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Uciekam stąd - Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter
Drodzy czytelnicy,
Pijcie dużo wody, ładujcie akumulatory, łapcie słońce i odpoczywajcie. W tym roku udało mi się zaplanować 1,5 miesiąca wakacji więc widzimy się tutaj w sierpniu.
Ponieważ temperatury w Polsce będą dochodziły do 40 stopni to uciekam połazić w raz z Maćkiem Budzichem i wesołą ekipą po Islandii a potem wraz z rodziną pozwiedzać Norwegię.
No i czytać, czytać i jeszcze raz czytać papierowe książki ponieważ jak odkryłem całkiem niedawno nic tak mnie nie relaksuje i resetuje mózgu jak skupienie się na lekturze.
Czego i Wam serdecznie życzę.
Do zobaczenia!
Artur Kurasiński

A court has revealed the sorry state of a Chinese bike-sharing startup once worth $2 billion — qz.com
Ofo, which rolled out bike-sharing in more than a dozen countries, is officially unable to repay a company that supplied it with bicycles.

While Poland’s biggest computer-game maker is “very happy” with advance orders for its long-awaited blockbuster, investors are more cautious about what is already among the most expensive entertainment-industry stocks.

Początkujący programiści czytają książkę "Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?" [Uwaga konkurs!] - Recenzje — di.com.pl
„Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?” to pierwszy przewodnik po świecie nowych technologii, a zarazem podręcznik programowania dla dzieci. Publikacja przyjęła formę noweli graficznej. Jej bohaterką jest dziewczynka, która w przyszłości, chce zostać programistką. Jeszcze przed premierą książkę przeczytało kilku szczęśliwców. Poznajmy ich opinie. Uwaga, przygotowaliśmy dla Was konkurs!

"Tego nie da nawet najlepsze MBA". Startuperka opowiada o swoich doświadczeniach — businessinsider.com.pl
Aleksandra Jarośkiewicz bez wahania opowiada o swojej porażce. Choć dla większości osób jej startup mógłby oznaczać spełnienie zawodowych marzeń, ona od razu mówi, że w sieci można posłuchać jej historii, wpisując hasło "Fuckup Nights".
A może moderatora panelu dyskusyjnego? Energetycznego prelegenta w tematach innowacji i startupów? Prowadzącego konferencję z zagranicznymi gośćmi? Bardzo dobrze trafiłe(a)ś! Przeczytaj co mogę Ci zaoferować ZAPRASZAM DO KONTAKTU!
Książka “Róża, a co chcesz wiedzieć?” to komiks edukacyjny o technologiach dla dzieciaków (ale głównie dla dziewczynek ;). Edukacyjny bo oprócz fajnych treści komiksowych są w niej lekcje programowania w języku Scratch.
Razem z Różą, główną bohaterką, Twoje dziecko pozna tajniki internetu, komputera, sztucznej inteligencji i samodzielnie stworzy swoją pierwszą grę komputerową. A to wszystko w komiksowej formie.
Warto uczyć dzieci programowania i pokazywać im cyfrowy świat, by poszerzać ich horyzonty, uczyć bezpiecznego korzystania z sieci!

Marcin Ciszewski w rozmowie ze mną opowiada o swojej najnowszej książkę "Invictus". Książka ukaże się nakładem wydawnictwa WarBook.

NASA described the hackers as an "advanced persistent threat," a term generally used for nation-state hacking groups.

Social-media giant says Libra will be better than Bitcoin. But the company is late to the party and other payment initiatives have stumbled.

The US Air Force has a new weapon called THOR that can take out swarms of drones - The Verge — www.theverge.com
The US Air Force has unveiled a new tool that can be stationed at bases around the world: a high-powered microwave system called Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder (THOR), which is designed to protect bases against swarms of drones.

BrainNet: A Multi-Person Brain-to-Brain Interface for Direct Collaboration Between Brains | Scientific Reports — www.nature.com

Facebook is very knowingly exploiting a very specific gap in regulations and technology made possible by the cryptocurrency industry that will allow their planned “Libra” cryptocurrency to flow into…

Bitcoin has a lingering problem that few people are talking about amid the renewed exuberance of the recent price surge.

Facebook has been trying to “fix” how we send and receive money for years through products like Facebook Credits and “Send Money to Friends in Messenger.” Enter Libra, an upcoming cryptocurrency that…

Microsoft bans Slack and discourages AWS and Google Docs use internally - The Verge — www.theverge.com
Microsoft has a prohibited list of apps and services, and Slack is part of it. The Free and Plus versions of Slack are banned at Microsoft, owing to security concerns. Microsoft Employees also have to get approval for AWS and Google Docs access
European innovation scoreboard
AccelUp - nowy program akceleracyjny dla startupów!

France creates G7 cryptocurrency task force as Facebook's Libra unsettles governments - Reuters — www.reuters.com
France is creating a G7 task force to study how central banks ensure cryptocurrencies like Facebook's Libra are governed by regulations ranging from money-laundering laws to consumer-protection rules, France's central bank governor said on Friday.

SuperData Research | Games data and market research » Worldwide digital games market: May 2019 — www.superdataresearch.com

An update on what we do and how we’re doing in our fight against abuse.
Airbnb likely removed 31,000 homes from Canada’s rental market, study finds - The Globe and Mail — www.theglobeandmail.com
Short-term rental sites are ‘having rather large impacts on our housing markets,’ McGill researchers say in groundbreaking paper

YouTube reportedly under investigation over alleged child protection breaches | GamesIndustry.biz — www.gamesindustry.biz
An FTC investigation into YouTube's treatment of children online is long overdue, says US lawmaker

Slack’s public debut is happening Thursday on the NYSE and the company has set a reference price of $26 per share for its direct listing, according to WSJ, which would value the company at around $15.7 billion. The company’s stock is expected to pop at open, according to the WSJ’s sources. Slack is pursuing a direct […]

Genius says it caught Google red-handed. Then the evidence disappeared. The real story is even more complicated.

These Influencers Aren’t Flesh and Blood, Yet Millions Follow Them - The New York Times — www.nytimes.com
From Calvin Klein to KFC, the rise of the computer-generated influencer on social media.

Mission to Mars: The complete guide to getting to the Red Planet | New Scientist — www.newscientist.com
Humanity's first Mars mission will need a big rocket, lots of free time, reliable team mates and lots of NASA cash. Here's our 5-step plan to get people to the planet and back

Facebook moderators break their NDAs to expose desperate working conditions - The Verge — www.theverge.com
At Facebook’s worst-performing content moderation site, operated by Cognizant in Tampa, FL one contractor has died, others have developed PTSD and fear for their lives.

Apple weighs 15%-30% capacity shift out of China amid trade war - Nikkei Asian Review — asia.nikkei.com
TAIPEI -- Apple has asked its major suppliers to evaluate the cost implications of shifting 15% to 30% of their production capacity from China to Sout

As a three-dimensional, visual medium, augmented reality (AR) is a powerful tool for brands looking to tell richer, more engaging stories about their products to consumers.

A leading U.S. House lawmaker on Tuesday called on Facebook Inc to halt development on its new cryptocurrency and for company executives to testify before Congress, adding to global concerns about what the digital currency could mean for data privacy and security.

As Google grows throughout the Bay Area, we’re making our biggest investment yet to help with the housing crisis.

Spotify advertisers can now target listeners by which podcasts they stream – TechCrunch — techcrunch.com
Spotify is taking the next big step in terms of building out its podcast business: It’s now offering the ability for advertisers to target listeners based on which types of podcasts they’re streaming. The company says brands will be able to reach Spotify Free listeners who stream from specific podcast categories, including Comedy, Lifestyle & […]

Na ulicach Warszawy nie sposób nie spotkać kogoś na hulajnodze. Elektryczne pojazdy podbiły serca mieszkańców stolicy. Lime działa w Warszawie od listopada, a już świętuje milionowy przejazd.

Monzo and Starling: meet the British mobile banks showing the US how it’s done - The Verge — www.theverge.com
British mobile banks Monzo and Starling are transforming UK spending. Monzo has more than 2.2 million customers, and it’s now planning to expand into the US in the coming weeks.

Nuro, the self-driving delivery startup, is teaming up with Domino’s to launch a pilot for driverless pizza delivery in Houston, Texas, the companies announced Monday. Starting later this year, Domino’s will use Nuro’s driverless fleet of custom-built robot cars to deliver pizza to select Houston residents who place orders online.

Onet: codzienne źródło informacji milionów Polaków - wiadomości z kraju i ze świata 24/7, pogoda, sport, biznes, moto, rozrywka. Bądź na bieżąco z Onet!https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-06-16/huawei-braces-for-a-steep-drop-in-overseas-smartphone-sales

That video of a robot getting beaten is fake, but feeling sorry for machines is no joke - The Verge — www.theverge.com
A video circulated over the internet appearing to show a robot getting beaten and shot at. It’s a CGI fake — a parody of the clips put out by engineering company Boston Dynamics. However, it still reveals some uncomfortable truths about our innate empathy for robots.

90 percent of the technology's financial impact has come since just 2010.
Wary of being tracked and targeted like activists inside China, protesters are keeping a low profile online

Facebook Reality Labs is sharing realistic Replica simulations in order to help advance research on AR telepresence and intelligent assistants.

The Trump administration is using new authority to take more aggressive digital action in a warning to Moscow and in a demonstration of its abilities.

Cloud gaming (also commonly referred to as “game streaming”) is generating a lot of noise right now. Google is prepping the launch of its Stadia Service, Microsoft is currently conceiving the xCloud…

LONDON (AP) — Katie Jones sure seemed plugged into Washington's political scene. The 30-something redhead boasted a job at a top think tank and a who's-who network of pundits and experts, from the...

In a controversial move, the Alphabet-owned tech firm played both sides of an online argument in Russia with the aim of testing disinformation-for-hire services.

In a controversial move, the Alphabet-owned tech firm played both sides of an online argument in Russia with the aim of testing disinformation-for-hire services.
The long read: It is sold as a force that can help us cope with the ravages of capitalism, but with its inward focus, mindful meditation may be the enemy of activism

The artificial-intelligence industry runs on the invisible labor of humans working in isolated and often terrible conditions—and the model is spreading to more and more businesses.

Russian misinformation campaign targeted voters in EU's 2019 elections | VentureBeat — venturebeat.com
European Union officials found that "Russian sources" were at the heart of ongoing efforts to sow division, suppress turnout, and influence voters.

The deleted accounts sent millions of messages trying to influence opinions about Iran, says Twitter.

The world is becoming increasingly anxious about the spread of fake videos and pictures, and Adobe — a name synonymous with edited imagery — says it shares those concerns. It’s released new research that uses machine learning to automatically detect when images of faces have been manipulated.

Facebook’s cryptocurrency to debut next week backed by Visa, Mastercard, Uber, and others: WSJ - The Verge — www.theverge.com
Facebook has secured the backing of over a dozen companies for its upcoming cryptocurrency. These companies include financial organizations like Visa and Mastercard, and technology giants like PayPal and Uber.
Najwyższy odsetek korzystania z maszyn notowany jest w dużych (81 proc.) i średnich (77 proc. miastach). W przypadku mniejszych miasteczek, z

Infants under 1 year old should not be exposed to electronic screens, and children between the ages of 2 and 4 should not have more than one daily hour of “sedentary screen time,” the agency said Wednesday.

Suits allege Amazon’s Alexa violates laws by recording children’s voices without consent | The Seattle Times — www.seattletimes.com
A lawsuit filed in Seattle Tuesday alleges Amazon is recording children who use its Alexa devices without their consent, in violation of laws governing recordings in at least eight states,...