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  • Rosja über alles! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Rosja über alles! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Rosja über alles

Kolejne tygodnie ujawniają kolejne rewelacje dotyczące rosyjskiego udziału w wyborach prezydenckich w 2016 roku. Służby Putina wykorzystały Twittera i Facebooka do targetowania i rozpowszechniania fake news a nawet fenomen gry Pokemon Go. Oprogramowanie firmy Kaspersky też było wykorzystywane w grze wywiadowczej a ostatnio mówi się z coraz większą pewnością, że twórca "bezpiecznego" komunikatora Telegram jest dobrym znajomym rezydenta Kremla.

Czy wysyp faktów o ingerowaniu Rosji w wybory w różnych krajach (również europejskich) mamy odczytywać jako efekt dobrej pracy służb czy raczej wskazówka, że nie radzą sobie z cyber zagrożeniem ze strony Putina i przygotowują opinię publiczną do najgorszego?

Polska jako kraj stojący na pierwszej linii walki ze światem zachodnim nie m do tej pory żadnej służby, która może bronić nas przed fake news i propagandą rodem z Russia Today. Nie trzeba dużo szukać żeby znaleźć dowody na pracę służb rosyjskich w Polsce - w mediach a nawet na poziomie rządowym. Naprawdę uważamy, że jesteśmy w stanie obronić się tym co już mamy przed wojną hybrydową kiedy nie poradziły sobie z nią amerykańskie "trzyliterowe" służby jak CIA, FBI i NSA?

Artur Kurasiński

Zgłoś się do "The Venture" jeśli chcesz zmienić świat!

Startupie czy chcesz zmienić świat? To zapraszamy do The Venture!

Messaging platform KakaoTalk has successfully entered the banking industry in Korea after obtaining a license from the regulator FSC in April this year. It was designated as one of the two online-only banks in the nation. This will likely be a critical disruption to a sector that has enjoyed a long period of stability but has lacked innovation.

Poznaj pierwszy polski Data Science House

Pomagamy klientom automatyzować procesy oraz wyciągać wnioski z danych

Russian efforts to meddle in U.S. politics didn't end at Facebook and Twitter. The tentacles of one campaign extended to YouTube, Tumblr and even Pokémon Go.

For one month, Madeleine Dore declined all in-person activities with friends to see if it would make her more productive – with surprising results

Today, more than 2,900 people joined us in San Jose for the fourth annual Oculus Connect, where we announced new hardware, software, and content that will bring even more people into VR and expand the ways we work, play, and—of course—connect.

Onstage at Oculus Connect 4 in San Jose, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a new mobile headset called "Oculus Go." According to Zuck, "it's the most..

Today the Oculus Go was unveiled at the Oculus Connect 4. Plans for a cheap headset were stated before and it wasn’t a big deal. My first reaction back then was a bit of a letdown, interaction is…

Budapest, April 19 (MTI) – Economy Minister Mihály Varga on Wednesday signed a contract with companies involved in setting up a track in Zalaegerszeg, in western Hungary, for testing autonomous vehicles.

Here we are, well into the latest wave of commercializing VR at scale, and many of us wonder when it’s going to achieve its true potential and become a part of people’s everyday lives. We seem to be…

The fight’s already happened, but will be streamed on Twitch, 7PM PT, October 17th

The world-building we see in great sci-fi can help the real world, too.

And why it was so hard to see it coming

Perfect Gym to sartup oferujący zaawansowane rozwiązanie technologiczne przeznaczone do zarządzania siłowniami oraz klubami fitness. Skąd taka inwestycja?

The millimeter wave frequency has the potential to do a lot. So far it's helping power 5G cell networks, but research from Columbia Engineering could expand tha...

The mysterious creator of bitcoin asks a journalist to help reveal his identity.

This list is just a small part of CryptoList: https://github.com/coinpride/CryptoList Check this project out to find much more exciting bitcoin resources! Also have a look at the CoinPride club…

Mitonuclear conflict—a struggle between the genes in a cell’s nucleus and those in its mitochondria—might sometimes split species in two.

Earlier this year, video emerged of a new iPhone feature, long before it was released. It showed the phone creating a magical portal in the middle of a city street. And now that’s arrived. Apple’s new technology, named ARKit, seemed to arrive at the perfect time. It works by imposing bright virtual objects into the real world – at a time when reality has never seemed darker.

Five of the six major Hollywood studios have joined forces to make digital movie collecting easier than ever. Movies Anywhere, a free app and website digital locker service, launches tonight at 9 p.m.

Mattel’s been taking great pains to update its product lines for a plugged-in generation of kids. Last month, the toy maker teamed up with Osmo for an..

We had some minor heart palpitations the other week when Amazon skipped the Kindle during a deluge of product announcements. But have no fear, the company..

I would like to start my blog / medium with this post. It’s a summary of my 6 years’ experience in being active Business Angel and VC. This topic was prepared by me and Marcin Zabielski from Hedgehog…

Exploiting the popular Kaspersky antivirus software, Russian hackers searched millions of computers for American intelligence keywords. Israeli intelligence tipped off American officials.

Next up, predicting human speech with a brain-computer interface.

Nokia created the Ozo spherical camera to get into the virtual reality market without having to compete with head-mounted devices like the Oculus Rift. Alas, th...

In 2011, Joel Spolsky launched his company Fog Creek’s new product at TechCrunch Disrupt called Trello. It looked a lot like a whiteboard with sticky notes translated into a web browser and an iPhone…

On Monday, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promoted the social media giant’s new Facebook Spaces app, which allows users to remotely cast cartoon avatars of themselves walking around locations in the real world, by taking a “magical” tour of Puerto Rico.

Probably the most common belief. And it was true 5 years ago, but now it’s absolutely not. Atlassian, Qualtrics, Zapier, Treehouse, Snapchat, Basecamp, SendGrid, Campaign Monitor, Hubspot…

Apple needs a better response than "get an Apple Watch."