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  • Witaj Prezydencie! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

Witaj Prezydencie! Newsletter Artura Kurasińskiego

And the winnner is...

Nie, to jeszcze nie Oskary ale gorączka podobna. Amerykanie wybierają nowego Lidera Wolnego Świata. Odchodzący Prezydent Obama ma nagrodę Nobla na swoim koncie i wzbudza wiele kontrowersji w ocenie swojego urzędu. Jego następca (albo następczyni bo kiedy piszę tego wstępniaka nic nie jeste jeszcze przesądzone) nie będzie miał prościej. Jeśli giełdy zareagują paniką to polecą akcje spółek technologicznych a i bez tego takie GoPro czy Fitbit straciło bardzo dużo. Na razie speklulujemy: wygra Trump czy Clinton?

Artur Kurasiński

Elon chce zbudować swoje kolejne fabryki w Europie

Tesla is about to increase its lead in semi-autonomous driving w/ ‘Tesla Vision’: computer vision based on NVIDIA’s parallel computing

HDR w końcu na YouTube!

YouTube is piloting High Dynamic Range (HDR) videos today alongside creators like MysteryGuitarMan, Jacob + Katie Schwarz, and Abandon Visuals.

Inwestorzy narzekają, że polskie startupy są nieprzygotowane, nie umieją sprzedawać i nie mają wizji. Startupy marudzą, że inwestorzy nie rozumieją ich pomysłów i chcą tylko szybkiego zwrotu

Twój kanał na YT można prosto zhakować

You Tubers are getting hacked so many times that its becoming a trend on twitter. Here are all the You Tubers who got hacked and what they did after that.

Jak będą wyglądały wojny w bliskiej przyszłości?

Espen Barth Eide, Co-chair, World Economic Forum Global Future Council on International Security. “10 trends for the future of warfare” is published by World Economic Forum in World Economic Forum

Jak prawe zabić i ożywić swój startup?

It was every startups’ worst nightmare.

Ciężkie życie startupera w Japonii

Japan needs to do more to encourage new businesses

Czy Zuckerberg psuje swoimi algorytmami demokrację?

Facebook is a media company, and it should start acting like it.

Kanclerz Niemiec o wyszukiwarkach i ich wpływie

A lack of transparency about algorithms is endangering debate, German chancellor tells media conference

Jak tworzono założenia technologiczne w Black Mirror

How “Black Mirror” Gets Its Barely Sci-Fi Tech Just Right. The devices and tech featured in “Black Mirror” aren’t designed to scare viewers—they’re designed to feel familiar, says longtime…

Dron hacząco-latający

The Internet of Things is turning into a security nightmare. Following that massive DDoS attack that used an IoT-botnet to interrupt major swaths of the internet a few weeks ago, The New York Times...

Super szybka produkcja "samo" vana

UK firm that can build autonomous vans in four hours aims to shake up the delivery truck industry.

$$$ z Chin na ratunek europejskim startupom?

China has set up a 10 billion euro ($11.15 billion) investment fund to finance projects in Central and Eastern Europe, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (601398.SS) (1398.HK) said in a statement issued on Sunday.

Jak zbudować mega wpływowy prawicowy portal w US

Four Futures: Life After Capitalism by Peter Frase, the latest title in the Jacobin series, is out now. Get a six-book subscription for just $49.95.

Jak menadżerowie mają żyć z AI w firmie?

The quality of “judgment work” is poised to become a source of competitive advantage for the workforce of the future.

W końcu inteligencja przeciwnika w grze będzie jakaś

AIs have more or less mastered chess, Go and a number of other highly cerebral games — how will they do on something like StarCraft II, which combines..

Facebook oskarżony o sprzyjanie faszyzmowi

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg and European policy director Richard Allan are under investigation in Germany over Nazi-themed and racist content on the social network.

Google inwestuje w Snapa

Alphabet has quietly disclosed a Snapchat investment through its rebranded CapitalG venture capital arm, previously known as Google Capital.

Bardzo mało osób o tym wie - ciiii!

Has anyone spanned the Atlantic with floating microwave masts yet? We're not sure...

Ciekawa VR'owa akwizyjca Intela

Intel acquired VOKE, a virtual reality startup focused on capturing live events like sports.

Bul, bul toniemy. Bardzo złe perspektywy :/

After Fitbit shares plunged in trading Thursday, GoPro also reported a 6% decline ahead of its quarterly earnings report.

Facebook próbuje znowu wejść w gry

After losing mobile gaming to iOS and Android, Facebook is making a big push into playing on PC with today's developer launch of its Gameroom Windows desktop..

Kolejna g*burza.

Google is offering new tools for cleaning up one of the dirtiest places on the internet.

Jak wygląda praktyczne zastosowanie HoloLensów

From giving customers a sensor’s vantage point to configuring cars in entirely new ways, Microsoft HoloLens is working to bring Volvo’s cutting edge car feat...

Brawo Rafał Han!

When we last left Polish smart lighting company Silvair they were working on a way to create a Bluetooth mesh network between you, your kettle, your..

Ale Facebook dowiózł. Natomiast zapowiada stagnację.

Facebook had a wildly successful Q3, earning $7.01 billion in revenue and $1.09 EPS. That's off of from 1.79 billion monthly users, up 16% year-over-year, and..

Nie ma już branży w której technologia nie jest ważna!!

Anil Dash has been blogging at anildash.com (formerly dashes.com) since 1999, writing about technology and pop culture.

Jak będzie rozwijał się rynek VR (cukierowo opcja)

The U.S. virtual reality market will grow gradually in the next two years, but then growth will kick in and the industry will hit $38 billion in revenues by 2026, according to a forecast by Greenlight Insights.

Pochwal się na LinkedIn ile zarabiasz

Salary can be a sensitive topic to discuss at work, and it can be hard to find reliable and up to date information on the web.

Uber testuje już chyba wszystko za pomocą AI...

For more than six years, Uber has been known as a mobile app that let you request a ride, and that was a simple enough concept.

Nareszcie czy dopiero? Vimeo jeszcze żyje?

Vimeo Finally Commits to Subscription Video Service. Since 2015 we’ve been hearing from Vimeo that it would, and then wouldn’t be doing a subscription service. But, in true “boy-who-cried-wolf…

Bardzo ryzykowne zachowanie Slacka. MS ich rozjedzie.

Wow. Big news! Congratulations on today’s announcements. We’re genuinely excited to have some competition. “Dear Microsoft,” is published by Slack in Several People Are Typing — The Official Slack Blog

YouTube nie musi zarabiać? Czy nie potrafi?

When YouTube Red launched a year ago, the plan was for the service to grow into a competitor against the likes of Netflix and Hulu. Now, less than a year later, subscriber totals show that YouTube...

Startup SentiOne podpisał umowę inwestycyjną z Venture FIZ zarządzanym przez Trigon TFI S.A., zapewniającą spółce finansowanie na łączną kwotę 14 milionów złotych. Dofinansowanie pozwoli na dalszy rozwój narzędzia monitorującego internet oraz na umacnianie pozycji lidera na rynkach europejskich.

Kapitaliści socjopaci dorwali się do władzy?

Corporate executives haven't always believed that transactions must have winners and losers. But that’s not Donald J. Trump’s view.

Buuu! Nudy! Nie kupujcie nowego CoD :(

Infinite Warfare and the future of combat

Roboty pogonią menadżerów do roboty

Based on a survey of 1,770 managers in 14 countries.

Co z tym blockchainem? Wypali w końcu?

The hype-cycle is coming to an end.

Rynek mobile i appek rośnie jak na drożdżach

The mobile app market is expected to grow 270 percent — from $70 billion in 2015 to $189 billion by 2020 — according to a new report by market researcher App Annie.

Od usera do miliardera

New to San Francisco, Eoghan McCabe spent his 26th birthday alone. Now the Intercom CEO runs one of Silicon Valley's fastest-growing companies, adding $1 million in new revenue every 10 days.

Ciekawe, ciekawe - Google stawia mocno na AR?

If it weren’t for Pokémon Go, augmented reality might have stayed another forlorn futurist technology the public paid little attention to. Instead, the AR mobile game from developer Niantic Labs, a...