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Reprezentacja jako startup - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Piłka jest jedna a bramki są dwie (jak zwykle)

Polscy piłkarze mundial przegrali mundial w Rosji w pierwszym meczu z Senegalem. W kolejnym spotkaniu Kolumbia była poza ich zasięgiem i umiejętnościami. Nie mam pojęcia jak będzie wyglądał mecz z Japonią "o honor" ale mam bardzo złe przeczucia. Już nie chodzi o honor ale poziom kompromitacji.

To jest bardzo zły turniej dla nas, kibiców. Mieliśmy prawo wierzyć w sukces, "plan minimum" (wyjście z grupy) a może nawet coś więcej. Liczyliśmy na piękna grę i walkę a byliśmy świadkami dreptania, uników i pozorowania gry. Nie na to liczyliśmy po Euro 2016 we Francji.

Pomyślmy jednak jak byśmy patrzyli na nasza kadrę piłkarską gdyby to był startup. Firma produkująca jakąś usługę bądź produkt.

Po pierwsze liczy się zespół. Taki podmiot musi umieć dobrać odpowiednie osoby na odpowiednie pozycje: między innymi CTO, CMO, CFO no i lidera - CEO. Lider musi cieszyć się zaufaniem swoich ludzi i mieć ich wsparcie. 

Musi mieć pewność, że w sytuacji kryzysu wszyscy uwierzą w to co mówi i jakie decyzje podejmują. Staną murem. Ślepo zaufają.

Po drugie startup musi odrobić lekcje i zrozumieć rynek jak i bezpośrednią konkurencję - jakimi metodami pozyskują klientów. Jak budują rynkową przewagę. Co umieją pod kątem marketingu i sprzedaży. Nie można zaczynać walki z konkurencja nie rozumiejąc jakimi metodami przeciwnicy "grają".

Po trzecie startup musi wierzyć w to co robi. W metodę. W produkt. W podejmowane decyzje i kluczowe osoby w firmie. Od tego zależy czy w firmie morale będą na odpowiednio wysokim poziomie i można czasem trochę "pozarzynać" zespół dodatkowym sprintem.

Polska drużyna na mundialu w Rosji przestała wierzyć w CEO (Nawałka). Nie rozumiała jego decyzji, zmian taktyki i wyborów zawodników. 

Pojawiły się poważne różnice zdań i zgrzyty na linii "kapitan - zespół" (Robert Lewandowski jest dla niektórych reprezentantów gwiazdą której zazdroszczą wszystkiego a dla innych zimną i pozbawioną uczuć maszyną do grania w piłkę) została sformowana na wyrost (wiara w nazwiska bez weryfikacji ich realnej formy). 

W efekcie zawiodły: komunikacja, relacje, umiejętności a przede wszystkim - zawiodło nastawienie psychiczne. Głowa, mental. Mecze jak się mówi "przegrano w szatni". Przeciwnicy urośli do monstrualnych rozmiarów a nogi splątał strach.

Na tle walczących o każdy centymetr murawy zespołów Iranu, Kostaryki, Nigerii, Maroka czy Islandii "Orły Nawałki" wypadły gorzej niż źle - prawdopodobnie zostaniemy najgorszym zespołem turnieju.

Przed nami we wrześniu początek gry w Lidze Narodów. Naszymi przeciwnikami będą między innymi Włochy i Portugalia.

Startupy gdy im nie idzie robią pivoty. Czasami nawet kilka.

Polska reprezentacja ma na to zaledwie dwa miesiące.

Dowiozą MVP?

Artur Kurasiński


Zapraszam: http://kurasinski.com/prelekcje/

Holy shit, the Supreme Court finally did something right.

„Industry 4.0“ is definitely one of THE overused buzzwords. There have been a lot of discussions for years on what it could mean for Europe and what could be at stake for Europe’s industrial…

Those are the final words from a character on Halt and Catch Fire, AMC’s series about the dawn of Silicon Valley and the digital age. It’s the late 1980s, and the character (we won’t spoil who it is)…


Zapraszam do spotkania i konsultacji - nie gryzę i lubię się spotykać z ludźmi :)

A new study conducted by Apptopia analyzed the top 50 Apple App Store games in the US using data gathered from 2014 to 2017. The results paint a stark picture...

Amazon Flex allows drivers to get paid to deliver packages from their own vehicles. But is it a good deal for workers?

Among those involved in David Pokora's so-called Xbox Underground, one would become an informant, one would become a fugitive, and one would end up dead.

O reformie prawa autorskiego w internecie z Alkiem Tarkowskim, dyrektorem Centrum Cyfrowego Projekt: Polska i koordynatorem polskiego oddziału Creative Commons rozmawia Bartosz Paszcza.

In 2017, 29 million new vehicles were sold in China, more than US, Japan, and India combined. The number of new vehicles sold will reach 37 million by 2025 assuming a 3% annual growth rate (3% is a…


Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej? wejdź na https://startupstory.pl/

Private polls—and a timely ‘concession’ from the face of Leave—allowed the funds to make millions off the pound’s collapse.

Internet-connected home devices that are marketed as the newest conveniences are also being used to harass, monitor and control.

Jack Ma of Alibaba and Pony Ma of Tencent have built titans that dominate China's digital economy. Is the world big enough for both of them?

Is the cryptocurrency just going to end up reenforcing the financial system it was supposed to disrupt?


Startup Poland przygotowuje najważniejszy, coroczny raport POLSKIE STARTUPY 2018. W skrócie, przekrawamy branżę i sprawdzamy co jest w środku ;) Baaaaaardzo potrzebujemy Waszych odpowiedzi, bo to na nich opiera się cały sukces!


Despite, it seems to me, that this last version of the presentation has been welcomed with relative "coldness", many saying that there is nothing really new in it, I think this issue brings a…


Fledgling cryptocurrency startup TRON announced it has successfully acquired uTorrent-maker BitTorrent for $140 million.

Vertical video is the new horizontal. YouTube announces plans for its own vertical-based Stories. YouTube is officially hopping on the vertical bandwagon. Today at its Vidcon presentation, the Google-owned company announce the launch of YouTube Stories,

Famous sex robot Samantha can refuse sex if she's feeling disrespected.



I recently had the opportunity to Uber home in a Tesla. Being a Tesla fanboy, I was ecstatic when the Model X pulled over and chauffeured me in with its falcon doors. The driver started giving me the…

The future of decentralization isn’t just a better internet, it’s a better capitalism, experience of democracy and a sharing economy where prosperity is shared and wealth inequality no longer exists…

An explanation of Amazon's 14 Leadership Principles including "Customer Obsession," "Are Right, A Lot," and "Dive In," with personal, real life examples for each.

Starting in July, you might have to pay a little extra to see the newest blockbusters when using MoviePass . The movie subscription service has plans to instate surge pricing for non-annual subscribers starting at $2 for movies and times the app deems “very popular,” Business Insider reports.

Society is evolving quickly, with power more and more in networks. In turn, network edges are gaining in power. What this means for all of us is daunting. The author outlines a new form of order and governance he sees emerging.

YouTube announced a handful of new monetization and engagement features for creators today at the VidCon 2018 online video conference in California: channel memberships, merchandising, and premieres.

With the Switch, the 130-year-old gaming giant has once again turned reports of its demise into Nintendo Mania.

In April, the day before taxes were due, the IRS’ online filing system failed, just as procrastinators were settling into the annual TurboTax panic. How did this happen, especially before the most important tax day of the year? And why does this keep happening to government websites?

For many Canadians, Blaine, Washington, is simply a mailing address: the nearest, cheapest, and most convenient way to order packages from Amazon and other major US retailers. But between economics and politics, Blaine will soon be forced to reckon with an uncomfortable question: is there a future for the town if it no longer serves as Canada’s front porch?

A history of modern capitalism from the perspective of the straw. Seriously.

By the first few months of 1982, it had become more common to see electronics stores, toy stores, and discount variety stops selling 2600 games. This was before Electronics Boutique, Software Etc., and later, GameStop.

Marketing-driven revenue from mobile apps has grown 80 percent since 2016, according to a new report from mobile attribution and marketing analytics firm AppsFlyer and Facebook.

(Reuters) — Facebook launched a matchmaking system Tuesday to cultivate partnerships between advertisers and video creators as the world’s largest social media company tries to quickly parallel the variety of commercial opportunities offered by its video rival YouTube.

Online shopping has continued to win customers away from brick and mortar retailers for the past decade, but Apple’s retail chief Angela Ahrendts is bullish on the company’s physical stores.

Po kolejnej akcji w której klient chciał koniecznie przeprowadzić współpracę na najbardziej zasięgowym z naszych trzech blogów – choć kompletnie niedopasowanym do akcji – postanowiłem napisać ten tekst. Ile jeszcze agencje i marketerzy będą brali pod uwagę tylko zasięg, nie zastanawiając się nad niczym więcej? Przecież to absurd. Piszę tez o tym, dlaczego winię w dużej mierze domy mediowe.

Instagram has officially reached 1 billion users since its launch in 2010, and the Facebook-owned social platform marked the occasion on Wednesday by launching its IGTV platform at a San...

Instagram has announced IGTV, an entertainment hub that will feature hour-long videos and content from creators like LaurDIY, King Bach, and Lele Pons.

The 'real-life Iron Man' is a real American superhero.

The rapid decline of US-bound Chinese direct investment in 2017 has led many to conclude that the wave of Chinese money is subsiding.

A team of MIT researchers have designed a tiny computer chip that can fit into drones as small as a fingernail.

Critics say a proposal in the European Parliament would lead to legal content being blocked, even outside the EU.

Toledo has more robots per worker than any other US city. They’re producing a healthy economy—and lots of anxiety.

Earlier this year, Snapchat owner Snap Inc. saw its stock plummet after a brutal first-quarter report that saw it come in over $13 million short of $244 million earnings expectations. Spoiler alert: The pain is not stopping.

After cryptically saying in an email over the weekend that Tesla had been sabotaged by a recently-fired employee, the automaker sued a former technician on Tuesday, alleging he stole reams of confidential data and made false claims to news outlets.

O reformie prawa autorskiego w internecie z Alkiem Tarkowskim, dyrektorem Centrum Cyfrowego Projekt: Polska i koordynatorem polskiego oddziału Creative Commons rozmawia Bartosz Paszcza.

Digital comics. New apps. More interactivity. Here’s what technology has done to the comic books industry.

Instagram is ready to compete head-on with YouTube. Today at a flashy event in San Francisco, the company announced it will begin allowing users to upload videos up to one hour in length, up from the previous one-minute limit.

Instagram’s meteoric rise continues, dwarfing the stagnant growth rates of Snapchat and Facebook. Today Instagram announced that it has reached 1 billion monthly active users, after passing 800 million in September 2017 with 500 million daily users.

Physical formats are cratering, but vinyl's niche is growing. Jack White and other experts explain the future of listening.

A coalition of companies researching, designing, and testing self-driving cars formed the Partnership for Transportation Innovation and Opportunity (PTIO), a new 501(c)(6) nonprofit policy group that aims to win over the hearts and minds of policymakers and the public.

Na początku 2017 roku PKO Bank Polski przejęło wrocławski startup Zencard, dając początek kolejnym akwizycjom i inwestycjom jakie bank zamierza realizować. Niebawem uruchomi fundusz venture capital.

MCI.EuroVentures oraz Saltus TUW podpisały umowę sprzedaży grupy Dotcard, do której należą Dotpay i eCard. Transakcja będzie opiewać na kwotę 315 milionów złotych. Nowym inwestorem strategicznym zostaje nordycki Nets.

A Canadian province is giving people money with no strings attached—revealing both the appeal and the limitations of the idea.

Hakerzy ukradli 35 miliardów wonów (32 mln dolarów), poinformowała południowokoreańska giełda Bithumb, siódma na świecie w rankingu Coinmarketcap.com.

Facebook has never been afraid to copy would-be competitors and popular apps — and now HQ Trivia is in the firing line, with features that let creators and publishers start their own game shows.

What if you deleted all your emails during vacation and never looked back?

Alexa is coming to your hotel room. Amazon this morning is announcing a new program called Alexa for Hospitality, designed to bring its voice assistant technology to everything from chain hotels to vacation rentals. The system can be customized to include key guest information, like checkout time or pool hours; allows guests to request services like housekeeping or room service; and can be configured to control “smart” hotel room functions, like adjusting the thermostat or raising the blinds.

In what may be the biggest rollout of conversational AI from IBM since Watson, IBM Research today debuted Project Debater, an experimental conversational AI with a sense of humor, little tact, and occasionally powerful arguments.

Revolut planował pozyskać do końca roku 150 tys. polskich klientów. Już wiadomo, że plan zrealizuje z nawiązką.

For the first time, six people have had eye surgery performed by a robot that was able to filter out the tremors from a surgeon's hand

Facebook, Amazon, and Google will resist attempts to restrain their market power. But for the sake of our collective prosperity and our personal privacy, it’s a fight we can’t afford to lose.

Good things come to those who wait for their Uber. The ride-hailing company has started testing a feature that gives riders the option to trade a shorter wait for a cheaper fare. "Prices are lower at 17:00," Uber recently advised an Uber employee who requested a ride in Berkeley, California, and tweeted a screenshot of the feature....

President Donald Trump directed the Department of Defense and the Pentagon to establish a Space Force as the sixth branch of the Armed Forces in a meeting with the National Space Council.