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  • Prywatność o muerte! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Prywatność o muerte! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego


Uff. Gratulacje! Przeżyliśmy RODO. Okazało się, że magiczną datą olało dużo firm i nadal męczą nas informacjami o zmianie polityki prywatności. Przy okazji okazało się, że taka Gazeta.pl udostępnia nasze dane 207 innym podmiotom. A myśmy tak bardzo bali się Cambridge Analytica ;)

Unia wymuszając większą transparentność weszła na ścieżkę wojenną z niektórymi serwisami z USA - te albo wypięły się na unijne regulacje i odcięły użytkowników z Europy albo wprowadziły nową kategorię opłat dla użytkowników ze starego kontynentu. Cała Ameryka.

W Polsce jak zwykle RODO zostało potraktowane jako pretekst do wymyślenia tabunu głupawych regulacji, które są tylko i wyłącznie chorą fantazją urzędników - wysłuchiwanie formułek o RODO podczas dzwonienia do ministerstw, "wyciek danych podczas kontroli biletów" w PKP i tym podobne. Polacy uwielbiają komplikować sobie życie.

To co działo się w ciągu ostatnich tygodni to nic co stanie się kiedy Unia wprowadzi kolejny etap tzw "ePrivacy Regulation". To będzie nic w porównaniu z RODO. A na razie cieszmy się, że mogliśmy poprosić o skasowanie naszych danych z tylu miejsc o których nie mieliśmy pojęcia.

Dzięki rządom PiS Polacy odkryli kilka instytucji (TK i SN) oraz Konstytucję. Tak samo z Unią Europejską - dzięki RODO i grillowaniu Marka Zuckerberga nagle okazało się, że o naszą prywatność można i trzeba walczyć.

Bo nie jest nam dana na zawsze.

Artur Kurasiński




Zapraszam do spotkania i konsultacji - nie gryzę i lubię się spotykać z ludźmi :)


Poniżej wywiad z Pawłem Kopińskim z Superbright, firmy, która stworzyła grę VR "Claro". Oprócz tego (dzięki uprzejmosci twórców) możecie skorzystać z 10 kodów, które umożliwią wam darmowe sciągnięcie tej gry na platformę Oculus Go:












Mark Zuckerberg vs Guy Verhofstadt

My question to Mark #Zuckerberg was simple: is he capable of fixing his platform and ensuring it has no harmful effects on our citizens and democracies?...

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Internet Trends 2018 Report - Mary Meeker, Code Conference May 30th, 2018.

We love success stories. These tales about amazing games getting the praise they deserve and breaking sales records in no time. Honestly though, how many can we actually name, from the top of our…

Najnowsze przedsięwzięcie Polskiego Funduszu Rozwoju (PFR) tym razem nie jest skierowane do startupów czy inwestorów, a do młodych wizjonerów z całej Polski w wieku od 20 do 35 lat.

IT IS a classic startup story, but with a twist. Three 20-somethings launched a firm out of a dorm room at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2016, with the goal of using algorithms to predict the reply to an e-mail.

Most of the refunds happened this April, after Elon Musk again said the mass-market car would be delayed.

Yesterday saw three developer-related announcements, two from Apple, and one from Microsoft. The former came as part of Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference keynote:

Without watchdogs, government costs go up, according to new research.

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Facebook accused of giving over 60 device makers—including Apple, Amazon, BlackBerry, Microsoft and Samsung—exclusive access to data on users and friends

January is an exciting time for an ambitious company like Foursquare. It affords teams a moment in which to digest the final results of the year behind, while setting the course and cadence for the…

The Canon EOS-1V was the last of a dying breed.

Financial firms hope radio can execute trades faster than fiber optic cables

The company formed data-sharing partnerships with Apple, Samsung and dozens of other device makers, raising new concerns about its privacy protections.

W kraju działa ponad 300 studiów deweloperskich. Najnowsze debiuty „Agony" i „Moonlightera" pokazały, jak nieprzewidywalna jest ta branża.

MICHAŁ KUŹMIŃSKI, MAREK RABIJ: Co się dzieje ze społeczeństwem skupionym na zbieraniu punktów rankingu własnej pozycji społecznej?

The Untold Story Of Microsoft’s Surface Hub. A man with a dream. A company in flux. A secret factory outside Portland. And a hyper-ambitious gambit to reimagine how meetings happen.

Microsoft will reportedly announce it has acquired GitHub as early as Monday

Instagram users were missing 70 percent of all posts and 50 percent of their friends’ posts before the app ditched the reverse chronological feed for an algorithm in July 2016. Despite backlash about confusing ordering, Instagram now says relevancy sorting has led to its 800 million-plus users seeing 90 percent of their friends’ posts and spending more time on the app.

YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat are the most popular online platforms among teenagers.

Players can choose to build totalitarian regimes… and players in China love it

A new study shows they’re better at it than humans.

Injured in an accident? Law firms may already know.

"What happens when anyone can make it appear as if anything has happened, regardless of whether or not it did?"

As fewer and fewer of my friends use the platform, Snapchat has become a haven from the grinding utility of the internet.

Bird, the electric scooter company that first launched in Los Angeles, is reportedly raising $150 million in new financing led by Sequoia Capital, according to Bloomberg. The round would value the company at $1 billion. Bird declined to comment for this story.

Criminals have stolen about $1.2 billion in cryptocurrencies since the beginning of 2017, as bitcoin's popularity and the emergence of more than 1,500 digital tokens have put the spotlight on the unregulated sector, according to estimates from the Anti-Phishing Working Group released on Thursday.

A wave of 51 percent attacks affecting Bitcoin Gold, Verge, and Monacoin resulted in nearly $20 million worth of cryptocurrency being stolen from exchanges this week.

Do you want to know how to leverage Google for your SEO needs? Check out this list of 42 Google advanced search operators, plus 15 actionable ways to use them to accomplish specific SEO tasks.

And there it was. A trailer for a new Cloverfield movie. As it played, cool, I thought — I’ll probably go see that. Then, another thought: actually, if I’m being honest, that probably isn’t one I…

Widely available services offer a range of spying abilities, including tracking people’s phones and harvesting their texts. As survivors seek help, the legal and technical hurdles are many.

An alliance of heretics is making an end run around the mainstream conversation. Should we be listening?

A Wall Street Journal analysis of 1,450 cryptocurrency offerings reveals rampant plagiarism, identity theft and promises of improbable returns.

Nowadays, smart phones have become an indispensable object in people’s lives. It stimulates the explosive of mobile App in all kinds of app stores. The functional Apps could not only simplifies the…

Recently I’ve found myself giving the same bit of non-obvious advice to a dozen foreign startup founders. On an average day, over 100 international flights land at SFO. It’s a good bet that each one…

When a chemist raised concerns about the blood testing machines' high error rates, she was ignored. So she resigned.

Dorabiał przy pomocy aplikacji Ubera, teraz musi słono zapłacić za nielegalny przewóz okazjonalny.

We say that the book industry is at war with Amazon, but is that really possible when the two entities have completely unrelated objectives and are playing in completely different games?

HashCard to polski projekt, który był w trakcie przeprowadzania ICO. Niestety wygląda na to, że był to scam, a jego twórcy – Karol Kozłowski i Paweł Goch – wyparowali. W dodatku są przesłanki, że stoją oni za atakiem na giełdę EtherDelta w zeszłym roku.

These venture bets on startups that "returned the fund," making firms and careers, were the result of research, strong convictions, and patient follow-through. Here are the stories behind the biggest VC home runs of all time.

On the first day of enforcement for the General Data Protection Regulation, Austrian privacy campaigner Max Schrems filed four lawsuits worth $8.8 billion against Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Google’s Android operating system.

There were no software glitches or sensor breakdowns that led to a fatal crash, merely poor object recognition, emergency planning, system design, testing methodology, and human operation.

— Chcemy opowiedzieć graczom dużo o „Cyberpunku 2077”. Będzie to nowy

tytuł, nowy świat. W związku z tym kampania gry nie będzie kampanią

ekspresową — powiedział w trakcie telekonferencji Adam Kiciński, prezes

CD Projektu, rozwiewając spekulacje, które pojawiły się kilka miesięcy

temu, o możliwej premierze długo wyczekiwanej produkcji jeszcze w 2018

r. Jego zdaniem, krótkie kampanie marketingowe gier porównywalnych to

takie, które trwają kilka miesięcy.

For the first time, Pokémon fans and crypto enthusiasts will overlap—at least in China. Yesterday (April 23), Chinese gaming giant Tencent unveiled its first blockchain-based game (link in Chinese) titled 一起来捉妖, which translates as "Let’s Hunt Monsters.” In essence, the game is a combination of Pokémon Go and CryptoKitties: Users can cruise around urban streetscapes and...

When you meet startups and VCs these days, there’s usually a lot of verbiage spent on defining stage (pre-seed, seed, post-seed, pre-A, Early A, A, Late A, B, C…) As a venture eco-system, we continue…

Using intelligence from the CB Insights database, we investigated the “secret sauce” for hardware success.

Popular read-it-later app Instapaper informed all European users today that its service would be temporarily unavailable starting Thursday, May 24th while it continues to make changes to ensure it’s complaint with the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR.

The top 25 public companies by game revenues generated a combined $94.1 billion in 2017, an increase of +29% compared to 2016. Learn more about the top game companies' performance,

W projekcie noweli Kodeksu spółek handlowych pojawił się zapis o wykorzystaniu rozproszonej i zdecentralizowanej bazy danych przez prostą spójkę akcyjną. Akcjami będzie można obracać w tak prosty sposób, jak na giełdzie

Investing in initial coin offerings, or ICOs, is a minefield. This isn’t just true for people with absolutely no technical background but also for many investors who may be well-versed in tech but still struggle to understand many projects’ white papers.

Can changing your environment help you be more productive? Why moving from your daily desk to a coffee shop can help you get more done and trick your brain into feeling motivated to work.

Bird, LimeBike, Spin, and Lyft are all competing for a slice of the scooter startup pie.

YouTube has made several attempts to launch a dedicated music service. Here's a rundown of what the video site has done so far.

Cyfrowe innowacje niezmiennie pozostają w centrum zainteresowania inwestorów. W I kw. 2018 r. fundusze zainwestowały 49,3 mld USD.

A new app called Siempo wants to un-addict you from your smartphone and its numerous attention-stealing apps. To do so, Siempo replaces an Android device’s homescreen, while also taking advantage of a number of design principles to push distractions further away, and give you more control over your notifications.

Amazon.com Inc. is taking its most assertive step yet into the digital-advertising market by testing a new display ad offering that threatens multibillion-dollar revenue streams at Google and firms like Criteo SA.

The American trucking dream conjures up certain romantic, analogue notions:

I have some sort of a feeling that paper could never be replaced. I mean, despite our best efforts paper has already been replaced across industries over the last decade in an effort to make…

Barack and Michelle Obama will make content through Netflix via a new studio called Higher Ground Productions and a multi-year pact.

The results of DESI 2018 are available. The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) is a composite index that summarises relevant indicators on Europe’s digital performance and tracks the evolution of EU member states in digital competitiveness.

Japanese bank Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) has "high expectations" for a payments blockchain designed by U.S. tech firm Akamai.

Epic Games has announced plans to provide $100 million for a prize pool in the title's first year of competitive play.

With VR struggling to crack mainstream markets, VR arcades and theme parks may be the silver bullet the medium has been searching for

China just launched a lunar orbiter that will act as a relay for the first lander on the far side of the moon later this year.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has spent a year acting as a cheerleader for community support groups, especially those focused on addiction recovery. But scratching the surface of these organizations reveals the need for a referee, instead. Without that, there’s nothing to protect the most vulnerable people on the platform from this impenetrable tangle of altruism and e-commerce.

Polacy stworzyli narzędzie analizujące treści publikowane przez wydawców, wykorzystując sztuczną inteligencję. Ich startup Deep.BI zebrał właśnie 11,8 mln zł od aniołów biznesu, w tym Piotr Waltera i Adama Sawickiego (1,8 mln zł), polskiego funduszu Black Pearls VC (3 mln zł) oraz Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (7 mln zł).

Adobe announced today that it was acquiring Magento for $1.68 billion. The purchase gives Adobe a missing e-commerce platform piece that works in B2B and B2C contexts and should fit nicely in the company’s Experience Cloud.

If you're inclined to hook up, you'll do it with or without an app.

Thus far called "Branded Content Matching," Facebook's developing influencer marketing platform will let brands search for influencers on the platform that best meet their target demographic needs. No word yet on when the tool will officially launch.