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Przestań kupować na Aliexpress! Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Nienażarty smok

Zapewne wiele razy kupowałeś coś z Chin. Super fajna oferta, konkurencyjna cena oraz darmowa dostawa. Nie wnikasz w szczegóły, klikasz, płacisz i zamawiasz. Uff. Oszczędziłeś tyle kasy!

Po jakimś czasie dostajesz od sprzedawcy informacje łamanym angielskim, który uprzedza, że paczka oznaczona będzie jako "gift". Zgadzasz się.

Czekasz kilka tygodni (i prawie zapominasz o swoim zakupie) gdy nagle puka listonosz i okazuje się, że możesz cieszyć się swoją przesyłką z Chin.

Gratuluję. Właśnie oszukałeś polskie państwo na podatkach (w tym VAT) oraz spowodowałeś, że zbankrutuje któryś polski sprzedawca.

"Ale facet przesadza!" zapewne pomyślisz. Otóż nie.

Zakupy na chińskich portalach rosną lawinowo właśnie z powodu niskich cen spowodowanych brakiem kontroli polskich służb oraz masowych oszust związanych z zaniżaniem

Żeby to zobrazować dam ci przykład. Chcesz sprzedawać hulajnogę. Tak się składa, że jest to produkt wytworzony w Chinach. Twoja cena (z podatkami, cłem i VATem) to 1500 złotych.

Ten sam produkt sprowadzony z któregoś z chińskich portali kosztuje 1000 złotych. Z dostawą pod twoje drzwi. Zgadnij jakiego sprzedawcę wybierze polski klient?

"No ale tak działa wolny rynek! To jest kapitalizm!" powiesz.

Tak, masz rację. Tylko, że w tym wypadku nie mamy do czynienia z uczciwą konkurencją a oszukiwanie polskich organów (cło i VAT) oraz tworzeniem problemów dla polskiego klienta (brak gwarancji, problemy ze zwrotem itd).

O jakiej skali problemu mówimy? Z danych Gemiusa wynika, że z zagranicznych serwisów e-commerce korzysta już w Polsce 23 proc. internautów. Dwa lata temu z takich zakupów korzystało zaledwie 10% badanych internautów.

Obecnie w naszym kraju nie jest możliwe uczciwe konkurowanie z takim przeciwnikiem. Chińscy sprzedawcy wykańczają polski e-commerce w ekspresowym tempie.

Problem nareszcie dostrzegł rząd i zamierza przykręcić kurek z "tanimi" zakupami z Chin.

To bardzo dobra wiadomość dla polskiego e-commerce i jego klientów.

Naprawdę, wszyscy na tym skorzystamy.

Artur Kurasiński


Zero Killed!

Lobbying dollars and a cozy relationship with the government have given the tech giant an outsize influence in the Department of Homeland Security.

x-kom ruszył z pierwszą polską kampanią w serwisie Pornhub. Działania mają na celu walkę z dyskryminacją osób leworęcznych. Kampania potrwa do...

Since May, Facebook has spent more than $12 million on political ads promoting its own policy changes on Facebook and Instagram.

W Lublinie ruszy nowy oddział celny, który będzie szczegółowo sprawdzał przesyłki z Dalekiego Wschodu. Rząd chce w ten sposób uszczelnić system.


Hey guys! I’m Eddie and I’m the founder of Flyby. We’re a health & wellness startup focused on building supplements that’ll allow people to be the best versions of him or herself.Our flagship product is Flyby Recovery, a pill formulated to help you bounce back after a night of drinking....

Google, Facebook and other tech titans are employing thousands of contract workers to keep official headcounts low and free up millions so they can hire talent in areas such as AI. The trend is on the rise for companies outside Silicon Valley as well.

A new startup named North wants to put augmented reality glasses on more faces. To do so it’s created what it calls the first "everyday pair of smart glasses" and an easier method to fit them to different faces.


Emil, a new startup from the founders of Movinga, has launched what it claims is Germany’s first pay-per-mile car insurance that measures miles in real-time. Aimed at drivers who do less than 6,200 miles per year on average (or roughly 120 miles per week) — which we’re told accounts for 49 percent of German drivers — mileage is tracked via the Emil app and the supplied dongle that plugs into your car’s diagnostics port.

With Amazon reaching a company record this past quarter. But Google still spent the most.

Brendan Iribe, the co-founder and former CEO of Oculus, announced today that he is leaving Facebook, TechCrunch has learned.

Firms paying refunds to buyers who write five-star reviews on Amazon, consumer group says


We may not all be wildly successful, wildly problematic YouTubers, but we all live inside (and contribute to) the system that created them.

Business icon Beth Comstock and retail innovator Rachel Shechtman show us what successful collaboration can look like.

There was a time — a time not too long ago — when new media standouts Vice Media ($VICEMEDIA), Buzzfeed ($BUZZFEED), and Vox Media ($VOXMEDIA) were all in a rapid state of growth. It was an exciting time: they were all launching new properties, poaching talent from media stalwarts, and boasting huge revenue outlooks. And one thing was consistent across all three properties: they were hiring a lot of people.


Wiadomości na temat nowych serwisów internetowych, portali społecznościowych

Chivas Venture to konkurs, w którym startupowcy rozwiązujący problemy społeczne mogą walczyć o atrakcyjne nagrody. Sprawdź dlaczego warto!

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook has joined the chorus of voices warning that data itself is being weaponized again people and societies — arguing that the trade in digital data has exploded into a “data industrial complex”.

Finanse, rynek finansowy, krusy walut - wiadomości w WirtualneMedia.pl





My first VR device was PlayStation VR, and the calculus was straightforward: I owned a PS4 and did not own a Windows PC, which means I had a device that was compatible with the PlatStation VR and did not have one that was compatible with the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive.

A pair of new books raise plenty of problems but offer few solutions.

Three recent books challenge the tech industry's myths of self-reliance and prescience.

The suspension affects 2,990 cameras being used by police officers in 15 out of 77 police precincts, as well as several other commands.

Analiza danych z social mediów wskazuje, że na ostatniej prostej sztab Rafała Trzaskowskiego zastosował manewr niczym radzieckie łodzie podwodne „Szalony Iwan”, który całkowicie zaskoczył zarówno konkurencję jak i obserwatorów oraz analityków sceny politycznej.

When Disney launches its Netflix competitor next year, Time Warner and Comcast will rush in too, setting off a new era in subscription streaming services.

A paper posted to arXiv last month claims to have achieved superconductivity at room temperature, but other physicists say the data may be incorrect.

Social network Facebook has hired former UK deputy prime minister Nick Clegg as its vice president, head of global affairs and communications.

China is, by some distance, the undisputed world leader in bitcoin mining. And the White House is worried about it...

The kingdom silences dissent online by sending operatives to swarm critics. It also recruited a Twitter employee suspected of spying on users, interviews show.

The World Wide Web is officially old enough for us judge what it’s produced. That’s right, it’s time for the world to start building a canon of the most significant websites of all time, and the Gizmodo staff has opinions.

The long read: Sorting people by ‘merit’ will do nothing to fix inequality

I often get asked by startup founders, most of them with little to no business background on how to holistically think about capital raising and startup valuation during the evolution of their…

This is a sign that I must be getting old. Ten years ago I would have been ALL IN on Fortnite. I used to be quite the gamer starting in the mid 90’s when my friends used to come over to watch me play…

Nobody steals cryptocurrency quite like North Korean hackers. Group-IB calculates the state-sponsored "Lazarus" has netted $571M in stolen funds since 2017.

The White House wants to put an end to low-cost shipping from overseas, a move widely supported among U.S. e-commerce sellers.

The ‘environmental rebound effect’ probably negates any green-thinking choice you make.

This week’s FTC hearings on the growing power of companies like Amazon, Facebook, and Google only included economists who have taken money, directly and indirectly, from giant corporations that have a stake in the debate.

Haaretz investigation spanning 100 sources in 15 countries reveals Israel has become a leading exporter of tools for spying on civilians. Dictators around the world – even in countries with no formal ties to Israel – use them eavesdrop on human rights activists, monitor emails, hack into apps and record conversations

Your family and friends will be able to interact with a digital “you” that doles out advice—even when you’re gone.

Have a drone you want removed from the sky? Grab your wallet, some patience, and probably a lawyer — because so far, there’s no one-size-fits-al

Cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin result in the concentration of wealth, not greater equality

I say @GaryVee because I don’t know Gary Vaynerchuk personally. He could be delightful and entirely unlike his online persona. But his Internet character is doing harm to would-be entrepreneurs…

Report showing dramatic decline in internet access growth suggests digital revolution will remain a distant dream for billions of people

Facial recognition software is to be used in UK supermarkets for the first time to verify the age of people buying alcohol and cigarettes, the Telegraph has learned.

Chinese e-commerce firm JD.com Inc said on Thursday it would add a FedEx-style parcel delivery service to its e-commerce offerings, a move which could help the firm leverage its network of warehouses and drivers to bolster flagging profits.

We'll soon find it hard to know with our own eyes if a video is real or generated by AI, but new algorithms are staying one or two steps ahead of the fakers.

The Chinese city of Chengdu is hoping to launch an artificial moon into space in the coming years that would light up its night sky.

Four major U.S. public funds that hold shares in Facebook Inc on Wednesday proposed removing Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg as chairman following several high-profile scandals and said they hoped to gain backing from larger asset managers.

Mieszkańcy Wrocławia po mieście będą mogli jeździć elektrycznymi hulajnogami na godziny. Jak ustaliła "Rzeczpospolita", popularny w Kalifornii startup Lime (wart jest ponad 1 mld dol., wspiera go Google i Uber), rusza z najmem jednośladów w Polsce.

No matter if you enjoy taking or just watching images of space, NASA has a treat for you.

A satellite on the far side of the moon might not be quite what the Chinese say, Air Force official warns.

This report focuses on hotspots of tech activity throughout the globe. From heavyweights such as Silicon Valley and Tel Aviv, to high growth hubs such as Shanghai, and up and comers including Stockholm, we analyze activity in 25 key areas.

Each year, Jeff Bezos writes an open letter to Amazon's shareholders. Over the last two decades, these letters have become an unparalleled source of insight into how the world's richest man — and his company — think about customers, innovation, building products, and more.

Netflix surged past Wall Street expectations on Tuesday, posting nearly 7 million new subscribers during the third quarter, 2 million more than projected

Raporty, nowe serwisy, badania, reklama internetowa: najnowsze wiadomości w WirtualneMedia.pl – nowe serwisy internetowe, badania, agencje interaktywne, reklama internetowa

How Amazon’s Echo success may be following in the footsteps of the Kindle’s success.

In China, a Tesla Model S in “autopilot” mode crashed into a semi truck, killing the Tesla driver, in 2016. In early March, 2018, a self-driving Uber just hit and injured a woman in Scottsdale, AZ…

The main ones we hear about include having ads on your blog, using affiliate links, and upselling your readers whatever you’re trying to sell, such as creating a blog post about the top 5 best ways…

How a Middle East Startup Took on Uber — and Won. Dubai-based Careem is the ride-hailing king from Morocco to Pakistan. Its success holds lessons for Western startups with global ambitions.