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  • Snapokulary - spytne oszustwo? Newslleter Artur Kurasińskiego

Snapokulary - spytne oszustwo? Newslleter Artur Kurasińskiego

"Snap Inc. is a camera company"

W końcu już wiemy - Snap Inc (dawniej po prostu Snapchat) naprawdę wyprodukował okulary ("spectacles") rejestrujące wideo. Co prawda kosztują 130$, są w stanie zarejestrować 10 sekund materiału i nie są dostępne w masowej sprzedaży ale już mówi się, że Snap wie jak trafić do swoich młodych użytkowników. Czy będzie powtórka z Google Glass? Nie bo to inny produkt. Czy dzięki "snapokularom" do młodych trafi również VR / AR? To pewnie wszystko zależy od odbioru tej technologii.

Artur Kurasiński

blog o mediach elektronicznych, nowych technologiach, biznesie i kulturze masowej. na ostro.

Jak nowe media wpływają na tworzenie porno

If you watch pornography, it’s likely that you do so on the Internet. The days when consuming pornography meant buying or borrowing a pinup magazine or watching a film loop in a peepshow booth are long gone, as are those of tracking down adult-video stores in faraway neighborhoods.

Twój szef jako kilka linijek kodu - co to zmieni?

The small London side street reverberates with the growl of motorbikes and the shriek of horns. A young man yells hoarsely into a megaphone: “They’re gonna be disrupted, yeah! Because your lives are being disrupted, yeah! This is the money you need

Kickstarter i wydawanie książek? Otóż tak.

The crowdfunding site is now launching more books than all but the very largest publishers. Richard Lea finds out how a resource for small enterprises is making some big changes

Kup bilet ze zniżką 15% na hasło "AulaPolska"

Kup bilet ze zniżką 15% na hasło "AulaPolska"

Jak czekoladowe lody stały się innym symbolem?

Everyone's favorite emoji began in Japan. But without Google, it may have stayed there.

Fascynująca historia jednej śrubki. Warto :)

We design, produce and inspect over a million Formula One car parts a year. This is the story of a humble front suspension bolt... RB12-FS-00663-02. We follo...

Snapokulary istnieją i kosztują tylko 130$!

Snapchat Releases First Hardware Product, Spectacles

Rynek VC także ma swoje przekręty i ciemne strony

Sienna Ventures is the latest hoax from the same people who brought you Asenqua Ventures.

Afera z przekręceniem metryki "watch time" przez Fb

Ad buyers and marketers are upset with Facebook after learning the tech giant miscalculated the average time people spent watching video ads on its platform.

Szyfry, kody, zabezpieczenia czyli jak się bronimy

An excerpt from “Rise of the Machines: A Cybernetic History.”

Analityka, konsulting, wdrożenia: a VR / AR / zdjęciach 360 wiemy wszystko!

San Francisco - miasto totalnych przeciwieństw

After 27 years reporting abroad, I rediscovered a land of sustainable pot, sleek Teslas and easy credit.

Bardzo praktyczne porady jak projektować pod VR

We’re surrounded by advertising from the moment we wake up: it’s on our coffee cups, on TV, and driving in front of us on the way home. But we can always t

Konkurencja YouTube'a na oku Verizona

Back in July, VideoInk reported Vessel was exploring a sale. Now, a possible buyer has surfaced. According to a report in Recode, Verizon is pondering a purchase of the YouTube-alternative-that-wasn’t co-founded by former Hulu CEO Jason Kilar.

Czyżby pierwsza publiczna analityka Snapchata?

Snapchat has always had one big problem that affects influencers and brands alike – it’s been difficult to measure effectiveness.

Jak to jest na Marsie. Teraz możesz się doświadzczyć

"Destination: Mars" is now open at Kennedy Space Center, letting visitors set virtual foot on the Red Planet with Microsoft's HoloLens headset.

Kiedy Amazon wchodzi w twoją niszę to...

Amazon continues to try to turn the screws on its competition through its scale, and now it's the turn of Handmade, the e-commerce giant's marketplace for..

Świetne źródło inspiracji (design stron www)

via Muzli

SaaSowe wojny

Thoughts from a Venture Capitalist on Software, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Cloud Computing, Mobile, Internet and more

Za dużo informacji, powiadomień i przypominajek...

An endless bombardment of news and gossip and images has rendered us manic information addicts. It broke me. It might break you, too.

Allo, allo zrobi halo?

Whether it’s planning a night out or just catching up, we all rely on messaging to stay in touch with friends and loved ones.

Wszyscy o tym marzyli - oto buty z "Back to the Future"

Nike's Tinker Hatfield and Tiffany Beers explain the new power-lacing HyperAdapt 1.0 and demonstrate how to charge the sneakers, and tighten and loosen the l...

Edytowaie blockchaina brzmi kuriozalnie i groźnie

Accenture's invention, which it is trying to patent, is another sign blockchain is becoming part of mainstream banking.

Stan amerykańskiej branży muzycznej (jest dobrze)

For the first half of 2016, strong growth in revenues from subscription streaming services more than offset declines in unit based sales of physical and digital music download products.

Jak Yahoo zniszczyło się na własne życzenie. Smutne.

Today Yahoo announced that it will sell its core assets to Verizon for a mere $4.8 billion. This is only slightly more than Verizon paid…

Zmiany, zmiany, zmiany - telewizja będzie się zmieniać

Internet coraz mocniej przekonuje do siebie reklamodawców. Globalnie już w tym roku reklama internetowa przegoni reklamę telewizyjną.

Kilka firm zniknie bo Google w końcu się budzi ze snu.

Meet Google Trips. It's designed to give you everything you need to have the best vacation, right at your fingertips. Fill each day of your trip with fun act...

Czy jest coś takiego jak "zbyt precyzyjne targetowanie?"

Having wowed advertisers at the Cannes Lions in June with the unveiling of its long-awaited ad tech platform, Snapchat has shown no signs of slowing down.

Po co jeździć i tracić czas na spotkania skoro jest VR?

Virtual reality may be the next big thing in company meetings. Virtual-reality meetings might have real advantages over videoconferencing, such as more eye contact and other physical cues.

Nie ignorujcie chatbotów. One są przyszłością.

Get used to talking to businesses like you talk to your friends.

Ogromna inwestycja w gadżety dla Jedi

Superpowers, here we come.

Dron, który nic nie zmieni. GoPro idzie w złą stronę.

Everything you need to know about the GoPro Karma, including impressions and analysis, photos, video, release date, prices, specs, and predictions from CNET.

Elon stawia kropkę nad "i" w zakresie energetyki.

It's the latest response to a fossil-fuel disaster.

Big Data = zadowolenie widza i lepsze monetyzowanie?

Streaming services like Netflix, Amazon and Hulu, are using data to create popular digital content. That's a big problem for media giants and the networks.

VR w służbie dobra

On a Friday night earlier this month in lower Manhattan, a man in his late twenties or early thirties was at a bar with some friends when he spotted a group across the room taking turns wearing a Samsung Gear VR headset.

Rewolucja na drogach. Świetny artykuł.

I remember when I first fell in love with cars. It started small with Hot Wheels when I was three and Micromachines when I was six. Everything about them was fast and exciting — even the commercials were narrated by the World’s Fastest Talker. I loved them.

Rosjanie czy Chińczycy chcą rozwalić cały Internet?

Over the past year or two, someone has been probing the defenses of the companies that run critical pieces of the Internet.

NVIDIA pomaga jeździć samochodom

Few people know about NVIDIA, but it's an important company responsible for things like Tesla's infotainment graphics to the brains of Ford's driverless cars.

Projektowanie pod VR oczami grafika od Disneya

The VR design space is 🔥🔥🔥.

Cas study procesu projektowania aplikacji pogodowej

A sincere passion of any UI/UX design team is taking raw data and turning it into visual awesomeness. Right? Off course it is.

Źle się dzieje w Twitterze.

It is too late for the social-media firm to become the giant that people once expected

Wspaniałe rozwinięcie VR. Jeśli to będzie prawda...

Until now, your eyes could only control the virtual world at the speed of thought. Now, your eyes will be able to gaze back at you, and open your mind to new...

Seks z robotami oznacza koniec ludzkości?

"People may become obsessed by their ever faithful, ever pleasing sex robot lovers," an expert warned.

Szpiedzy inwestują w startupy

From cybersecurity to skin care, these companies are backed by the US government's defense- and security-focused investment firms.

Książki papierowe nadal rządzą. Zadziwiające?

A growing share of Americans are reading e-books on tablets and smartphones rather than dedicated e-readers, but print books remain much more popular than books

Dowiedz się jak działa news feed Facebooka

This is the ultimate guide to how Facebook chooses what to show in your News Feed, and how you can get your content seen by more people. Understanding how..

Jak startup Theranos poszedł do piachu?

In a searing investigation into the once lauded biotech start-up Theranos, Nick Bilton discovers that its precocious founder defied medical experts—even her own chief scientist—about the veracity of its now discredited blood-testing technology.

Apple nie umie tworzyć i sprzedawać wearables?

Smartwatches like the Apple Watch are not yet resonating with consumers, according to International Data Corporation report.

Dlaczego brak wejścia dla słuchawek jest dobre?

The standard audio jack that connects your headphones to just about everything has been around for nearly 150 years. Here's why Apple...

Snapchat dowozi wyniki finansowe. Imponujące.

Snapchat began inserting ads within users’ Stories in June, and eMarketer estimates that these ads will overtake Discover ads beginning in 2017.

Producent kawy tworzy serial online. Po co?

Today, Starbucks is becoming a media company. The company this morning debuted its first-ever original content series called "Upstanders" which aims to..