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Tyrani kochają technologie - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Niewolnicy bitów i bajtów

W czasach pierwszych lat Internetu wszystko wyglądało tak różowo, idealnie i wspaniale - oto największy wynalazek od czasów rewolucji Gutenberga zaniesie cyfrowy kaganek edukacji pod globalne strzechy.

Dzięki dostępowi do wiedzy ludzie wyjdą ze swoich jaskiń uprzedzeń, staną się mądrzejsi a na świecie zapanuje pokój - lub przynajmniej liberalne demokracja (pamiętacie Fukuyamę i jego naiwną książkę "Koniec historii"?)

Skończyło się na uregulowaniu przez państwa, położeniu łapy na Internecie przez Amerykanów (którzy literalnie trzymają klucze do globalnej sieci) i totalnej komercjalizacji. Hippisi i naukowcy ustąpili miejsca marketerom i właścicielom platform-silosów jak Facebook czy Google.

Obecnie mówi się, że dane to ropa XXI wieku - to prawda tylko w przeciwieństwie do czarnego surowca dane tworzone są przez ludzi więc w teorii nie grozi ich szybkie wyczerpanie. Te firmy, które dane zbierają i analizują maja wiedzę (a za chwilę władzę) prawie absolutną.

Nie chodzi już tylko o case Cambridge Analytica i wpływy na wybory. Możliwości są o wiele większe niż tylko wpływanie na polityczne preferencje. Chodzi o kontrolę całego naszego życia - każdego jego aspektu.

W 2014 roku w Chinach wprowadzono tzw "Social Credit System" - część obywateli jest śledzona, ich zamiary są przewidywane a występki karane. W mieście Xiangyang osoba, która przejdzie na czerwonym świetle zostanie zidentyfikowana, jej zdjęcie i numer identyfikacyjny wyświetlony na wielkim billboardzie z ekranem (W Chinach nie ma RODO). Niektórym obywatelom odmawia się prawa do podróżowania (zakupu biletu na samolot lub pociąg) z uwagi na popełnione "występki".

Nie trzeba chyba pisać, że wyniki tego eksperymentu pilnie śledzą różne inne państwa (niekoniecznie te, które uważamy za niedemokratyczne) bo kontrola totalna - w imię prawa, religii czy " woli suwerena" śni się przecież każdemu politykowi.

Inny przykład - w październiku 2017 roku palestyński pracownik zamieścił na swoim prywatnym profilu na Facebooku swoje zdjęcie (stojąc koło buldożera) z opisem "Dzień dobry!". Algorytm Facebooka popełnił błąd w tłumaczeniu arabskich liter. Zamiast يصبحهم "ysabechhum" (co oznacza “dzień dobry”) platforma Zuckerberga przetłumaczyła jako "Ydbachhum" (“hurt them ich” po angielsku a w hebrajskim "zaatakujcie ich"). Mężczyzna został oczywiście prewencyjnie aresztowany i przesłuchany.

Technologia napędzana danymi będzie rozwijała się coraz prężniej i wchodziła w nasze życie coraz bardziej - już nie tylko sklepowi marketerzy będę o nas wiedzieli prawie wszystko ale ubezpieczyciele, politycy czy lekarze. A tak naprawdę te dane zbierać będzie nie państwa tylko kilku komercyjnych behemotów, którzy wykorzystują naszą naiwność oferując swoje usługi "za darmo".

Demokracja jest przecież taka nudna - trzeba się angażować, dokonywać wyborów, głosować, czytać, kontrolować polityków i mieć swoje zdanie. Kto ma na to czas kiedy Netflix dostarczy nam nowy serial, Facebook pokaże parę zdjęć słitaśnych kotków a nasza bańka informacyjna skutecznie odfiltruje wszystkie treści mogące zmusić nas do myślenia czy zmiany stanowiska.

Tyranie chętnie wykorzystują zdobycze techniki do wpływania, manipulowania i kontroli społeczeństwa - w demokracjach jest to hamowane przez systemy "checks and balances".

Despoci nie mają problemu żeby zmienić prawo z dnia na dzień, wprowadzić represje i tłumaczyć to dobrem i bezpieczeństwem narodu.

W sumie z demokracją jest jak z duszą - kto ją widział i tak naprawdę po co jest nam potrzebna?

Artur Kurasiński

AgileByExample 2018

AgileByExample 2018 to największa konferencja związana z metodami Agile w Polsce i dziesiąta najlepsza taka konferencja na świecie*. Co roku ponad 500 osób spotyka się, by dyskutować o Agile i Lean, przede wszystkim pod kątem „by example”, t.j. o prawdziwych historiach związanych z transformacjami, wprowadzaniem w życie transparentnych wynagrodzeń, zespołami rozproszonymi itp.

W tym roku ABE odbywa się już po raz ósmy i wystąpią na niej takie sławy jak Joshua Kerievsky, promujący ideę „Modern Agile”, Ángel Medinilla, autor wielu książek o zwinnym zarządzaniu i transformacjach Agile, Kevin Goldsmith, były dyrektor w Spotify, a obecnie w AstrumU, oraz Marcin Michalski, startupowiec z Google i jeden z założycieli TEDxWarsaw.

ABE18 odbywa się 22–24 października w Warszawie. Jej unikalnym elementem jest dzień Dojo, czyli warsztaty prowadzone pierwszego dnia – świetna okazja do networkingu oraz rozwinięcia praktycznych umiejetności. Dla tych, którzy wolą bezpośredni dostęp do światowych liderów Agile, ABE18 przygotowuje też prywatne rozmowy („Ask the Expert”) oraz możliwość spotkania się z coachem.

A wszystko to, jak co roku, w kinie, żeby uczestnikom było naprawdę wygodnie i mogli w trakcie pochrupać popcorn!



Zespół tworzący innowacyjną grę planszową (planujący kampanię promującą grę na Kickstarterze i globalną dystrybucję) szuka mniejszościowego inwestora, który zaangażuje się na poziomie 50, 100 lub 200 tys złotych. Więcej szczegółów otrzymasz po wysłaniu maila na adres: [email protected] ⬅️


Jeff Bezos, the Amazon founder, has built the most innovative and feared juggernaut of the 21st century—and every industry is now fair game.


Jakub Krzych CEO Estimote

BitTorrent today launched a new BitTorrent client: uTorrent Web. Not to be confused with uTorrent (stylized as µTorrent), and despite what its name might suggest, you still have to download and install uTorrent Web.

China is poised to block more than 120 foreign cryptocurrency exchanges as part of the government’s broader crackdown on activities related to digital money, according to state media....


Allegro ponownie zmienia rynek e-commerce w Polsce

The United States is currently waging economic warfare against one tenth of the world's countries.

Top Facebook and Twitter executives will face the US Congress, but Google will probably be absent.

CEO Jack Dorsey is under intense pressure in Washington over how Twitter decides which tweets and advertisements are allowed to run on its platform.

In prepared testimony ahead of congressional hearings on Wednesday, Facebook and Twitter displayed a conciliatory approach over issues such as disinformation and manipulation.

By 2040, Norway has promised all of its short-haul flights will be on electric aircraft. It could revolutionise the airline industry.


Basically, On Aug. 7, 2018, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced temporary regulations for the development and management of public information services for instant message tools…

Self-driving car company AutoX is testing its technology by bringing people their food orders.



Toyota and Uber are partnering to bring an on-demand autonomous ride-hailing service to market, a deal that includes a $500 million investment from the Japanese automaker.

Facebook today announced plans to dramatically cut its greenhouse gas emissions and power all of its operations with renewable energy by the end of 2020.



In the second quarter of 2017, just a few months after the iPhone 7’s release, the dreaded headphone dongle became Best Buy’s top-selling Apple accessory.

According to one company exec, Blue Origin plans to land on the Moon by 2023, the first step toward the ultimate goal of Moon colonization.

Fitibit's wristbands have collected 150 billion hours' worth of heart-rate data from people around the world. For the first time, the company offered a look inside that data, to see how lifestyle, location, age, and gender affects our health and longevity.

"China isn't building gigafactories. It is building gigacities."

Traditional consoles won’t go anywhere without big investments in streaming. One company is well-positioned to make it happen.



While several tech giants have found themselves in President Trump’s crosshairs since he took office, he has just unleashed what looks to be his most sustained attack on Google to date — firing off a couple of tweets at ~5.30am Washington DC time to rail against what he claims is algorithmic bias in the results the search engine serves up if someone types in “Trump News”.

TRY lost 50% of its value in the last year and people are moving to cryptocurrencies.

If 2016 was the year virtual reality (VR) finally entered the mainstream, then 2017 is the year major Hollywood studios want to cash in. They’re not just making films about VR — like Steven…

Ryen Aleman was engrossed in the virtual world, focused on the video game in front of him, when he realized the gunshots he was hearing were real. He ducked and bolted for a restroom to take cover.

Shareholders gave £10m emergency cash injection earlier in August as firm faced legacy loan claims

The state is on the verge of passing a rule requiring 100 percent of its electricity to come from carbon-free sources.

Defense Distributed's Wilson: "I’m happy to become iTunes of 3D guns if I can’t be Napster."

NASA officials presented their latest goals yesterday for human space exploration over the next decade, detailing the agency’s plans to build a space station in orbit around the Moon and then send humans to and from the lunar surface.

A group of 14 human-rights organizations have written a letter to Google CEO Sundar Pichai demanding that Google kill plans to create a censored search engine in China. Code-named "Dragonfly," Google's plan to create a search engine compatible with China's stringent laws was revealed in August.

Smarter sets could mean more niche programming and fewer annoying ads, says the TV industry. Privacy advocates worry consumers are being kept in the dark.

A new breed of entrepreneurs is creating huge consumer brands — like MVMT and Tuft & Needle — without venture capital, and laughing all the way to the bank.

Konsumenci sądzą, że od zakupów na portalu AliExpress nie muszą płacić podatku. To błąd.

Microsoft is forcing contractors and suppliers to be human.

Anyone who remembers the “dot-com” boom — and subsequent bust — of the late 1990s might be having flashbacks amid the hype surrounding the terms “cryptocurrency” and “blockchain.”

Generation Z has grown up online – so why are a surprising number suddenly turning their backs on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat?

Amandeep Gill has the task of shepherding 125 UN member states through discussions on the thorny technical and ethical issue of "killer robots."

Imran Chaudhri discusses how we can regain control over our devices–and how Apple can do better.

U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday accused Google's search engine of promoting negative news articles and hiding "fair media" coverage of him, vowing to address the situation without providing evidence or giving details of action he might take.

Apple Inc has acquired a startup focused on making lenses for augmented reality glasses, the company confirmed on Wednesday, a signal Apple has ambitions to make a wearable device that would superimpose digital information on the real world.

Pegging cryptocurrencies to “real” money could stabilize them—or ruin them entirely.

In the next 12 years, 800 million people will lose their jobs to automation. But hairdressers, nurses, and artists are safe–for now.

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase stores its customers' bitcoin offline, using an elaborate process that breaks apart encryption codes and stores them on paper.

Find out how much the demand for fake Instagram followers has spiked, and how marketers can ensure they partner with authentic influencers.

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) is calling on the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate whether Google’s search and digital advertising practices are stifling the marketplace.

https://youtu.be/bBOXQz7OHqQ Gatebox's Boku no Yome (“My Wife”) has been released in mass production for 150,000 yen (US$1,352). The holographic character stands about 8 inches tall and talks to her husband from behind a cylindrical plastic barrier. In addition to the upfront cost for Boku no Yome, husbands must pay a subscription fee of 1,500 yen…

The death of a woman hit by a self-driving car highlights an unfolding technological crisis, as code piled on code creates ‘a universe no one fully understands’

Research scientists at Queen’s University’s Human Media Lab have built a prototype touchscreen device that’s neither smartphone nor tablet but kind of both — and more besides. The device, which they’ve christened the MagicScroll, is inspired by ancient (papyrus/paper/parchment) scrolls so it takes a rolled-up, cylindrical form factor — enabled by a flexible 7.5inch touchscreen housed in the casing.

Nadzieją polskiej nauki miał być grafen, podobnie jak Ammono — spółka

produkująca kryształy z azotku galu, czy Top-Gan — firma, która

wynalazła polski niebieski laser. Wiele mówiło się też o młodej firmie

Saule Technologies i jej perowskitach do zastosowania w fotowoltaice.

Dyskusje o ich rozwoju ucichły.

The thumb drives gathering dust in your desk drawer could help to open one of the world's most closed countries.

Propelled by government funds, smart infrastructure overhauls, leading AI research, and driven entrepreneurs, China’s AI ecosystem is unstoppable.

In July of 2018, RoninAi, a cryptocurrency trading SaaS tool, was well into development of its cutting edge Artificial Intelligence backend that would be the core that launched the trading tool…

Open-source mapping software Mapbox said that the person responsible for an antisemitic label added to its maps on Thursday morning also “attempted several other hateful edits,” and that its security team is still working to determine the exact origin of the vandalism.

One of the biggest allures, and criticisms, of cryptocurrencies is their anonymity. Bitcoin transfers are publicly available, but only linked to an account number and not a person. But bitcoin isn’t…

There are untold riches' worth of valuable metals in space. Consider the near-Earth asteroid 1986 DA, discover 32 years ago. Radar observations indicate that this rock, two kilometers wide, contains…

China’s Ministry of Education issued a notice on Thursday aimed at preventing myopia, or nearsightedness, among children and adolescents by limiting the screen time for mobile devices, PCs, and consoles, according to market researcher Niko Partners.

If the security community could tell you just one thing, it’s that “nothing is unhackable.” Except John McAfee’s cryptocurrency wallet, which was only unhackable until it wasn’t — twice.

The company just introduced a trio of new features designed to make Instagram a generally safer and more authentic place to hang out (third-party 2FA — enable it!) and for the first time the platform now offers users a straightforward way to request verification.

The first paragraphs in this Wall Street Journal story about the Tesla CEO's ego problems are absolutely b🔥o🔥n🔥k🔥e🔥r🔥s. During a tour this spring at Tesla Inc.’s electric-car factory in Fremont, Calif., Elon Musk asked why the assembly line had stopped. Managers said automatic safety sensors halted the line whenever people got in the way. Mr.…

Acclaimed footballer Robert Lewandowski invests in startup hoping to rid world of online harassment.

The web is full of brick-on-brick action.

Przed chwilą Revolut poinformował, że jego delegacja w czwartek po południu spotkała się w Warszawie z przedstawicielami Komisji Nadzoru Finansowego. Z rozesłanego do mediów komunikatu wynika, że spotkanie zorganizowano, by "omówić kierunki rozwoju rynku fintech i zmian regulacyjnych w sektorze płatności w Europie"

Finanse, rynek finansowy, krusy walut - wiadomości w WirtualneMedia.pl

Could we stop worshipping rich men who are jerks?

On Tuesday, Elon Musk, the billionaire founder of Tesla, took to Twitter once again with bizarre comments,...

Here's why the freakishly strong hands of AT&T shouldn't crush the skull of HBO.

On November 12th a video called “Slaughterbots” was uploaded to YouTube. It is the brainchild of Stuart Russell, a professor of artificial intelligence at the University of California, Berkeley, and…

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach isn't certain if, or when, esports might be incorporated into the Olympic Games.


The software revolution has transformed business. What’s next? Processes that constantly improve themselves without need of human intervention.

The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World study is the eighth in the MIT Energy Initiative’s Future of series, which aims to shed light on a range of complex and important issues involving energy and the environment.

Drones use so much power they can only fly in the air for a short period. So the US Army is creating a system to power them in mid-air from lasers on the ground

Apple's first collision involving its self-driving cars was caused by a human who rear-ended an autonomous SUV.

JOSEPH KENNEDY, John F. Kennedy’s father, supposedly said that when he started getting share tips from his shoeshine boy, he knew it was time to sell. That was in the late 1920s.

Online retail giant follows Apple as shares rise on Wall Street with Jeff Bezos-founded company enjoying revenues of $178bn last year

Monero users are complaining they're being profiled, as one service admits it can effectively steal cryptocurrency while it conducts regulatory checks.

This post is a personal one. Rather than sharing insights on Blockchain or Javascript, I’d like to walk through my inner journey the past few years. It’s a journey that’s left me itching for change —…

Venezuela's president Nicolas Maduro announced on Friday a single exchange rate pegged to his socialist government’s petro cryptocurrency, effectively devaluing by 96 percent in a move economists said would fan hyperinflation in the chaotic country.

Computer hacker Marcus Hutchins single-handedly stopped one of the most dangerous cyberattacks ever. Then the FBI arrested him.

Instagram Shopping is a new app in development at Facebook, sources tell The Verge. It’s a major new step into e-commerce. The app — which may be called IG Shopping — will let users browse collections of goods from merchants that they follow and purchase them directly within the app,

Aspiring show attendees calling themselves 'influencers' flood the inboxes of PRs with requests for invites each season.

As a former CEO and software engineer (Citrix, XenSource, VERITAS, etc.), board member of GitHub (recently acquired by Microsoft), and lecturer in management at the Stanford Graduate School of Busines, a16z general partner Peter Levine is constantly asked “Why sales?” by entrepreneurs and technical founders.

Quotas obligating Netflix and Amazon to dedicate at least 30% of their on-demand catalogs to local content in the EU are set to become law.

Automation has given rise to new jobs in robot minding—but the flurry of opportunities may be short lived.

Employees at Google and elsewhere are protesting their bosses’ business decisions. Will that evolve into a more sustained labor movement?

Researchers can now detect AI-generated fake video with a 95% success rate–and it’s all thanks to the eyes.

The beleaguered blood-testing company has become a cautionary tale for blind Silicon Valley exuberance.

Some regulations are necessary, but others could hinder innovation and growth in what is arguably the United States’ greatest industry.

In his new book The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age, Tim Wu argues compellingly for a return to aggressive antitrust enforcement in the style of Teddy Roosevelt, saying that Google, Facebook, Amazon, and other huge tech companies are a threat to democracy.

The vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee talks about the search giant's glaring absence at this week's committee hearings, and the White House's #stopthebias campaign.

Nawet 59 proc. polskich startupów finansuje się wyłącznie z własnych środków. Aż 83 proc. z nich działa w modelu B2B, czyli sprzedaje swoje usługi lub produkty firmom, a nie konsumentom. Najczęściej polski startup ma dwóch założycieli – taki obraz startupu i startupowca maluje się w najnowszym raporcie Startup Poland.

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