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  • Trump zniszczy Dolinę Krzemową? Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Trump zniszczy Dolinę Krzemową? Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Trump vs Dolina Krzemowa,

Tak, już zdążyliśmy się przyzwyczaić, że 45 prezydentem USA został najmniej spodziewany i najbardziej wyśmiewany kandydat. Amerykańskie media liberalne próbują na gwałt znaleźć przyczynę złych sondaży, komicy nie umieją odnaleźć się w nowej sytuacji a zwolennicy Prezydenta Trumpa zacierają ręce - teraz k.... my! 

Dla Doliny Krzemowej to może być dziwna prezydentura - z jednej strony Trump chce żeby Apple wrócił do Ameryki i tam robił swoje gadżety (co skończy się tragicznie dla  . Z drugiej strony w kampanii parę razy wspominał co o zastopowani fali imigrantów. Dla kolebki innowacyjności w której 51% startupów zainicjowali imigranci to informacja szokująca. 

Z trzeciej - gorliwym i głośnym poplecznikiem Trumpa jest Peter Thiel - miliarder, gej i libertarianin współzałożyciel PayPala oraz inwestor w m.in. Facebooka. Mając takiego zausznika Trump naprawdę może szybko nauczyć się rozdawać karty w środowiskach inwestorskich. A jak będzie? Zobaczymy. Jak na razie to co dzieje się w Ameryce jest kalką tego co stało się rok temu w Polsce. Mija właśnie rok rządu Beaty Szydło i możemy obserwować wyniki "dobrej zmiany".


Artur Kurasiński

Wielcy już się boją. Mają czego?

Silicon Valley leaders rejected Donald Trump's candidacy. Now they're struggling to come to terms with what his presidency will mean for their industry.

Najważniejsze różnice między Prezydentem a Doliną.

Silicon Valley was obsessed with the startup bubble, but failed to realize the political bubble it was living in until too late.

Oni tam tak na serio :)

With COO Adam Bain's departure, the company's turnaround just got worse. Now what?

Mała wioska na Bałkanach wygrała Trumpowi Amerykę

BuzzFeed News identified more than 100 pro-Trump websites being run from a single town in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia...

Facebook idealnym narzędziem dla Trumpa?

The company is being accused of abdicating its responsibility to clamp down on fake news stories and counter the echo chamber that defined this election

Koniec z przewodami w VR?

Popular Mechanics is a service magazine covering a variety of information on home improvement, automotive needs, electronics, computers, telecommunications, outdoors, fitness and science and technology.

Facebook i Google jednak wezmą się za fake newsy.

Google plans to ban fake-news websites from using AdSense, its ad-selling software—a sign that technology companies are moving to address a growing controversy about misinformation on the internet.

Dlaczego warto mieć na pokładzie analityka danych.

Does your data have a purpose? If not, you’re spinning your wheels. Here’s how to discover one and then translate it into action.

Jak w przyszłości będą popełniane zbrodnie?

Using thought-reading devices to convict criminals. Preventing crime before it happens. Chemical drugs to be replaced by digital highs. Learn insider secrets about the future of crime.

Nikt nic nie wiedział, nie przewidział i nie rozumie.

Predictive analytics, and election forecasting in particular, remains a young science. Experts say some of the models could be off 15 to 20 percent.

Jak będzie wyglądało życie w roku 2030? Nudnie?

Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city”. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes. It might seem odd…

Robisz albo będziesz robił boty? Przeczytaj.

I recently met with Dmitry Dumik CEO of Chatfuel, İlker Köksal CEO Botanalytics, Arte Merritt founder Dashbot , Alexander Gamanyuk founder at Chatbottle and Peter Buchroithner founder at Swelly. Each…

Wskazówki jak dostać się do Y Combinator

72 lessons to improve your landing page and see how it compares with ones taken from the most renowned startup incubator in the world.

Warto przeczytać te książki o VR / AR!

Jason Jerald’s “The VR Book” is probably one of the most comprehensive sources available to understand the past and the future potential of virtual reality. This book provides and in-depth look at…

Google + VR + YouTube = sukces!

There is a thick fog drifting through the woods, obscuring everything more than few feet in front of my face. I can see a crooked sapling, and then behind me I hear the crunching of dry leaves....

Smart soczewki już za dwa lata w twoim sklepie?

If you want to see the future, look to the patent office. Google recently published the full text of a patent for a contact lens that can monitor blood glucose and dispense insulin automatically, while Samsung patented a contact lens with an integrated camera just a few short weeks ago.

Planowana sprzedaż urządzeń VR w 2016

A new industry report from SuperData Research is now shining some light on the mysterious state of the increasingly competitive VR industry.

Samsung i connected car? A jednak to prawda!

Samsung is increasing its focus on the connected car after the Korean firm announced plans to buy auto product maker Harman in an all cash deal worth $8..

Wynalazki i innowacja - a gdzie drony dowożące pizzę?

If you’d like to order a pizza to be brought to you by drone, you can — barely. An enterprising outfit called Williamsburg Pizza pioneered the service two years ago, and continues to offer the option…

Wartościowa lektura - warto uczyć się błędach innych

A compilation of startup failure post-mortems by founders and investors. No survivorship bias here.

IMAX będie edukował z VR

IMAX said it created a $50 million virtual reality media investment fund designed to spur more compelling VR content.

Chiński e-commerce jest potęgą. Jest się czego bać...

Alibaba's Singles' Day, the world's largest online sales event, racked up $1billion of sales in its first 5 minutes on Friday morning.

Mark się tłumaczy.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg argues that the fake news articles circulating on the social network did not affect the result of the election.

Jak manipulują nami algorytmy - przerażąjace...

See Liberal Facebook and Conservative Facebook, Side by Side

Bardzo dobra lista! Zapisz sobie!

I’m going to list both tech incubators, accelerator and startup school / mentorship programs here as there aren’t really enough incubators worth recommending in Poland to make a good list.

Dla Facebooka jesteś martwy. Czasami.

Over the last half hour or so, reports have started pouring in from Facebook users that the social network has suddenly "memorialized" their pages, strongly..

W czym Trump zagraża technokratom z Doliny?

Donald J. Trump is now the President-elect of the United States after one of the most surreal and unlikely campaign victories in American history. Stock..

Tesla lewarując się kredytami pokazuje zyski.

Tesla is about to increase its lead in semi-autonomous driving w/ ‘Tesla Vision’: computer vision based on NVIDIA’s parallel computing

Buty co wyświetlą dowolną grafikę. Dorzuć się!

Equipped with flexible LED screens and 8 embedded sensors, giving birth to limitless possibilities.

Reklamy w fejsowym Messengerze. Hurra :(

As Messenger continues its steady growth as a communications channel distinct from its social network parent Facebook, the company today is taking the wraps..

Jak w praktyce może wyglądać transport Hyperloopem

In this video we reveal our vision for the future of mobility, how we connect people to the autonomous space and get people door-to-door, faster than ever be...

Dla równowagi w social mediach uratujmy Twittera.

It is election day in the United States, and the tech figure who had one of the biggest impacts on the current cycle is perhaps a non-obvious one: Jeff Bezos.

Doskonały tekst o tym jak projektować produkt.

The minute you introduce a new product, someone is working on a cheaper, easier, or faster alternative for your customers – a fact you simply can't ignore.

Astro Teller mówi - warto posłuchać.

For the past five years the face of Google X has been Astro Teller, the so-called "Captain of Moonshots." For him, X is not a lab that churns out immediately useable technology or marketable products, but a place where innovation is "systemized" — imagine Henry Ford’s assembly line, but for ideas.

Pan nie ma ręki i robi piękne tatuaże!

When JC Sheitan Tenet lost his right arm, he didn’t lose his will to make incredible tattoos. In fact, working without an arm gave his work more meaning. The...

Apple opatentował mapy w postaci AR!

Niantic’s Pokemon Go mobile game is the easiest augmented reality experience that you can try to understand what the whole AR fuss is about. You basically have a digital layer that’s projected on top of your surroundings, as seen through your phone’s camera.

Co Trump zrobi żeby zaszkodzić startupom z Doliny?

Trump has already picked fights with Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook. Could Mark Zuckerberg be next?

Jak brudne sztuczki i boty wygrały Trumpowi internet?

The 2016 presidential election season is, at last, over. Polls and the press were reasonably certain Hillary Clinton would emerge as the country’s first female president. But the winner, to the shock…