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W czym mogę Ci pomóc? Artura Kurasińskiego Newsletter

Za dużo nadal krąży negatywnych emocji. Czas coś z tym zrobić. Zacznę od siebie. Nie za dużo mogę zrobić ale być może uda mi się komuś realnie pomóc.

A więc - chętnie pomogę za darmo (na tyle ile mogę) komuś, kto realnej potrzebuje pomocy (zdobycie uwagi inwestorów, "wybicie" się medialne, dotarcie do konkretnych ludzi ze swoim pomysłem itd).

Może to mieć formę bannera w tym newsletterze, wywiadu na moim blogu, zrobienia biznesowego intro czy wystąpienie na Aula Polska.

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Artur Kurasiński


The CNIL said Google’s data consent policies aren’t easily accessible or transparent

Cases of fraud are common in the multi-billion dollar influencer marketing industry. A “Cambridge Analytica moment” could be next.



PSA: This is a security and privacy nightmare that will get your Facebook account banned.


A może moderatora panelu dyskusyjnego? Energetycznego prelegenta w tematach technologii i innowacji? Prowadzącego konferencję z zagranicznymi gośćmi? Tematy: innowacje, startupy, trendy w technologii i wiele innych. Zapraszam do kontaktu!


Uber is hiring engineers to develop electric scooters and bicycles which can drive themselves around cities in order to reach customers and charging points.

Using historical data to train risk assessment tools could mean that machines are copying the mistakes of the past.



One of YouTube's oldest and biggest gaming networks has gone dark following the company's acquisition by Fullscreen Media.

Microsoft is building the "Netflix for games." Here's everything we know about the ambitious plan to own the streaming future of gaming.

Use of bitcoin as a form of payment doubled in 2018 on darknet market sites, where users can buy anything from illegal drugs to fake IDs, even though the price of the cryptocurrency crashed, according to a study by data firm Chainalysis.

Enough already of the tired old rhetoric that Bitcoin is the first choice of criminals for money laundering. Criminals will use any means available, Fortine, one of the most video game today, has an in-game digital currency called V-Bucks that are apparently being used to launder money.

Criminals are using the hugely popular video game Fortnite to launder money through its in-game currency, The Independent can reveal.

Chinese drone maker DJI might lose $150 million as a result of corruption within the company, it told investors this week.

Farming Simulator 19 developer Giants Software is taking on the likes of Fortnite and Overwatch with a new e-sports competition, the Farming Simulator League, which will pit the best players against each other in a series of tournaments across Europe.

Google is considering pulling its Google News service from Europe as regulators work toward a controversial copyright law.

Julia Krysztofiak-Szopa, prezes zarządu Fundacji Startup Poland była gościem Piotra Zająca we wtorkowym Parkiet TV. Temat rozmowy? Polskie startupy rozwijające technologie blockchain.

Stop Trusting Viral Videos. A controversial video of Catholic students clashing with American Indians appeared to tell a simple truth. A second video called that…

More than half of the country’s major AI players have funding ties that lead back to Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent.

Gdy TDJ ogłasza nową inwestycję, warto nastawić uszu, bo ten polsko-izraelski fundusz jest wyjątkowo ostrożny w inwestowaniu. TDJ Pitango Ventures jest obecny na polskim rynku od maja 2017, gdy startował miał do zainwestowania 50 mln dol. (ok. 210 mln zł).

A Business Insider source claims Facebook's AR glasses "resemble traditional glasses much more closely" than the "bulky" Hololens or Magic Leap.

"In some ways, San Francisco is the canary in the coal mine," Benioff tells CNBC at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Centrum usług biznesowych Ubera w Krakowie zatrudni kolejne 200 osób. Także w stolicy Małopolski będą się odbywały prace nad najnowszymi technologiami transportowymi, które Uber wprowadza w USA oraz testowo w Europie. W praktyce na początek chodzi o rowery i hulajnogi elektryczne. Natomiast Warszawa stanie się hubem Ubera i Uber Eats dla krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej

Wiadomości na temat nowych serwisów internetowych, portali społecznościowych

The world’s largest experiment in using blockchain-based networks to pay for things is about to begin.

Russia has said that it's opening administrative proceedings against Twitter and Facebook for not explaining how they plan to comply with local data laws.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg insists the social networking platform has finally learned its lesson and is determined to earn the world's trust back.

Cameras and video screens may soon replace rear-view mirrors on semi-trucks, eliminating blind spots, enhancing night vision and slicing fuel costs.

Netflix dropped data on how viewers are watching the 'Black Mirror' choose-your-own-adventure movie.

Meet Imma. On her Twitter page, she describes herself as a virtual model and proudly declares, “I want to attract humans to the fashion show.”

Mark Zuckerberg's former mentor, Silicon Valley investor Roger McNamee, writes about Facebook's downfall.

We take a close look at how quantum computing is poised to upend entire industries from telecommunications and cybersecurity to finance and medicine, covering types of quantum computing, the the industry landscape and top applications.

Tesla founder Elon Musk announced today the company will cut 7 percent of full-time employees even as it dramatically increases Model 3 production.

You can use it as a unicorn tool do everything from converting currencies to tracking your physical location, all without ever leaving the confines of Google. Keep reading to discover Google tricks…

As a child, Shoshana Zuboff accompanied her grandfather as he walked through his factory, greeting workers. He was an inventor and had made his fortune creating a mechanism to release drinks from…

Who are mid-tier influencers, and how do they compare to micro- and macro-influencers? Learn why brands are partnering with mid-tier Instagram influencers:

Fortnite, in Netflix’s mind (and in its quarterly report), is the biggest competition in the streaming wars: "We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO." Sorry, Hulu and Amazon, the real streaming war is between Epic Games and whatever comes after Black Mirror: Bandersnatch.

About half of Facebook users say they are not comfortable when they see how the platform categorizes them, and 27% maintain the site’s classifications do not accurately represent them.

Żabka w ramach współpracy z AiFi połączy nowoczesną technologię sensor fusion oraz sztuczną inteligencję, aby umożliwić klientom zupełnie nowe...

Duże firmy omijają GPW szerokim łukiem. Efekt: rok 2018 był najsłabszym okresem pod względem wartości IPO od 2003 roku. W 2018 roku na giełdzie w Warszawie odnotowano 20 ofert pierwotnych, czyli o 7 mniej niż rok wcześniej.

Grocery store chain Stop & Shop announced today that it will begin testing driverless grocery vehicles in Boston starting this spring, combining the hype of autonomous delivery cars, cashier-less stores, and meal kits into one experimental pilot.

Funding round led by IVP brings company valuation to nearly $4 billionhttps://antyweb.pl/asystent-google-w-polsce-oficjalnie/

Huawei would not hand over data to the Chinese government even if Beijing requested it, the CEO and founder of the company, Ren Zhengfei, said Tuesday in a rare talk with foreign media.

Frustrated with the perverse incentives of fast growth, founders are criticizing the investment model that built the tech industry as we know it.

Opinion: It's time to restore the open source, community-led ethos of the original internet—with crypto.

We spoke with Teslasuit co-founder Dimitri Mikhalchuk about AR/VR gaming at CES 2019. With haptic feedback, motion capture, climate control, and biometrics, the future of the Teslasuit and virtual/augmented reality looks promising. It also sounds a bit like a Black Mirror episode.

Chooseco, publisher of the Choose Your Own Adventure series, has filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against Netflix for referencing its books in the interactive Black Mirror episode Bandersnatch.

Afera związana z firmą Huawei i zarzutami szpiegostwa dla dwóch jej pracowników przeciwko Polsce to kolejny odcinek szpiegowskiej sagi chińskiego koncernu. Co jakiś czas w innym kraju, na innym kontynencie wybucha konflikt między władzami, a Huawei z pretensjami o działanie na rzecz rządu Chin. Polska nie wyklucza wycofania firmy z rynku IT.


Following the lead of Sony, Microsoft, Google, and EA, Amazon is reportedly getting into the business of video game streaming.

Sony's PlayStation 4 is the most popular console of this gaming generation, far outselling all competitors.