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- 👨🚀Tesla w kosmosie! 🚀Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego
👨🚀Tesla w kosmosie! 🚀Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego
Elon Musk ma dziwne pomysły. Chce drążyć tunele pod miastami żeby usprawnić ruch samochodowy, sprzedaje czapki i miotacze ognia. Ma też wizję kolonizacji Marsa.
Kilka lat temu ogłosił, że jego firma kosmiczna firma SpaceX stworzy drugą co do mocy rakietę w historii podboju kosmosu. 6 lutego 2018 roku rakieta Falcon Heavy oderwała się od ziemi, poleciała w przestrzeń kosmiczną z ładunkiem w postaci samochodu (a jakże) firmy Tesla.
Dwa silniki pomocniczne pomyślnie przetrwały start i wróciły na Ziemię. Wiśniowa Tesla ze Starmanem (kombinezonem kosmicznym) za kierownicą leci obecnie w kierunku marsjańskiej orbity. Znajdzie się tam za sześć miesięcy. Muskowi pogratulowali jego konkurenci w kosmicznym wyścigu (Jeff Bezos i Richard Branson).
Co dalej? NASA pozostaje jedną z najważniejszych organizacji na Ziemi pod kątem doświadczenia i zaplecza ale jak widać bez udziału i wizji ludzi z prywatnym kapitałem nie da się obecnie wiele osiągnąć w komercjalizacji kosmosu.
Firma Muska będzie ściśle współpracowała z państwową rządową organizacją nie dlatego, że tego chce ale dlatego, że jej się to opłaca.
Jako ludzkość zrobiliśmy duży krok do przodu w kierunku kolonizacji Marsa. Pytanie czy już naprawdę wiemy po co.
Artur Kurasiński
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Kto wdycha smog, ten zbiera raka?

Katowice: dron analizuje skład dymu. Jest pierwszy mandat [zdjęcia, wideo] - Inżynieria.com — inzynieria.com

From his 1970 Troubadour shows to his work on The Lion King, the nearly six-minute retrospective is a result of some stunning technical wizardry.

Chinese scientists have successfully cloned two monkeys, breaking a key barrier to cloning humans.

What Elon Musk’s Insane $55 Billion Pay Deal Says About the Tech Industry | Vanity Fair — www.vanityfair.com
Musk’s plan is both eerily utopian and somewhat terrifying.

We Are Truly Fucked: Everyone Is Making AI-Generated Fake Porn Now - Motherboard — motherboard.vice.com
A user-friendly application has resulted in an explosion of convincing face-swap porn.

Laser and particle system produces three-dimensional moving images that appear to float in thin air.
The SoftBank Vision Fund has struck again. This time, it's investing $300 million in on-demand walking and dog care startup Wag. Wag has also brought on..

Lethal autonomous weapons are not science fiction; they are a real threat to human security that we must stop now

Facebook is banning all ads promoting cryptocurrencies — including bitcoin and ICOs - Recode — www.recode.net
It’s an "intentionally broad" policy aimed at stopping scammers.

India may finally have a set of draft rules for cryptocurrencies by the end of the year, but not before the debate within government circles heats up further. It is, as of now, a tug of war between the stakeholders: suspicion on one side, and a stiff upper lip on the other. A wave of...
Falcon Heavy side cores have landed at SpaceX’s Landing Zones 1 and 2.
— SpaceX (@SpaceX)
8:54 PM • Feb 6, 2018

The Chinese government is reportedly moving to block domestic access to overseas websites that offer services for cryptocurrency trading and ICO investments.
View from SpaceX Launch Control. Apparently, there is a car in orbit around Earth.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)
9:44 PM • Feb 6, 2018

The trade secrets lawsuit between Uber and Alphabet’s self-driving arm Waymo began today.
Flight profile #FalconHeavy#SpaceX
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk)
4:38 PM • Feb 6, 2018

In an interview with The Verge, Intel's New Devices Group explains their new heads-up display glasses: Vaunt.
Ohh my god @ChrisG_NSF & @NASASpaceflight! Remote number one from Falcon Heavy!
— Brady Kenniston (@TheFavoritist)
10:52 PM • Feb 6, 2018

Volkswagen paid huge penalties in the U.S. for the emissions scandal, but not in Europe. Will its senior executives face any prison time?

SALESmanago z 44 mln zł przychodu i 1000 nowych klientów | Marketing Automation Email Marketing Blog – Triki i Porady dla Marketerów — www.marketing-automation.pl
Dynamika przychodów krakowskiej spółki SALESmanago Marketing Automation wyniosła 65%. Spółka w 2017 roku wygenerowała przychód w wysokości 44,2 mln zł w porównaniu do 26,5 mln zł w 2016 roku.

Anna Streżyńska, była minister cyfryzacji za długo nie szukała nowej pracy. Wraca do biznesu, tworzy spółkę technologiczną. Zajmie się wdrażaniem nowych technologii dla biznesu.

It was a small but negative change to daily active users in Facebook’s most valuable market.

South Korea says no plans to ban cryptocurrency exchanges, uncovers $600 million illegal trades | Reuters — www.reuters.com
South Korea's finance minister said the government has no plans to shut down cryptocurrency trading, welcome news for investors worried that authorities might go as far as China's tough action in blocking virtual coin platforms.

The EU got less electricity from coal than renewables in 2017 | Carbon Brief The EU got less electricity from coal than renewables in 2017 | Carbon Brief — www.carbonbrief.org
For the first time, the European Union generated more electricity from wind, solar and biomass than from coal in 2017, according to new analysis.

Their peaceful premises and intricate rule systems are changing the way Americans play—and helping shape an industry in the process.

Blockchain technology, powered by nodes of peer-to-peer computers around the world, is on the rise. So can we expect decentralized entertainment applications built on blockchain to replace streaming services like Netflix or Amazon and be the final death knell for Cable?

A fast-evolving new botnet could take gadgets in your home to the dark side - MIT Technology Review — www.technologyreview.com
Satori is built to turn routers, thermostats, and other household devices into zombies.

A sweeping British spy law does not have adequate safeguards against abuse, judges ruled on Tuesday.

U.S. regulators are scrutinizing one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges as questions mount over a digital token linked to its backers.

Smart, efficient news worthy of your time, attention, and trust

Intel Corp. posted record revenue in 2017, but it wasn’t enough.

Uber is launching a bike-sharing service next week in partnership with JUMP, a startup that recently received the first and only permit to operate dockless..

The world’s biggest social network is almost minting money, but people are spending 50 million fewer hours on Facebook every day because of changes to the news feed.
Stunt generates $10m for billionaire’s personal hobby despite warnings from Home Office and US politicians

Microsoft reports $28.9 billion in Q2 2018 revenue: Azure up 98%, Surface up 1%, and Windows up 4% | VentureBeat — venturebeat.com
Microsoft today reported earnings for its second fiscal quarter of 2018, including revenue of $28.9 billion, net income of $7.5 billion, and earnings per share of $0.96 (compared to revenue of $26.1 billion, net income of $6.5 billion, and earnings per share of $0.83 in Q2 2017).

Google Flights now predicts delays and shows how bad 'basic economy' fares really are | VentureBeat — venturebeat.com
Google has announced two new features for its flight-booking search service.

The Gyfcat video clip hosting service says the computer-generated clips are objectionable.

Ever wonder what Kant would make of VR, or why Kierkegaard would urge you to “delete your account”? In The Disconnect, Marc Barnes interrogates our obsession with modern technology through the lens of some of the world’s greatest minds, from Berry to Sartre.

2017 has passed by and we’ve seen a deluge of design innovations through the year. From modern typography to bright colours to micro-interactions design trends seem to be changing at a lightning…

Thirty-nine million Americans now own a smart speaker device, but the voice app ecosystem is still developing. While Alexa today has over 25,000 skills..
An ex-YouTube insider reveals how its recommendation algorithm promotes divisive clips and conspiracy videos. Did they harm Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency?

I believe that the token sale economy will drive the next startup revolution. Just as sites like TechCrunch, organizations like Y Combinator and the men in..

A growing number of big U.S. credit-card issuers are deciding they don’t want to finance a falling knife.

Dozens of entrepreneurs, made newly wealthy by virtual currencies, have moved to the island to avoid taxes on their fortunes — and to build a society that runs on blockchain.

The documentary outlet styles itself as independent and community-based, but its work airs on a state-supported TV network and most of its employees are from state-backed media.

Update: Lino is launching to be a crypto YouTube with $20 million from China’s most famous seed investor | TechCrunch — techcrunch.com
Update. This piece has been updated to indicate that Zhenfund was not an investor in Steam, due to a misrepresentation of Steam's presale that the company..

Apple continues to dominate the tablet market as sales decline once again | TechCrunch — techcrunch.com
Bitcoin and crypto aren't the only things on the decline, sales of tablet devices once again dropped in 2017, according to new data. Figures from analyst..

In this excerpt from Emily Chang's book Brotopia, women engineers from Google, IBM, and Uber talk about bad behavior in Silicon Valley