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  • RIP Vine! Fejs wali w Snapa! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

RIP Vine! Fejs wali w Snapa! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Wieczne zapętlenie racz im dać Panie!

Vine zamknięty, Apple traci "wow factor", Microsoft staje się starym Apple a Facebook odpala Snap killera. To wydarzyło się tylko w ostatnim tygodniu. Tech świat nabiera przyspieszenia - nie wspominając o kolejnych rewelacjach ze światka VR, premierze kolejnego (słabszego) sezonu "Black Mirror". Tymczasem w Polsce próbujemy rozpisać konkurs na karoserię samochodu elektrycznego...

Artur Kurasiński

Marketerze - tutaj znajdziesz wszystko o live streaming

Marketing news, voices and jobs for industry professionals. Optimized for your mobile phone.

Nie, zakładanie startupu nie jest tańsze niż kiedyś!

tl;dr: Starting a startup is more expensive today, too much money used to spoil startups (but doesn’t anymore), and, by the way, the Series A Crunch is a real thing.

Jak kształtować politykę cenową w startupie?

Learn how modern SaaS businesses should be pricing their products with these three examples.

blog o mediach elektronicznych, nowych technologiach, biznesie i kulturze masowej. na ostro.

Programować AI będzie Twoja stara?

You don’t need a PhD, and that’s a big deal.

Unity wyrasta na czołową platformę tworzenia VR

Unity Technologies announced a series of updates for its game engine, virtual reality tools, and services for game developers.

Oznaczanie produktów na Insta możliwe od dziś!

Welcome to the Instagram for Business blog. See how businesses of all sizes around the world are inspiring people with their stories, and get the latest news from Instagram HQ.

Microsoft nie żartuje - chce zgarnąć całą pulę w VR

A grand strategy to dominate mixed reality computing is revealed

Coraz więcej czy mniej wiemy o Magic Leap?

Top-secret startup Magic Leap has raised a record-breaking amount of money in pursuit of a radical concept: blending the digital and the physical.

Wiadomość z przyszłości amerykańskiego transportu

Dlaczego VR i AR i MR są tak ważne?

PC, internet and mobile were the first disruptors for consumers -- VR and its cousins could prove even more revolutionary

Microsoft chce dorwać Slacka?

Microsoft is expected to debut Microsoft Teams, its Slack competitor this week. Meanwhile, PowerApps and Microsoft Flow are available.

Wyniki finansowe Alibaby - Amazonie drżyj ;)

Alibaba reported revenue above Wall Street's expectations, as sales grew 55% year-over-year in the latest quarter, to $5.1 billion.

Chatboty na Twitterze pomogą klientom. Fajne?

Twitter has joined the battle of the bots, announcing the launch of several new features designed to encourage brands to use it as a customer service platform.

Już w dniu założenia startupu popełniasz błędy. Prawda jest taka, że im więcej pracujesz, tym częściej się mylisz. Jednak większość startupowców nie przyznaje się do tego, że popełnia aż tyle pomyłek i fuckupów. My zebraliśmy osiem największych błędów, które popełniliśmy podczas tworzenia startupu.

Jaka i gdzie jest kasa w reklamach wideo online?

Mobile video ads on smartphones and tablets saw the biggest growth of all, according to the biannual IAB report -- a whopping 178% increase over last year.

Rozkminka bez końca - czy fejs jest już tech czy social?

Facebook’s Chris Cox and Sheryl Sandberg, at the WSJDLive technology conference, reflect on the company’s evolving role.

Guglowy Daydream od 10 listopada w sklepach

Daydream View will be available November 10th on the Google Store and at retailers in five countries. Take a look at some of the apps and games that’ll be coming to Daydream.

Gry RPG jako forma resocjalizacji?

Inmates at a Colorado's maximum security prison use

to collaborate and exercise their creativity... all without dice.

Umarł Vine, niech żyje HYPE!

Vine founders Rus Yusupov and Colin Kroll release a new app called HYPE, which lets users broadcast videos, shortly after Vine is shut down.

DiCaprio nakręcił dokument - Ty musisz go zobaczyć

Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our pl...

Jak Pokemony podbijały świat (czas przeszły dokonany)

It all started with bug collecting. As a child growing up in the rural outskirts of Tokyo, Satoshi Tajiri lived for trapping insects. He loved the way they moved, their colors and variety.

Hackowanie swiata za pomocą kamer (na razie Chiny)

On Oct. 23, one of the largest coordinated cyber attacks in history took down several major internet sites in the United States and Europe.

Za co pokolenia Z i Y kochają i nienawidzą Snapa i Insta

Since its debut in 2010, Instagram has accrued an impressive 300 million daily users. But with the ascendancy of 4-year-old Snapchat, which now boasts 150 million fans and counting, Instagram is looking over its shoulder.

Słabszy sezon "Black Mirror" ale nadal warto zobaczyć

The show's first two seasons didn't skimp on the bleak, but a new batch of episodes balances things out with a bit more tonal variety.

Coś dla tych co chcą budować coraz lepsze zespoły

New research reveals surprising truths about why some work groups thrive and others falter.

A co jeśli żyjemy w Matriksie? No dobra i co z tego.

Some of the world’s richest and most powerful people are convinced that we are living in a computer simulation. And now they’re trying to do something about it.

Apple się skończyło (tym razem chyba naprawdę)

Last night’s Apple event was bizarre — I had been anticipating this show for a while, mostly looking forward to being able to stop telling…

Kup pan panel czyli Musk nie bierze jeńców (ponownie)

It's as much a bid to sell the merger as a product launch.

Nauka w służbie zła. No dobra - marketingu.

Silicon Valley’s most successful tech companies use the insights of behaviour design to pump us with dopamine and keep us returning to their products.

Ewolucja VR - kto zaczął, komu i co zawdzięczamy

I am in a Gitmo interrogation room, panting like a dog, squatting in a torturous position, muscles screaming. I am floating through a shadow world, transparent trees rooted in the shifting space...

Szkoda się pastwić - tablety umierają na naszych oczach

The tablet market has now been in decline for eight quarters in a row. Q3 2016 saw a 14.7 percent year-over-year decline: 43 million units shipped worldwide, compared to 50.5 million units in the same quarter last year.

Giphy nie zarabia ale zgarnęło $600 mln od inwestorów

Giphy says that it distributes a billion GIFs a day that are seen by 100 million people.

Dwa podejścia do udostępnienia API i community

Opening up an API is a big commitment, one that needs to be managed well over time in order to ensure a healthy and thriving ecosystem. If…

Apple i Microsoft zamieniają się rolami (auć)

The Surface Studio and the new Macbook Pro can be explained by…the iPhone.

Próba zrozumienia problemu i zamknięcia Vine'a.

The almost lacklustre announcement of Vine’s closure by Twitter yesterday summed up the social network's approach to the six-second video platform since it was started in June 2012.

O to wszysycy pytają - czy Tim Cook powinien odejść?

What happens to a company when a visionary CEO is gone? Most often, innovation dies and the company coasts for years on momentum and its brand. Rarely does it regain its former glory.

Ciemna strona Twittera - pomaga reżimom śledzić ludzi

Twitter’s 'firehose' of a half billion tweets a day is incredibly valuable—and just as dangerous.

Już po Xiaomi? Tak szybko?

In a world that can't stop moving, this company got left behind.

Przepis na wideo sukces na światową skalę.

Alvin Zhou is not your typical video producer. On a recent fall afternoon, he's hovering over a table in a test kitchen cutting and prepping vegetables and meat that he'll later whip into an ersatz "fried rice" dish made with cauliflower.

Zuck (po raz kolejny) rzuca rękawicę Snapowi. Uda się?

Lifestage, Facebook's newer "teens-only" app designed to counteract the Snapchat threat by giving younger users a place to connect outside of Facebook's..

Warto zadać sobie to pytanie i obejrzeć "Black Mirror"

Rattling around inside a hard drive doesn’t sound like an awful lot of fun — but then, neither does death.

Dużo o chatbotach i ich projektowaniu

The incredible potential of chatbots lies in the ability to individually and contextually communicate one-to-many. But how do you make one?

Warto poznać tę listę UX'owych zasobów i trendów

Over the years, we’ve come across hundreds of online user experience design blogs and resources. Thanks to the internet knowledge and…

Jak kiedyś wyglądały www jednorożców?

Would you have seen these websites from Uber, Airbnb, and others and predicted they would one day be billion-dollar companies?

Warto zapoznać się z guglowską estetyką.

Material is a metaphor, a system for uniting style, branding, interaction, and motion under a consistent set of principles. With Material we believe product teams can realize their greatest design potential.

Tego nie chcecie wiedzieć o machine learning. Brrr...

While machine learning is introducing innovation and change to many sectors, it also is bringing trouble and worries to others. One of the most worrying..

Śpij aniołku!

Vine will not be an infinite loop. It was four years ago this month when Twitter bought Vine for a reported $30 million, but now the relationship has fully withered. On a Medium blog post, Twitter revealed that it's shutting down the looping video app in the coming weeks.

Dzięki Uberowi polatamy?

Download our full white paper at uber.com/elevate/whitepaper.

Zrobić coś i nie wiedzieć jak to się zrobiło. Ech Google..

Neural networks seem good at devising crypto methods; less good at codebreaking.

Google is launching a new suite of tools meant to make it easier for designers and app makers to collaborate. It’s partially an expansion of Google’s Material Design efforts, which launched two...

Dlaczego to Chiny spowodują rewolucję w VR?

This is the first in a series of posts about Edge’s recent visit to Shenzhen.