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  • Postęp technologiczny budzi wsciekłość - newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Postęp technologiczny budzi wsciekłość - newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Quo Vadis Postępie?

Gram w "Watchs Dogs 2" i dziwię jak bardzo jej twórcy podśmiewują się z Doliny Krzemowej i kultury czczenia technologii tam panującej. Kilka lat temu to było bluźnietrstwem - obecnie w dobrym tonie jest skrytykować wysokość czynszów, politykę Facebooka czy zakup przejęcie kolejnego startupu po tylko żeby nie dać wyrosnąć konkurencji.

Powoli, powoli zaczyna do nas docierać, że technologia i gwałtowny postęp mogą być zabójcze - w całej swojej masie ludzie nie martwią się o konwersję użytkownika, optymalizację chmury czy growth hacking.

Polecam zapoznać się z książką Thomasa L. Friedmana "Thank You for Being Late: An Optimist's Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations" gdzie autor stawia tezę, że przyczyną wielu dzisiejszych problemów jest galopujący rozwój i postęp technologiczny za którym ludzie nie nadążają. Chcemy jeździć na działkę i grillować a nie roztrząsać etyczne problemy autonomicznych samochodów. Dziwne? Wcale nie.

Artur Kurasiński

Jigsaw to tech inkubator od Google'a - ciekawy tekst

Google has never wanted to be an ordinary company. From its original motto, “Don’t be evil,” to last year’s updated mantra “Do the right thing,” it’s always styled itself as an organization with goals that are both more ambitious and more altruistic than the usual profit-focused corporate motivations. Among the strongest indicators of this mindset is...

To musisz wiedzieć o postępie i technologii :(

I haven’t read Thomas Friedman’s new screed, Thank You For Being Late. But if this graph from the book is any indication, it might be the dumbest thing ever committed to pixels and paper. Yes, that graph above is real. And yes, it’s completely meaningless garbage.

Karma to...niestety zły produkt a GoPro idzie pod wodę

GoPro today announced the company will cut 200 jobs, about 15% of its global workforce. The company says this will reduce its 2017 non-GAAP operating expenses..

Zapragniesz mieć ten gadżet w swoim samochodzie

After a successful Kickstarter campaign, Fingertips Lab has pocketed funding from 500 Startups and ‘The Lean Startup’ author Eric Ries.

Serial SF w VR - czy może być coś lepszego?

A new, dramatic science-fiction narrative series in 360 video format is premiering at the 2016 International Film Festival & Awards Macau (IFFAM) on December 10th. Named as “Remember” the series will…

Jak technologia wygrała wybory dla Trumpa?

The secret weapon of the Trump campaign: his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who created a stealth data machine that leveraged social media and ran like a Silicon Valley startup. The inside story of the biggest upset in modern political history.

Ten polski projekt zebrał 8,6 mln$!!!

On November 11, while the rest of our nation was celebrating National Independence Day in Poland, the entire Golem team was at their computers, hard at work. After weeks of planning, chatting with…

Ten robot zrobi ci logo po taniości.

Logojoy is a logo maker that uses artificial intelligence, so it feels like you're working with a real designer and the results are amazing.

Vevo znalazło model biznesowy, który uratuje muzykę?

This is what Vevo, the seven-year-old online video startup co-owned by Universal and Sony, proudly tells its prospective advertisers.


Jak rośnie esport w porównaniu do sportu "zwykłego"?

Esports events can fill a big stadium of fans who watch video game pros play for $20 million in prizes. But compared to traditional sports, esports still have a long way to go.

Dzieje się - Chińczycy przejmują Skyscanner.

Travel price checking website will continue to be managed separately from biggest Chinese online travel company, say buyers

Jak się tworzy fejkowe newsy? A właśnie tak - prosto!

"The whole idea from the start was to build a site that could kind of infiltrate the echo chambers of the alt-right," says Jestin Coler, whose company, Disinfomedia, is behind some fake news sites.

Żeby robić $ w Chinach trzeba mieć inną moralność

The social network, blocked in China since 2009, has developed software to keep posts from appearing in users’ news feeds in specific geographic areas, current and former employees said.

Jak AI zmieni nasze zakupy w sieci?

Retailers need to prepare.

Czy treści wideo zbawią branżę newsową?

For decades newsrooms have reacted the same way to the first word of breaking news: they send crews to cover it. But what happens when there are 5, 10 or even 20 videos of a story — some of them live…

Praca w przyszłości - przywilej czy mit?

Economists believe in full employment. Americans think that work builds character. But what if jobs aren’t working anymore?

Ten fundusz ma niesamowite wyniki bo bazuje na nauce

The Medallion Fund, an employees-only offering for the quants at Renaissance Technologies, is the blackest box in all of finance.

Dlaczego nie ma "bańki" w branży technologicznej?

The tech bubble was supposed to burst this year. Turns out clichés aren't the best way to understand the direction of an industry.

Chiny bawią się w Boga

Would you want to alter your future children’s genes to make them smarter, stronger, or better looking? As the state of science brings prospects like these closer to reality, an international debate has been raging over the ethics of enhancing human capacities with biotechnologies such as so-called smart pills, brain implants, and gene editing. This discussion has...

Inwestycje w startupy dronowe spadają...

However, the last two quarters have seen deals drop.

Haker wyjmie dane przez dźwięk Twojego wiatraczka..

By controlling the speed of a computer's internal fans, researchers show how they can steal passwords and other data from "air-gapped" machines.

Ważne dla founderów startupów SaaSowych.

BMW wierzy w magię Doliny Krzemowej

The BMW Group has announced plans to expand its concept venture capital unit by launching a VC fund of up to 500 million euros

Ciekawy wywiad o AI i jej konsekwencjach.

Google Brain leader and co-founder Jeff Dean talks about the rise of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge research.

Obroń się przed dronami!

There are numerous systems built to take down wayward or dangerous drones, but they tend to have one big catch: you need to be relatively close to the drone, wh...

Hakerzy zaatakowali transport publiczny w Dolinie...

Hackers infected a San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency computer network with ransomware over Thanksgiving weekend.

26 najbardziej obecnie innowacyjnych VC

Every new VC firm that launches touts to be a “new breed of venture capital firm”, but the reality is that most of the time it’s just a straight up old-school VC model. That being said, VC has seen…

Dlaczego VR może wywoływać u Ciebie ból głowy?

Everyone has probably experienced motion sickness at some stage. That sickly, light-headed feeling you get when reading a book in the car or travelling on a boat in choppy seas. For our brains, it’s…

Bardzo fajny raport dot. polskiego marketingu!

Zobacz jak będzie się zmieniać marketing, czym warto się zainteresować w kontekście działań, które masz w planie.

Dlaczego SV zamiast nas zbawić zaczyna niszczyć?

Silicon Valley’s biggest failing is the distinct lack of empathy for those whose lives are disturbed by its technological wizardry, Om Malik writes.

Czego sobie życzy branża tech?

Obama presented WIRED with six challenges the tech industry needs to address. We asked six of the biggest names in the our world how they could get it done.

Jakie cechy musi mieć dobry CEO?

When startup CEOs start to scale their companies, they need to redefine themselves and their roles or risk stunting the potential of their startups.

Ważne - jak zrozumieć klienta w Saasowym startupie?

Customer Acquisition is one of the key activities of every SaaS Businesses. Discover the key elements to be successful in getting more customers online.

Startupy, VC i europejski ekosystem - badanie

Atomico invests in innovative technology companies around the world

Co się dzieje w Machine Learning?

(This article was originally posted at https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/the-current-state-of-machine-intelligence-2-0) A year ago, I published my original attempt at mapping the machine intelligence…

Warto poznać historię HP - szczególnie jeśli jesteś CEO

A new book on Hewlett-Packard’s management history offers cautionary tales for today’s leading tech companies.