joins Microsoft, SteamVR catalog coming to Windows Mixed Reality this holiday.

Spiegel spoke to author Walter Isaacson at Vanity Fair's fourth annual New Establishment Summit in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Gartner, Inc. today revealed its top predictions for 2018 and beyond. Gartner's top predictions will enable organizations to move beyond thinking about mere notions of technology adoption to focus on the issues that surround what it really means to be human in the digital world.

How I built and sold a bootstrapped Micro-SaaS business in five years. A guide for founders to selling a SaaS business.

The supposedly secure messaging app has employees in St. Petersburg, multiple sources say, in the same building as Kremlin-influenced social network VK.

CCS Insight provides market information, analysis and intelligence for companies focusing on the mobile and wireless sector around the world.

Amazon held an event in Seattle today, and the announcements were non-stop. From a new high-end Echo to talking fish, they had all sorts of stuff to show...

YouTube is adding new requirements for users who link out to crowdfunding campaigns or other external sites in their videos. Users must now join the YouTube Partner Program in order to add end...

A Chinese team corrected the potentially fatal blood disorder beta-thalassemia.

James Dyson, the billionaire British inventor of the bagless vacuum cleaner, said on Tuesday his company was working on developing an electric car to be launched by 2020.

One artist protested Snapchat's latest attempt to woo users by vandalizing Koons' Balloon Dog installment, which appears in Central Park.

The City Council is weighing a major bailout of the yellow-cab industry, with possible restrictions and surcharges on rivals such as Uber and Lyft.


The top 25 public companies by game revenues generated $41.4 Bn in the first half of 2017, a 20% increase compared to the same period in 2016. Learn more.

Airbnb is developing a branded apartment complex in Florida, the company’s first such move to create Airbnb-oriented accommodations from the ground up, according to people familiar with the matter. The arrangement, expected to be announced soon, would test Airbnb’s relationships with apartment ...

Interestingly, this isn't a problem everywhere people Tweet. For example, when I (Aliza) Tweet in English, I quickly run into the 140 character limit and have to edit my Tweet down so it fits.

From gods and zombies to a ship and a song, the one trait the 100 hardest video-game bosses all share is an ability to end your game swiftly.

Apple has upgraded next-generation cochlear implants to work with iPhones, allowing users to stream audio directly into the device

Hackers are using old tricks and new cryptocurrencies to turn stolen computing power into digital coins.

Russian government-backed hackers stole highly classified U.S. cyber secrets in 2015 from the National Security Agency after a contractor put information on his home computer, two newspapers reported on Thursday.

Mistaken extrapolations, limited imagination, and other common mistakes that distract us from thinking more productively about the future.

By Manouk Akopyan | June 13, 2017 | 4 months ago


The world needs more kidneys. Here's how researchers are making artificial ones—in silicon.

The Google, Apple and Facebook workers who helped make technology so addictive are disconnecting themselves from the internet. Paul Lewis reports on the Silicon Valley refuseniks who worry the race for human attention has created a world of perpetual distraction that could ultimately end in disaster

Chances are you landed on this post because: 1) you hate your job, 2) you need a change, and 3) you’re thinking about making design your new career. If so, congratulations — you’ve already taken the…

Ethereum might just form the basis of the internet 3.0. This guide will tell you why.

The European Union’s member states signed a sweeping declaration today designed to transform the way governments across the continent deliver services by embracing e-government initiatives.

Amazon has patented a way for drones to provide "in-flight refuel" to vehicles — which might help resolve the charging-infrastructure challenge facing EVs.

MOUNTAIN VIEW — In an explosive new allegation, a renowned architect has accused Google of racketeering, saying in a lawsuit the company has a pattern of stealing trade secrets from people it first invites to collaborate.

The transformation of society into one where QR payment codes abound was by far the biggest change in mainland China since my last visit four years ago.

Amazon is a few weeks out from deciding whether to make a big push into selling drugs online. If it does, it'll start to hire drug supply chain experts.

Ryan Hoover is the founder of Product Hunt. Get a 10% discount on Ship pro plans by using this link - https://www.producthunt.com/ship?promo=YCFRIENDS Ryan a...

The following are remarks by Data & Society Founder and President danah boyd for her keynote at the 2017 Strata Data Conference in New York City. Full video of keynote is available at the bottom of…

Uber has

A meaningful, beautiful death anchors what might be the AMC drama’s best episode ever.

99%+ of the ICOs out there are scams. It has the very unfortunate side effect to make good teams/projects look dubious by association, so it has to stop. I spent a lot of time thinking about what…

Bethesda marketing boss Pete Hines discusses publisher's marketing for upcoming anti-Nazi shooter